Standing Out


New member
I actually enjoy being different. Although, my differences are not due to my CF (other than taking enzymes). Instead of thinking of yourself as different, think of yourself as unique.
<br>What's amusing to me is that my friends start to adopt some of my less than usual characteristics. Phrases I use, ways I do things (like marking my soda bottle with medical tape, so we don't get them confused). Imitation is the highest form of flattery. I'll bet if you exude confidence people will try and emulate you, rather than seeing you as "different."<br><br>ETA: Do not let your CF define you. I find that many people with illnesses let that happen. If you are in that mindset, people will label you and you will always be the "kid with CF."<br>


New member
I actually enjoy being different. Although, my differences are not due to my CF (other than taking enzymes). Instead of thinking of yourself as different, think of yourself as unique.
<br>What's amusing to me is that my friends start to adopt some of my less than usual characteristics. Phrases I use, ways I do things (like marking my soda bottle with medical tape, so we don't get them confused). Imitation is the highest form of flattery. I'll bet if you exude confidence people will try and emulate you, rather than seeing you as "different."<br><br>ETA: Do not let your CF define you. I find that many people with illnesses let that happen. If you are in that mindset, people will label you and you will always be the "kid with CF."<br>


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>lexygirl97</b></i> And I get called "shorty" alot and people ALWAYS say "You are so tiny" and whenever I meet someone new, they think I am 11 when I am 13 yrs old!!.....I'm also in chorus so whenever we have a concert, I am put on the botton row cause I'm so really sucks. I just wish people knew how it felt to have cf. P.S.- I also found out that my biological father left me when I was really little cause he didnt think I would live past the age of two....I did, and I haven't seen him since he left...*sad*</end quote>

Honey, try being 20 and have people continuously think you're 12. I recently got "married", I say that because we couldnt get married legally due to medicaid, and even one of my husbands family members didnt believe I was 20, and I'm older than my husband! Lol. But just think, when you're older and your friends are wishing they looked younger, and you still do, make em jealous!
Also, I hate the short thing as well. My brother-in-law always makes comments on my height, and to be honest, sometimes I want to punch him for it LOL. But you have to get used to being short. And remember, you're 13, you still have time to grow <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
As for your father, I'm sorry he left because he thought you were going to die so young. But remember, you didnt die young, you're still here with all of us, and I bet you have a loving mother and family members who will ALWAYS be by your side, even when things get rough.
And don't worry about people at school, they treat you different because they dont understand that having CF is nothing contagious. They think just because you have a lung disease, that it means youre different. Show them that you're you. You can do almost everything they can do, and I bet, some of the things you can do better!
Keep your head up, and dont worry about boys! I had the same problem when I was your age. For the longest time I wasnt sure I was going to be in an actual relationship at all, until I met my husband. He's been there for me every step of the way, trying to learn as much as he can about CF and he takes care of me. You're still young! You have time! just stay patient and live life!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>lexygirl97</b></i> And I get called "shorty" alot and people ALWAYS say "You are so tiny" and whenever I meet someone new, they think I am 11 when I am 13 yrs old!!.....I'm also in chorus so whenever we have a concert, I am put on the botton row cause I'm so really sucks. I just wish people knew how it felt to have cf. P.S.- I also found out that my biological father left me when I was really little cause he didnt think I would live past the age of two....I did, and I haven't seen him since he left...*sad*</end quote>

Honey, try being 20 and have people continuously think you're 12. I recently got "married", I say that because we couldnt get married legally due to medicaid, and even one of my husbands family members didnt believe I was 20, and I'm older than my husband! Lol. But just think, when you're older and your friends are wishing they looked younger, and you still do, make em jealous!
Also, I hate the short thing as well. My brother-in-law always makes comments on my height, and to be honest, sometimes I want to punch him for it LOL. But you have to get used to being short. And remember, you're 13, you still have time to grow <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
As for your father, I'm sorry he left because he thought you were going to die so young. But remember, you didnt die young, you're still here with all of us, and I bet you have a loving mother and family members who will ALWAYS be by your side, even when things get rough.
And don't worry about people at school, they treat you different because they dont understand that having CF is nothing contagious. They think just because you have a lung disease, that it means youre different. Show them that you're you. You can do almost everything they can do, and I bet, some of the things you can do better!
Keep your head up, and dont worry about boys! I had the same problem when I was your age. For the longest time I wasnt sure I was going to be in an actual relationship at all, until I met my husband. He's been there for me every step of the way, trying to learn as much as he can about CF and he takes care of me. You're still young! You have time! just stay patient and live life!
lexygirl when i read your posts they made me cry, i felt like i stood out before cf now i dont tell anyone bc i finally feel excepted but the people that really matter know.
lexygirl when i read your posts they made me cry, i felt like i stood out before cf now i dont tell anyone bc i finally feel excepted but the people that really matter know.


New member
I am 17 years old. I love having CF. I know that, that sounds weird but having CF has made me who I am and I would never change that. lexygirl97 don;t worry about having a boyfriend, you don't need one I promise. I have had 2 boyfriends since freshman year and I am now graduating as a junior. They both know that I cough and that I'm sick. One of them couldn't smell which threw off his taste, so when I had a infection and my mouth would taste funny from the mucus he could never tell. The other one got mono and I had an infection and he told me that kissing me made him want to throw up so I kissed him and laughed at him. Cystic Fibrosis shouldn't be a burden it should be a blessing. I think of it as God gave me this so that I could make a difference in someones life and I have. The topic on here was I'm different and I know it don't think of it that way! I look at it as I'm sexy and I know it! Be happy about what you have, be happy that you are still living. Always think that your different is sexy lol. Its hard but its a part of growing up and understanding and being happy and comfortable with who you are. Look at the bright side... When your 17 or 18 and all your friends are complaining about how they wish they were smaller and about how they could get this guy or this guy if they could fit in these jeans remember that you can. You look the exact way they want to so you have something against them. Another thing for lexygirl- ***** YOUR REAL DAD!!!!!! He does not deserve to be around you anyway. I know my dad didn't leave me, but I live in the country and we hunt ALOT. So when my older cousin was born his dad and our grandpa went in and bought him a life time hunting license. I was diagnosed with CF at 7 months old and the doctors told my parents that I had the worst set of lungs they had ever seen. So my family thought I was going to die. They decided not to get me a hunting license and know I like to rub it in their face that my cousin does not hunt and I do. I lived and now they have to pay every year for a hunting license that they could have bought when I was a baby. So throw it in his face that he was stupid and that you lived. Even if you don't ever see him you know that he was wrong.


New member
I am 17 years old. I love having CF. I know that, that sounds weird but having CF has made me who I am and I would never change that. lexygirl97 don;t worry about having a boyfriend, you don't need one I promise. I have had 2 boyfriends since freshman year and I am now graduating as a junior. They both know that I cough and that I'm sick. One of them couldn't smell which threw off his taste, so when I had a infection and my mouth would taste funny from the mucus he could never tell. The other one got mono and I had an infection and he told me that kissing me made him want to throw up so I kissed him and laughed at him. Cystic Fibrosis shouldn't be a burden it should be a blessing. I think of it as God gave me this so that I could make a difference in someones life and I have. The topic on here was I'm different and I know it don't think of it that way! I look at it as I'm sexy and I know it! Be happy about what you have, be happy that you are still living. Always think that your different is sexy lol. Its hard but its a part of growing up and understanding and being happy and comfortable with who you are. Look at the bright side... When your 17 or 18 and all your friends are complaining about how they wish they were smaller and about how they could get this guy or this guy if they could fit in these jeans remember that you can. You look the exact way they want to so you have something against them. Another thing for lexygirl- ***** YOUR REAL DAD!!!!!! He does not deserve to be around you anyway. I know my dad didn't leave me, but I live in the country and we hunt ALOT. So when my older cousin was born his dad and our grandpa went in and bought him a life time hunting license. I was diagnosed with CF at 7 months old and the doctors told my parents that I had the worst set of lungs they had ever seen. So my family thought I was going to die. They decided not to get me a hunting license and know I like to rub it in their face that my cousin does not hunt and I do. I lived and now they have to pay every year for a hunting license that they could have bought when I was a baby. So throw it in his face that he was stupid and that you lived. Even if you don't ever see him you know that he was wrong.


New member
Oh yea, now the doctors tell me that I have some of the healthiest lungs they have ever seen. I go to UNC and I don't know how my lungs changed that much. But CF and life are a blessing and never forget that.


New member
Oh yea, now the doctors tell me that I have some of the healthiest lungs they have ever seen. I go to UNC and I don't know how my lungs changed that much. But CF and life are a blessing and never forget that.


New member
Standing Out?

Hello! I'm Stephanie. I'm fifteen and in high school (I've been diagnosed at one month). Since I'm in high school, I def now it's hard to come to terms with who you are. And it's even harder with CF in the way of things. Trust me, I've hada few bullyings due to girls making fun of me with my CF ; saying that I complain a lot and I think that everything revolves around me. Of course, both of those are false statements. I don't do either.
But I always thought of CF as an extra. It makes us all special. It's another chapter (or book) in our life. We have great testimony to share about our CF, each of us! No body truely knows what we go through. And it's hard. Don't think of CF making you stand out, because that means it's a part of you. Which it's def not! CF does NOT own you or IS you. You are NOT CF.
Whatever happens, I wish you good luck in life! And<em></em>I hope if I said anything, that it helped. :)


New member
Standing Out?

Hello! I'm Stephanie. I'm fifteen and in high school (I've been diagnosed at one month). Since I'm in high school, I def now it's hard to come to terms with who you are. And it's even harder with CF in the way of things. Trust me, I've hada few bullyings due to girls making fun of me with my CF ; saying that I complain a lot and I think that everything revolves around me. Of course, both of those are false statements. I don't do either.
But I always thought of CF as an extra. It makes us all special. It's another chapter (or book) in our life. We have great testimony to share about our CF, each of us! No body truely knows what we go through. And it's hard. Don't think of CF making you stand out, because that means it's a part of you. Which it's def not! CF does NOT own you or IS you. You are NOT CF.
Whatever happens, I wish you good luck in life! And<em></em>I hope if I said anything, that it helped. :)


New member
hello! im clystal but some ppl call me click nd having cf has its ups nd downs like one of my friends came to my house nd seen me doin my vest nd said " hey, click can i do that."
i let him nd now every time he comes over we take turns doin my vest nd i would luv to have fb friends tht have cf my name is clystal ramirez. just let me know you hav cf


New member
hello! im clystal but some ppl call me click nd having cf has its ups nd downs like one of my friends came to my house nd seen me doin my vest nd said " hey, click can i do that."
i let him nd now every time he comes over we take turns doin my vest nd i would luv to have fb friends tht have cf my name is clystal ramirez. just let me know you hav cf


New member
hello! im clystal but some ppl call me click nd having cf has its ups nd downs like one of my friends came to my house nd seen me doin my vest nd said " hey, click can i do that."
i let him nd now every time he comes over we take turns doin my vest nd i would luv to have fb friends tht have cf my name is clystal ramirez. just let me know you hav cf


New member
hello! im clystal but some ppl call me click nd having cf has its ups nd downs like one of my friends came to my house nd seen me doin my vest nd said " hey, click can i do that."
i let him nd now every time he comes over we take turns doin my vest nd i would luv to have fb friends tht have cf my name is clystal ramirez. just let me know you hav cf


New member
@ lexygirl
Honey i'm twenty-two. 22. I look like an 11 year-old. Guys won't approach me either because i'm intimidating (I grew up in a bad neighborhood and i'm tiny and cute, you adopt defensive tatics quickly) or because the first thing that crosses thier mind is stat. rape. I know, i've asked. So I know what you're going through. As for the coughing and no one kissing you because you're germy. That happens, but i've had a slew of boyfriends that that didn't matter to one bit. That guy isn't worth your time if he won't buck up and figure it out.


I've learned to embrace being different or unique. It takes a lot of work to be comfortable with yourself, but it's definitely worth it once you get there. I have a group of friends I call my sisters because we are all so close. In elementary school I had to wear a mask half the time because I was constantly getting germs from the other kids. Talk about standing out :/ But I overcame it sometime in late high school/college. I'm 25 now and my friends have called me the "life of the party" because I'm usually the one scheming a plan to prank someone. I had a horrible time dating in high school as well. One guy I really liked wouldn't go out with me because he thought he could catch something. It upset me a lot, but now I look back on it as him being stupid. Hang in there, life gets better. Sure, we have a lot we deal with, but we have to make the most of it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Love and Hugs, Caitlin