state health insurances????


New member
That's double dipping & I'm pretty sure if Missouri residents that did this got audited they would have to pay taxes/penalties on miles they claimed that they didn't pay for.


New member
That's double dipping & I'm pretty sure if Missouri residents that did this got audited they would have to pay taxes/penalties on miles they claimed that they didn't pay for.


New member
That's double dipping & I'm pretty sure if Missouri residents that did this got audited they would have to pay taxes/penalties on miles they claimed that they didn't pay for.


New member
That's double dipping & I'm pretty sure if Missouri residents that did this got audited they would have to pay taxes/penalties on miles they claimed that they didn't pay for.


New member
That's double dipping & I'm pretty sure if Missouri residents that did this got audited they would have to pay taxes/penalties on miles they claimed that they didn't pay for.
<br />


New member
Let me rephrase what I was going to put here:

I'm not sure if you are accusing me of this or not, BUT this is only what I have heard. Being that my daughter is only 3 months old, I would have never had the chance to attempt this. Thank God for H&R Block, as they would've caught my ignorance.

Next time, please try educating from the point of view that the person you are asking, may have MISUNDERSTOOD your myself. Ex: "Wouldn't that be double dipping?"

This topic has obviously been a point ignorance on my behalf. I should've never opened my mouth.


New member
Let me rephrase what I was going to put here:

I'm not sure if you are accusing me of this or not, BUT this is only what I have heard. Being that my daughter is only 3 months old, I would have never had the chance to attempt this. Thank God for H&R Block, as they would've caught my ignorance.

Next time, please try educating from the point of view that the person you are asking, may have MISUNDERSTOOD your myself. Ex: "Wouldn't that be double dipping?"

This topic has obviously been a point ignorance on my behalf. I should've never opened my mouth.


New member
Let me rephrase what I was going to put here:

I'm not sure if you are accusing me of this or not, BUT this is only what I have heard. Being that my daughter is only 3 months old, I would have never had the chance to attempt this. Thank God for H&R Block, as they would've caught my ignorance.

Next time, please try educating from the point of view that the person you are asking, may have MISUNDERSTOOD your myself. Ex: "Wouldn't that be double dipping?"

This topic has obviously been a point ignorance on my behalf. I should've never opened my mouth.


New member
Let me rephrase what I was going to put here:

I'm not sure if you are accusing me of this or not, BUT this is only what I have heard. Being that my daughter is only 3 months old, I would have never had the chance to attempt this. Thank God for H&R Block, as they would've caught my ignorance.

Next time, please try educating from the point of view that the person you are asking, may have MISUNDERSTOOD your myself. Ex: "Wouldn't that be double dipping?"

This topic has obviously been a point ignorance on my behalf. I should've never opened my mouth.


New member
Let me rephrase what I was going to put here:
<br />
<br />I'm not sure if you are accusing me of this or not, BUT this is only what I have heard. Being that my daughter is only 3 months old, I would have never had the chance to attempt this. Thank God for H&R Block, as they would've caught my ignorance.
<br />
<br />Next time, please try educating from the point of view that the person you are asking, may have MISUNDERSTOOD your myself. Ex: "Wouldn't that be double dipping?"
<br />
<br />This topic has obviously been a point ignorance on my behalf. I should've never opened my mouth.