My husband and I are in the midst of planning our first Great Strides event. We live in a small (@25,000 people), isolated city. The nearest GS event to us was over 2 hours away. We decided we wanted to do something locally. CFF has been very supportive with what we have needed so far, even though the nearest chapter is also over two hours away (thank goodness for email!). We are taking everything one step at a time. We started out by sending out a mass email to anyone and everyone we could think of. My husband designs websites as a hobby so the email had links to CFF for people to donate/form teams etc. We contacted the local radio station and they are having him come in once a week from now until the event (Dec. 1) to talk about GS and CF on the air. Our local newspaper did a front page article on our daughters and the event. So far in the two weeks since we sent out the email we have raised over $3,000 and the event is still a month away! We figure the first year will be the hardest and then it will get easier to organize each year.
You can go to our website to get ideas www.ericfrisbee.com/walk
Or email me: mail@frisbeez.com
Hope that helps!
You can go to our website to get ideas www.ericfrisbee.com/walk
Or email me: mail@frisbeez.com
Hope that helps!