SSI help


New member
This has all been VERY VERY helpful, though a bit confusing at the same time.
I'm still not sure about the difference between SSI and SSDI.... SSI is like a part SSDI?

Well I have my appointment tomorrow and I think, from what I'm reading here, that I'm going to ask if there is a way to be covered through college if I decide to go, but then try my hand at working after college (again, if I decide to go) but without losing the availability of SSI if I ever need it again in the future....
A friend of mine who works at the community college here said that from what she knows, if you are on SSI you automatically qualify for the Pell grant, so that's what got me thinking about college for the first time in all this, because college was always just "Not a possibility" for me in my mind.

Thank you all so much, I'll let you know how to goes after my meeting tomorrow. Prayers would be appreciated.


New member
This has all been VERY VERY helpful, though a bit confusing at the same time.
I'm still not sure about the difference between SSI and SSDI.... SSI is like a part SSDI?

Well I have my appointment tomorrow and I think, from what I'm reading here, that I'm going to ask if there is a way to be covered through college if I decide to go, but then try my hand at working after college (again, if I decide to go) but without losing the availability of SSI if I ever need it again in the future....
A friend of mine who works at the community college here said that from what she knows, if you are on SSI you automatically qualify for the Pell grant, so that's what got me thinking about college for the first time in all this, because college was always just "Not a possibility" for me in my mind.

Thank you all so much, I'll let you know how to goes after my meeting tomorrow. Prayers would be appreciated.


New member
This has all been VERY VERY helpful, though a bit confusing at the same time.
I'm still not sure about the difference between SSI and SSDI.... SSI is like a part SSDI?

Well I have my appointment tomorrow and I think, from what I'm reading here, that I'm going to ask if there is a way to be covered through college if I decide to go, but then try my hand at working after college (again, if I decide to go) but without losing the availability of SSI if I ever need it again in the future....
A friend of mine who works at the community college here said that from what she knows, if you are on SSI you automatically qualify for the Pell grant, so that's what got me thinking about college for the first time in all this, because college was always just "Not a possibility" for me in my mind.

Thank you all so much, I'll let you know how to goes after my meeting tomorrow. Prayers would be appreciated.


New member
This has all been VERY VERY helpful, though a bit confusing at the same time.
I'm still not sure about the difference between SSI and SSDI.... SSI is like a part SSDI?

Well I have my appointment tomorrow and I think, from what I'm reading here, that I'm going to ask if there is a way to be covered through college if I decide to go, but then try my hand at working after college (again, if I decide to go) but without losing the availability of SSI if I ever need it again in the future....
A friend of mine who works at the community college here said that from what she knows, if you are on SSI you automatically qualify for the Pell grant, so that's what got me thinking about college for the first time in all this, because college was always just "Not a possibility" for me in my mind.

Thank you all so much, I'll let you know how to goes after my meeting tomorrow. Prayers would be appreciated.


New member
This has all been VERY VERY helpful, though a bit confusing at the same time.
I'm still not sure about the difference between SSI and SSDI.... SSI is like a part SSDI?

Well I have my appointment tomorrow and I think, from what I'm reading here, that I'm going to ask if there is a way to be covered through college if I decide to go, but then try my hand at working after college (again, if I decide to go) but without losing the availability of SSI if I ever need it again in the future....
A friend of mine who works at the community college here said that from what she knows, if you are on SSI you automatically qualify for the Pell grant, so that's what got me thinking about college for the first time in all this, because college was always just "Not a possibility" for me in my mind.

Thank you all so much, I'll let you know how to goes after my meeting tomorrow. Prayers would be appreciated.


New member
The BEST person to talk to about this and who can answer ALL your questions and get you your disability is Beth Sufian. She is a lawyer who specializes in getting SSDI for people with CF. She has CF herself!!!! She is out of Texas and she knows her stuff. She knows how to work the system, what to ask etc. She has NEVER lost a case for a CF'r. I would HIGHLY reccommend calling her and not trying to work the system yourself.

Beth Sufian...just google her and you will get her information.

Jennifer 35 years old with CF and CFRD


New member
The BEST person to talk to about this and who can answer ALL your questions and get you your disability is Beth Sufian. She is a lawyer who specializes in getting SSDI for people with CF. She has CF herself!!!! She is out of Texas and she knows her stuff. She knows how to work the system, what to ask etc. She has NEVER lost a case for a CF'r. I would HIGHLY reccommend calling her and not trying to work the system yourself.

Beth Sufian...just google her and you will get her information.

Jennifer 35 years old with CF and CFRD


New member
The BEST person to talk to about this and who can answer ALL your questions and get you your disability is Beth Sufian. She is a lawyer who specializes in getting SSDI for people with CF. She has CF herself!!!! She is out of Texas and she knows her stuff. She knows how to work the system, what to ask etc. She has NEVER lost a case for a CF'r. I would HIGHLY reccommend calling her and not trying to work the system yourself.

Beth Sufian...just google her and you will get her information.

Jennifer 35 years old with CF and CFRD


New member
The BEST person to talk to about this and who can answer ALL your questions and get you your disability is Beth Sufian. She is a lawyer who specializes in getting SSDI for people with CF. She has CF herself!!!! She is out of Texas and she knows her stuff. She knows how to work the system, what to ask etc. She has NEVER lost a case for a CF'r. I would HIGHLY reccommend calling her and not trying to work the system yourself.

Beth Sufian...just google her and you will get her information.

Jennifer 35 years old with CF and CFRD


New member
The BEST person to talk to about this and who can answer ALL your questions and get you your disability is Beth Sufian. She is a lawyer who specializes in getting SSDI for people with CF. She has CF herself!!!! She is out of Texas and she knows her stuff. She knows how to work the system, what to ask etc. She has NEVER lost a case for a CF'r. I would HIGHLY reccommend calling her and not trying to work the system yourself.

Beth Sufian...just google her and you will get her information.

Jennifer 35 years old with CF and CFRD


New member
Just an FYI - I was on SSI/SSDI throughout college and got denied the Pell grant every year. I have since graduated and am currently up to my ears in student loan debt. Also in reference to what Tara said about the Department of Rehabilitation in CA - it's awesome that she was able to get them to pay for her college education; however, their main priority is getting people with disabilities into the workforce. If a college degree is necessary, they will fund it. But if you tell them you just want to go to school (and have no work goal in mind), they will not pay for your education. Dept. of Rehab helped me get a job once I graduated from college, but they refused to fund even a part of my educational expenses.

My plan was to go on disability so I could go to college because I knew I wouldn't be able to work AND go to school at the same time. I always intended to work after graduation, and that is what I've done. Of course, now I'm down to 20 hours a week and feeling like even that is too much for me. If I decide to quit working, I will be dealing with SSI/SSDI - my personal situation is a big confusing mess (but I suspect anyone dealing with government programs' rules and hoopla would say the same <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">) Anyway, just some things to think about.


New member
Just an FYI - I was on SSI/SSDI throughout college and got denied the Pell grant every year. I have since graduated and am currently up to my ears in student loan debt. Also in reference to what Tara said about the Department of Rehabilitation in CA - it's awesome that she was able to get them to pay for her college education; however, their main priority is getting people with disabilities into the workforce. If a college degree is necessary, they will fund it. But if you tell them you just want to go to school (and have no work goal in mind), they will not pay for your education. Dept. of Rehab helped me get a job once I graduated from college, but they refused to fund even a part of my educational expenses.

My plan was to go on disability so I could go to college because I knew I wouldn't be able to work AND go to school at the same time. I always intended to work after graduation, and that is what I've done. Of course, now I'm down to 20 hours a week and feeling like even that is too much for me. If I decide to quit working, I will be dealing with SSI/SSDI - my personal situation is a big confusing mess (but I suspect anyone dealing with government programs' rules and hoopla would say the same <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">) Anyway, just some things to think about.


New member
Just an FYI - I was on SSI/SSDI throughout college and got denied the Pell grant every year. I have since graduated and am currently up to my ears in student loan debt. Also in reference to what Tara said about the Department of Rehabilitation in CA - it's awesome that she was able to get them to pay for her college education; however, their main priority is getting people with disabilities into the workforce. If a college degree is necessary, they will fund it. But if you tell them you just want to go to school (and have no work goal in mind), they will not pay for your education. Dept. of Rehab helped me get a job once I graduated from college, but they refused to fund even a part of my educational expenses.

My plan was to go on disability so I could go to college because I knew I wouldn't be able to work AND go to school at the same time. I always intended to work after graduation, and that is what I've done. Of course, now I'm down to 20 hours a week and feeling like even that is too much for me. If I decide to quit working, I will be dealing with SSI/SSDI - my personal situation is a big confusing mess (but I suspect anyone dealing with government programs' rules and hoopla would say the same <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">) Anyway, just some things to think about.


New member
Just an FYI - I was on SSI/SSDI throughout college and got denied the Pell grant every year. I have since graduated and am currently up to my ears in student loan debt. Also in reference to what Tara said about the Department of Rehabilitation in CA - it's awesome that she was able to get them to pay for her college education; however, their main priority is getting people with disabilities into the workforce. If a college degree is necessary, they will fund it. But if you tell them you just want to go to school (and have no work goal in mind), they will not pay for your education. Dept. of Rehab helped me get a job once I graduated from college, but they refused to fund even a part of my educational expenses.

My plan was to go on disability so I could go to college because I knew I wouldn't be able to work AND go to school at the same time. I always intended to work after graduation, and that is what I've done. Of course, now I'm down to 20 hours a week and feeling like even that is too much for me. If I decide to quit working, I will be dealing with SSI/SSDI - my personal situation is a big confusing mess (but I suspect anyone dealing with government programs' rules and hoopla would say the same <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">) Anyway, just some things to think about.


New member
Just an FYI - I was on SSI/SSDI throughout college and got denied the Pell grant every year. I have since graduated and am currently up to my ears in student loan debt. Also in reference to what Tara said about the Department of Rehabilitation in CA - it's awesome that she was able to get them to pay for her college education; however, their main priority is getting people with disabilities into the workforce. If a college degree is necessary, they will fund it. But if you tell them you just want to go to school (and have no work goal in mind), they will not pay for your education. Dept. of Rehab helped me get a job once I graduated from college, but they refused to fund even a part of my educational expenses.

My plan was to go on disability so I could go to college because I knew I wouldn't be able to work AND go to school at the same time. I always intended to work after graduation, and that is what I've done. Of course, now I'm down to 20 hours a week and feeling like even that is too much for me. If I decide to quit working, I will be dealing with SSI/SSDI - my personal situation is a big confusing mess (but I suspect anyone dealing with government programs' rules and hoopla would say the same <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">) Anyway, just some things to think about.


New member
Confusing it is, SSDI!!!!!! So yes SSI is part of SSDI, from my understanding here in MA. I have been in the system for a couple of years and I still do not understand it. You have definitely been given some great advice by everyone here in the forum. Fortunately or unfortunately I have never worked with Beth Sufian, but I have only heard the most wonderful things regarding her. Not sure if you will have time to get in touch with her before your appt. tomorrow, but definitely keep her in mind.

The best thing for you to do is go to your appt. tomorrow and ask as many questions as possible. It already sounds like you have some good questions lined up. In addition to some of the questions you already have, find out what the protocol is if you receive SSDI while in college(if you decide to go), then if you are disqualified due to earning too much, once you are in the workforce. When one is first started on SSDI they are given a grace period of like 24 months to work and earn whatever they can. After the grace period is over the SSDI collector is then limited to earning only so much a month.

I would really like to hear how your appt goes tomorrow. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Just try to get as much clear information as possible. Most importantly try not to get too stressed.
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Confusing it is, SSDI!!!!!! So yes SSI is part of SSDI, from my understanding here in MA. I have been in the system for a couple of years and I still do not understand it. You have definitely been given some great advice by everyone here in the forum. Fortunately or unfortunately I have never worked with Beth Sufian, but I have only heard the most wonderful things regarding her. Not sure if you will have time to get in touch with her before your appt. tomorrow, but definitely keep her in mind.

The best thing for you to do is go to your appt. tomorrow and ask as many questions as possible. It already sounds like you have some good questions lined up. In addition to some of the questions you already have, find out what the protocol is if you receive SSDI while in college(if you decide to go), then if you are disqualified due to earning too much, once you are in the workforce. When one is first started on SSDI they are given a grace period of like 24 months to work and earn whatever they can. After the grace period is over the SSDI collector is then limited to earning only so much a month.

I would really like to hear how your appt goes tomorrow. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Just try to get as much clear information as possible. Most importantly try not to get too stressed.
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Confusing it is, SSDI!!!!!! So yes SSI is part of SSDI, from my understanding here in MA. I have been in the system for a couple of years and I still do not understand it. You have definitely been given some great advice by everyone here in the forum. Fortunately or unfortunately I have never worked with Beth Sufian, but I have only heard the most wonderful things regarding her. Not sure if you will have time to get in touch with her before your appt. tomorrow, but definitely keep her in mind.

The best thing for you to do is go to your appt. tomorrow and ask as many questions as possible. It already sounds like you have some good questions lined up. In addition to some of the questions you already have, find out what the protocol is if you receive SSDI while in college(if you decide to go), then if you are disqualified due to earning too much, once you are in the workforce. When one is first started on SSDI they are given a grace period of like 24 months to work and earn whatever they can. After the grace period is over the SSDI collector is then limited to earning only so much a month.

I would really like to hear how your appt goes tomorrow. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Just try to get as much clear information as possible. Most importantly try not to get too stressed.
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Confusing it is, SSDI!!!!!! So yes SSI is part of SSDI, from my understanding here in MA. I have been in the system for a couple of years and I still do not understand it. You have definitely been given some great advice by everyone here in the forum. Fortunately or unfortunately I have never worked with Beth Sufian, but I have only heard the most wonderful things regarding her. Not sure if you will have time to get in touch with her before your appt. tomorrow, but definitely keep her in mind.

The best thing for you to do is go to your appt. tomorrow and ask as many questions as possible. It already sounds like you have some good questions lined up. In addition to some of the questions you already have, find out what the protocol is if you receive SSDI while in college(if you decide to go), then if you are disqualified due to earning too much, once you are in the workforce. When one is first started on SSDI they are given a grace period of like 24 months to work and earn whatever they can. After the grace period is over the SSDI collector is then limited to earning only so much a month.

I would really like to hear how your appt goes tomorrow. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Just try to get as much clear information as possible. Most importantly try not to get too stressed.
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Confusing it is, SSDI!!!!!! So yes SSI is part of SSDI, from my understanding here in MA. I have been in the system for a couple of years and I still do not understand it. You have definitely been given some great advice by everyone here in the forum. Fortunately or unfortunately I have never worked with Beth Sufian, but I have only heard the most wonderful things regarding her. Not sure if you will have time to get in touch with her before your appt. tomorrow, but definitely keep her in mind.

The best thing for you to do is go to your appt. tomorrow and ask as many questions as possible. It already sounds like you have some good questions lined up. In addition to some of the questions you already have, find out what the protocol is if you receive SSDI while in college(if you decide to go), then if you are disqualified due to earning too much, once you are in the workforce. When one is first started on SSDI they are given a grace period of like 24 months to work and earn whatever they can. After the grace period is over the SSDI collector is then limited to earning only so much a month.

I would really like to hear how your appt goes tomorrow. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Just try to get as much clear information as possible. Most importantly try not to get too stressed.
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">