Staph, Staph, Staph



<P>Hi.  So we got my daughter's culture results back.  Staph 3+, HFLU 3+.  I still think her sinuses are to blame, but two cultures of this in a row and it looks like it is here to stay.  I am sorry if I have asked this question before, but with one year of diagnosis for her (4.5 now) my brain is still in a bit of a fog, although clearing more every day<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"></P>
<P> </P>
<P>Her pfts were fev1 = 120, 25-75% = 102, and she never coughs, so things clinically look good, but we have these damn cultures now.  </P>
<P> </P>
<P>The ultimate question I have is, WILL STAPH DECLINE HER LUNG FUNCTION?  I know they don't treat here in the U.S. usually, but there are differing opinions Europe.</P>


<P>Hi. So we got my daughter's culture results back. Staph 3+, HFLU 3+. I still think her sinuses are to blame, but two cultures of this in a row and it looks like it is here to stay. I am sorry if I have asked this question before, but with one year of diagnosis for her (4.5 now) my brain is still in a bit of a fog, although clearing more every day<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"></P>
<P>Her pfts were fev1 = 120, 25-75% = 102, and she never coughs, so things clinically look good, but we have these damn cultures now. </P>
<P>The ultimate question I have is, WILL STAPH DECLINE HER LUNG FUNCTION? I know they don'ttreat here in the U.S. usually, but there are differing opinions Europe.</P>


<P><BR>Hi. So we got my daughter's culture results back. Staph 3+, HFLU 3+. I still think her sinuses are to blame, but two cultures of this in a row and it looks like it is here to stay. I am sorry if I have asked this question before, but with one year of diagnosis for her (4.5 now) my brain is still in a bit of a fog, although clearing more every day<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"></P>
<P>Her pfts were fev1 = 120, 25-75% = 102, and she never coughs, so things clinically look good, but we have these damn cultures now. </P>
<P>The ultimate question I have is, WILL STAPH DECLINE HER LUNG FUNCTION? I know they don'ttreat here in the U.S. usually, but there are differing opinions Europe.</P>


Staff member
<br>Can't help with the staff question; however, when DS cultured H. Flu he had really stuffy, nasty sinus stuff.  As a baby he'd usually get put on augmentin which would help with the infection, but he'd still be stuffed up.   When he was put of azithromycin his doctor indicated it should take care of it, which it did.  We also started doing sinus rinses at age 4 when he was really stuffed up with a head cold and do it at first sign of one.


Staff member
<br>Can't help with the staff question; however, when DS cultured H. Flu he had really stuffy, nasty sinus stuff. As ababy he'd usually get put on augmentin which would help with the infection, but he'd still be stuffed up. When he was put of azithromycin his doctor indicated it should take care of it, which it did. We also started doing sinus rinses at age 4 when he was really stuffed up with a head cold and do it at first sign of one.


Staff member
<p><br>Can't help with the staff question; however, when DS cultured H. Flu he had really stuffy, nasty sinus stuff. As ababy he'd usually get put on augmentin which would help with the infection, but he'd still be stuffed up. <p><p>When he was put of azithromycin his doctor indicated it should take care of it, which it did. We also started doing sinus rinses at age 4 when he was really stuffed up with a head cold and do it at first sign of one.


Thanks Liza. I have her doing sinus rinses anytime I hear her snoring. We haven't had a cold (thank goodness it is summer) in a few months, but i am glad she is ok with the neti pot now for when school starts back up. Dod the hflu just go away on it's own then? Or, is he still on azithromycin?


Thanks Liza. I have her doing sinus rinses anytime I hear her snoring. We haven't had a cold (thank goodness it is summer) in a few months, but i am glad she is ok with the neti pot now for when school starts back up. Dod the hflu just go away on it's own then? Or, is he still on azithromycin?


Thanks Liza. I have her doing sinus rinses anytime I hear her snoring. We haven't had a cold (thank goodness it is summer) in a few months, but i am glad she is ok with the neti pot now for when school starts back up. Dod the hflu just go away on it's own then? Or, is he still on azithromycin?
<br />


My daughter has cultured staph since about 6 months of age. Her lung function is still good. But there really is no clear answer. Some kids have more problems with staph and just because it isn't a problem now doesn't mean it won't be a problem.


My daughter has cultured staph since about 6 months of age. Her lung function is still good. But there really is no clear answer. Some kids have more problems with staph and just because it isn't a problem now doesn't mean it won't be a problem.


My daughter has cultured staph since about 6 months of age. Her lung function is still good. But there really is no clear answer. Some kids have more problems with staph and just because it isn't a problem now doesn't mean it won't be a problem.


Super Moderator
I've had staph for years and have the same mutations as your daughter. I'm 26, and my lung function usually sits around 55% or so but will get up to 60% with a round of IVs but usually drops back to the mid 50s pretty quickly. There are definitely times when staph flares up but i seem to have more trouble from my several different strains of pseudo than the's kind of my 3rd bacteria i have that just lurks around and doesn't usually cause major issues but little ones here and there....not saying you're daughters experience will be the same but just wanted to throw mine out there <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Super Moderator
I've had staph for years and have the same mutations as your daughter. I'm 26, and my lung function usually sits around 55% or so but will get up to 60% with a round of IVs but usually drops back to the mid 50s pretty quickly. There are definitely times when staph flares up but i seem to have more trouble from my several different strains of pseudo than the's kind of my 3rd bacteria i have that just lurks around and doesn't usually cause major issues but little ones here and there....not saying you're daughters experience will be the same but just wanted to throw mine out there <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Super Moderator
I've had staph for years and have the same mutations as your daughter. I'm 26, and my lung function usually sits around 55% or so but will get up to 60% with a round of IVs but usually drops back to the mid 50s pretty quickly. There are definitely times when staph flares up but i seem to have more trouble from my several different strains of pseudo than the's kind of my 3rd bacteria i have that just lurks around and doesn't usually cause major issues but little ones here and there....not saying you're daughters experience will be the same but just wanted to throw mine out there <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Thanks everyone. Not exactly what I hoped to hear, but good knowledge anyway. I appreciate your feedback, once again.



Thanks everyone. Not exactly what I hoped to hear, but good knowledge anyway. I appreciate your feedback, once again.
