Stem Cell & CF


New member
All the talk about stem cells, i was wondering if any one has heard if they are going to use them , to try to find a cure for cystic fibrosis. What do you think about this?


New member
I think they are. But it is in very early stages. I read an article on before christmas and they had (if I remember correctly) made a big advancement on the cf gene transferring in mice. I can't quite remember what it was though


New member
I think the only way this research will help is if they clone us a pair of our lungs. That way we all get a fresh start at breathing without transplant disease. From what I understand stem-cell research is way off from helping us, and when it will eventually help us, it will likely only be applicable to fetuses or feti (?).


New member
Did you mean clone 'our' lungs? Because that would be rather pointless as the cf gene is in them thus we'd have the same problems. I think its very possible you could make new lungs from stem cells. They have already made an ear. I think it would be better to focus on the gene thearpy side of things as opposed to the cloning area.


New member
I am extending a few assumptions in my statements. First, to clone your own lungs less the cf gene would give you perfect lungs, as similar to your own without cf. e.g., no transplant disease. If they can clone lungs they can remove the erroneous cf gene. Like I said, it is way off. No way will we, in this generation of cfers, benefit from stem cell research, much less cloning.


New member
Stem cells, gene therapy, futuristic Star Trek technology... I don't care what is used as long as they find a cure soon... Having CF blows!


New member
If they are able to give us gene therapy so our mutated genes are corrected, the damage caused for example the lungs wont be repaired, but rather just no more will happen


New member
Vickysmommy, I know CF affects many systems in the body, I have CF...But most CFers die of lung complications, hence lungs are the most significant organ damaged by the disease. Most of the other organs with cf problems are reasonably managed with meds and don't lead to a terminal condition. But if you are worried about it, I am sure if they can clone lungs, they'll clone any other organ you may need.


New member
I think one of the things they are looking at is developing lab-usable lung tissue for use in drug testing - as we know... mice with CF genese express mostly digestive problems - so they aren't that great at testing things like Pulmozyme or Tobi.


I thought this was a great site, it has a whole bunch of articles on StemCell <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>