St. V's cf clinic is currently looking for another hospital to join up with, and possibly another Cf center to team with-I've heard NYU is a possibility, but others have been mentioned too. Whatever they decide to do, they will team with a good place. I've discussed it with them at length and they assure us that we'll get great care-its a matter of them pinpointing which hospital they want to attach to.
They even want to bring all the nurses from the admitting Cf floor to the new location.
St. V's Clinic is indeed about the staff, not about the hospital. The hospital never was great-its always been a charity hospital. Its the only Catholic hospital in nyc that never turned anyone away, whether they could pay or not.
Thats the reason they went out of business, and its also the reason the hospital facility was so poor. (its a little sad that the gov will bail out rich companies, but not hospitals run on voluntary funds)
The part of your question I'm not sure is'"Almost all of my doctors feel I should move on..." Which docs are saying that...The Cf docs at St. V's...Or others. Based on the hospital, or on the docs...bc the hospital is a non issue now-its gone. The Cf center is still alive, its just relocating.
Well, Only you can make that decision. Personally, I'm going to ride this out with them. Dr. W is my doctor for life-I can't imagine anyone else for me. We'll see what happens.
But thats me, if you have any doubts or pullings toward another center, then you should address it.
I don't have to be admitted too often-but if I did, Yes I could see that I'd want to be aligned with a stable hospital asap. So each has to make that decision for themself.
Best wishes!