Not to worry, in general there are solutions available for CF males if the right time and person comes into your life.
For me it happened that in my early teens I was a curious young man and me and my microscope found this out ourselves before I was told about this CF issue. It was quite a shocker. But wait till I tell you about all the other things I exa...No!
Anyway they are typical worries that come with young age and worries about how "normal" life is going to be compared to those of your peers. Good news, a couple years on and likely you'll realise more and more that you are every bit of a person or more even if you live life a little differently. That infact there's no need to give in to societal pressure to procreate at all cost, and that your peers were more crazy and much less exemplary than you thought.
But, to ease your mind simply bring it up with your doctor (they won't be shocked, it's a normal question for them) and have it tested. He/she will also explain what options are available for the future.