Staph, Staph, Staph


New member
When Emily is healthy her staph just kind of hangs out and behaves itself for the most part. She's cultured it since her dx. When she's sick, though, she's really sick, and generally for a long time. I can pinpoint a couple major illnesses with secondary infections attributed to her staph that have resulted in permanent changes to her baseline symptoms. So yeah- it has indirectly caused some damage, but how much is hard to quantify, since the inflammation factor is also huge for her and has caused changes in her baseline as well.

Emily's healthy pft's are also very good. Not as good as your daughter's- those numbers are fantastic!!!! but very good. They decline quite a lot when sick and addressing both infection and inflammation is needed to get those numbers back up.

Oh, and we only treat hers when she is sick. I generally agree with this premise. The oral meds are systemic and affect other body systems, like the gi tract, and I don't like the idea of constantly hitting them with powerful abx when not necessarily needed. Her staph is also now resistant to most oral abx and I'd rather save the ones we have left for when they are really needed.


New member
When Emily is healthy her staph just kind of hangs out and behaves itself for the most part. She's cultured it since her dx. When she's sick, though, she's really sick, and generally for a long time. I can pinpoint a couple major illnesses with secondary infections attributed to her staph that have resulted in permanent changes to her baseline symptoms. So yeah- it has indirectly caused some damage, but how much is hard to quantify, since the inflammation factor is also huge for her and has caused changes in her baseline as well.
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<br />Emily's healthy pft's are also very good. Not as good as your daughter's- those numbers are fantastic!!!! but very good. They decline quite a lot when sick and addressing both infection and inflammation is needed to get those numbers back up.
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<br />Oh, and we only treat hers when she is sick. I generally agree with this premise. The oral meds are systemic and affect other body systems, like the gi tract, and I don't like the idea of constantly hitting them with powerful abx when not necessarily needed. Her staph is also now resistant to most oral abx and I'd rather save the ones we have left for when they are really needed.


Thanks Harriett. That was super informative. We have a consult with Stanford in October. I heard they like to treat Staph for Staph's sake, but much of what you have brought up give me much to discuss with them. I am glad Emily is doing ok despite the culture. You are obviously a good, proactive mom.

Have a great night,


Thanks Harriett. That was super informative. We have a consult with Stanford in October. I heard they like to treat Staph for Staph's sake, but much of what you have brought up give me much to discuss with them. I am glad Emily is doing ok despite the culture. You are obviously a good, proactive mom.

Have a great night,


Thanks Harriett. That was super informative. We have a consult with Stanford in October. I heard they like to treat Staph for Staph's sake, but much of what you have brought up give me much to discuss with them. I am glad Emily is doing ok despite the culture. You are obviously a good, proactive mom.
<br />
<br />Have a great night,
<br />Edan.


Thanks Harriett. That was super informative. We have a consult with Stanford in October. I heard they like to treat Staph for Staph's sake, but much of what you have brought up give me much to discuss with them. I am glad Emily is doing ok despite the culture. You are obviously a good, proactive mom.

Have a great night,


Thanks Harriett. That was super informative. We have a consult with Stanford in October. I heard they like to treat Staph for Staph's sake, but much of what you have brought up give me much to discuss with them. I am glad Emily is doing ok despite the culture. You are obviously a good, proactive mom.

Have a great night,


Thanks Harriett. That was super informative. We have a consult with Stanford in October. I heard they like to treat Staph for Staph's sake, but much of what you have brought up give me much to discuss with them. I am glad Emily is doing ok despite the culture. You are obviously a good, proactive mom.
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<br />Have a great night,
<br />Edan.
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Both of my daughters culture MRSA. Kayla was culturing it when she was dx at 14 months old, and at 13 years old, her FEV1 is in the 90s. (Despite also culturing 2 strands of MRSA, AND Burkholderia Multivorans and on/off PA and on/off MAC and having ABPA!!)

Hannah started culturing MRSA at 2 months of age and has only cultured PA two times (about three years ago) and her FEV1 is in the 90s at almost 12 years old.


Both of my daughters culture MRSA. Kayla was culturing it when she was dx at 14 months old, and at 13 years old, her FEV1 is in the 90s. (Despite also culturing 2 strands of MRSA, AND Burkholderia Multivorans and on/off PA and on/off MAC and having ABPA!!)

Hannah started culturing MRSA at 2 months of age and has only cultured PA two times (about three years ago) and her FEV1 is in the 90s at almost 12 years old.


Both of my daughters culture MRSA. Kayla was culturing it when she was dx at 14 months old, and at 13 years old, her FEV1 is in the 90s. (Despite also culturing 2 strands of MRSA, AND Burkholderia Multivorans and on/off PA and on/off MAC and having ABPA!!)
<br />
<br />Hannah started culturing MRSA at 2 months of age and has only cultured PA two times (about three years ago) and her FEV1 is in the 90s at almost 12 years old.


New member
any bug could be pontentially harmful. Staph is generallyconsidered easier to treat b/cof all the orals that are available (unlike pseudo). Of course there is no clearcut answer whan to treat, some doctors are just more agressive than others.


New member
any bug could be pontentially harmful. Staph is generallyconsidered easier to treat b/cof all the orals that are available (unlike pseudo). Of course there is no clearcut answer whan to treat, some doctors are just more agressive than others.


New member
any bug could be pontentially harmful. Staph is generallyconsidered easier to treat b/cof all the orals that are available (unlike pseudo). Of course there is no clearcut answer whan to treat, some doctors are just more agressive than others.