Hi my daughter is turning 6 in a months time ane is tarting 1 grade this monday.
Last year she went to a pre-school class at the same schoool.
This helps alot - the same staff, bathroom, most kids and parents, same dinners and so on.
I to wrote a letter to the teacher - this year also (they hang it up in teachers room for other to read also) - the teacher changes when going to 1 grade. She will be with Asia for the next 6 years - so I met her last week, gave her any information on cf I had that was meant and prepared for teachers by our cf - funds, also I gave her books to read to kids about hand washing, cf kids and handicapped kids. All meant for kids this age.
I did the same at preschool class.
I will also have a talk with parents and hand our leaflets - nothing long and fancy. Just that cf if genetic, it's no threat to them but their kids cold and small infections can make Asia's life short and full of hospitals. That I cannot stop the process but I can try to slow it down and that I ask them for help in this. Then I add that the average life time with cf in Poland at the moment is 27. Most people took it in - far down enough not to send kids sick to school and stand for me if they saw something wrong with other kids - Asi'a class was the healthiest in school and all kids had less infections and even one girl ( she has allergies) benefited from the health information I gave her mom and also turned out to be helthy and had just one serius infection.
I hope this will work this year also
as for washing hands and so on - I give Asia her own towel - each day a new clean one and she has her own soap - even in school grades - it's no problem
also I give her toilet covers to use while using the bathroom - she acctually does use them
The kitchen staff knows about Asia and always made sure to give her extra food
and salt - they are the same this year
and I do not let Asia stay in after class. I take her home.
After school I give her claen clothes and do sinus rinses just in case. She had sinus problems last year - from a family kid from kindergarden) and after that her sinuse where very delicate. One sinus rinse after school workedfor us to keep colds away.
The only bad experience I had this year was while talking to Asia's new teacher - the school's psychologist came and started to talk things not exactly smart - but they all turned out to be cause of her lack of knowledge. Unfortunately she started to act smart - cause she has one girl w with cf (there is a second girl in our school) - but she had no idea about cf - she even asked me what exactly does cf lead to...... well.. Asia's teacher acted at this point very nicely and new exactly what to think about the question and the person asking. I believe I will not have to deal with this "specialist teacher" again - if so - we ended our talk nicely but still she propobly got the information in that she should learn more if she wants to help Asia or the other girl. I think she finaly understood what the other girl is dealing with - she is in bad health and her parent do not talk about this to the staff at all. She usually is at home as she has home-teaching. She was very surprised to hear that Asia is under care of the cf team with a physcolgist also and that they all though it good for Asia to start school at age of 6 not 7 _ we can choose this year - so next year it willl be double classes cause most parents choose not to.
I find that most important is to have the cafeteria, cleaning staff know your little cf and care for her, and also "help" teachers ( we have one in the beging classes) and most off all the school's director and her secretary (very important
) and the class teacher .... and parents. I always try to take what they say as a sign of their worry and good will and somehow it works for us. We'll see what comes up this year
But in all - school is just what my kid loves