Starting Playgroup


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<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">
My daughter is 2 1/2 years old and she will be starting Playgroup this September. I'm a little bit anxious about this, but I'm sure she'll be fine. They have a snack at around 10.30 am, so she will therefore have to take Creon. Can I ask parents how you managed this, did you let the staff give your child their enzymes or did you go in and give them to your child?



New member
Reece is also starting preschool this fall. I am going to see how it goes w/ them giving him the creon. I really dont see a problem with it but we will see. Reece can undo the capsule and sprinkle it on applesauce himself...the teachers will just have to get out the applesauce for him from the fridge. Plus just keep an eye on him as he does this. HTH


New member
Our daughter started pre-school shortly after she turned two last fall. We just explained everything to her pre-school teacher and the pre-school administrator and everything worked out just fine. They did everything. Luckily our daughter has always been good about taking the enzymes.

mother of 5yr wo/CF and 2 1/2 yr w/CF


Staff member
DS's been at daycare/preschool since he was a few months old. I printed off info on toddler and infant nutrition for the staff from the CFF site, which tells how to give a small child enzymes, types of foods that don't require enzymes.

When he first started, I just emptied out capsules (amount for one meal or one snack) into a SMTWTFS pill container. So all they'd have to do is dump the contents of one "day" onto a spoonful of applesauce. I used blue or green containers for meals and a hot pink one for snacks.

When it's mealtime/snack time, someone runs to the cupboard and gets his enzymes gives them to him. I always stressed to the new workers that they needed to make sure he got his enzymes or they'd have a nasty diaper problem. It was never a problem. And now that he's older he knows he needs enzymes and is pretty good about taking the capsules, although he does try to munch on them from time to time.


New member
Maggie starts nursery school in the fall. She is able to swallow her capsules whole, so I plan on just sending her with her enzymes and instructing the teachers on how many to give. i printed out some info on the CFF website as well. I aslo told them to wash Maggie's hnds before she eats and will let them know what type of foods she doesn't need enzymes for.



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Maggie starts nursery school in the fall. She is able to swallow her capsules whole, so I plan on just sending her with her enzymes and instructing the teachers on how many to give. i printed out some info on the CFF website as well. I aslo told them to wash Maggie's hnds before she eats and will let them know what type of foods she doesn't need enzymes for.

Rebecca</end quote></div>

Hi Rebecca,

That's good that she can swallow enzymes whole already. Washing hands is really important. Will it be the first time Maggie has gone to a nursery? Is she in a Playgroup or anything at the moment?

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Maggie has gone to all sorts of playgroups and classes, like ballet, gymnastics, music, story hour, etc. It's the first real "school" setting for her, where i will drop her off for a few hours and will not be readily available. At ballet I drop her off but I'm just in the other part of the building exersizing in the gym. I'm sure Maggie will love it and not miss me at all. I ,on the other hand, am another story.
