Staying home and loving it!


New member
I taught school for 6 years and learned very fast how quickly germs can spread. My daughter was 5 months old when she was diagnosed with CF. As much as I loved teaching, I knew her health was more important and keeping her out of daycare would benefit greatly. However, that meant a loss of income for my family. Fortuneately, I found a team of moms who work at home. We work from home the way we want, no running around, no selling, no stocking or delivering. It is a company I am really proud of and it is a company that is making a difference in this world. Let me share with you what I have found. Go to


New member
That sounds lovely, that you were able to work it out the way you wanted to. Just make sure that your daughter is also "lovin it" and that she continues to as she grows older. I think if I had been home-schooled I would've gone bananas. But as long as she loves it, good for you to be able to work it all out.


New member
yeah, I'm with Emily. Germs aren't that bad that your daughter wouldn't be able to go to daycare. After all, I went to daycare, and so did a lot of other CFers, I'm sure.

22 w/cf


New member
Yeah i went to daycare and barely got sick... I was hyper active so i don't remember most of it cause i was too busy being a maniac.. but being at home and stuff if fun too

Ashley 21 w/cf