Sterilizing and cleaning?


New member
I was just wondering. I see alot on the forums and threads about sterilizing everything, cleaning like crazy, drinking certain waters, only eating certain foods, etc.

I can't find the words I want to use with out offending anyone. Please don't take any of this personal. This is just how I handle things.

I feel that maybe I might be a little too laid back. Don't get me wrong I clean Austins nebs. Usually in the dishwasher or soap and water. And feel I take care of his needs very well. I am just not obsessed with it like some are. He does all of his meds very well. Especially the pills. He is awesome at taking those. Of course he is not very cooperative with the vest. But CPT is done one way or another.

I just want him to be a normal boy. He plays sports, plays in the dirt, swims, rides his bike, fights with his brothers and everything else a typical boy would do. I don't obsess about germs like that.

I guess i am not a germaphobic LOL! But should I be?


New member
I was just wondering. I see alot on the forums and threads about sterilizing everything, cleaning like crazy, drinking certain waters, only eating certain foods, etc.

I can't find the words I want to use with out offending anyone. Please don't take any of this personal. This is just how I handle things.

I feel that maybe I might be a little too laid back. Don't get me wrong I clean Austins nebs. Usually in the dishwasher or soap and water. And feel I take care of his needs very well. I am just not obsessed with it like some are. He does all of his meds very well. Especially the pills. He is awesome at taking those. Of course he is not very cooperative with the vest. But CPT is done one way or another.

I just want him to be a normal boy. He plays sports, plays in the dirt, swims, rides his bike, fights with his brothers and everything else a typical boy would do. I don't obsess about germs like that.

I guess i am not a germaphobic LOL! But should I be?


New member
I was just wondering. I see alot on the forums and threads about sterilizing everything, cleaning like crazy, drinking certain waters, only eating certain foods, etc.

I can't find the words I want to use with out offending anyone. Please don't take any of this personal. This is just how I handle things.

I feel that maybe I might be a little too laid back. Don't get me wrong I clean Austins nebs. Usually in the dishwasher or soap and water. And feel I take care of his needs very well. I am just not obsessed with it like some are. He does all of his meds very well. Especially the pills. He is awesome at taking those. Of course he is not very cooperative with the vest. But CPT is done one way or another.

I just want him to be a normal boy. He plays sports, plays in the dirt, swims, rides his bike, fights with his brothers and everything else a typical boy would do. I don't obsess about germs like that.

I guess i am not a germaphobic LOL! But should I be?


New member
I was just wondering. I see alot on the forums and threads about sterilizing everything, cleaning like crazy, drinking certain waters, only eating certain foods, etc.

I can't find the words I want to use with out offending anyone. Please don't take any of this personal. This is just how I handle things.

I feel that maybe I might be a little too laid back. Don't get me wrong I clean Austins nebs. Usually in the dishwasher or soap and water. And feel I take care of his needs very well. I am just not obsessed with it like some are. He does all of his meds very well. Especially the pills. He is awesome at taking those. Of course he is not very cooperative with the vest. But CPT is done one way or another.

I just want him to be a normal boy. He plays sports, plays in the dirt, swims, rides his bike, fights with his brothers and everything else a typical boy would do. I don't obsess about germs like that.

I guess i am not a germaphobic LOL! But should I be?


New member
I was just wondering. I see alot on the forums and threads about sterilizing everything, cleaning like crazy, drinking certain waters, only eating certain foods, etc.
<br />
<br />I can't find the words I want to use with out offending anyone. Please don't take any of this personal. This is just how I handle things.
<br />
<br />I feel that maybe I might be a little too laid back. Don't get me wrong I clean Austins nebs. Usually in the dishwasher or soap and water. And feel I take care of his needs very well. I am just not obsessed with it like some are. He does all of his meds very well. Especially the pills. He is awesome at taking those. Of course he is not very cooperative with the vest. But CPT is done one way or another.
<br />
<br />I just want him to be a normal boy. He plays sports, plays in the dirt, swims, rides his bike, fights with his brothers and everything else a typical boy would do. I don't obsess about germs like that.
<br />
<br />I guess i am not a germaphobic LOL! But should I be?


New member
No I don't feel that you should be. I know that there is a family who has a child with CF who they never let go outside when it is cold. They think that keeping him in the house will somewhat save him. I understand if he is sick but you do have to let them live there life.

I do not necessarily sterilize the neb. kits. I clean the sink good with dish soap and water. I then fill it up with soap and steaming hot water. I then put the neb. kits in and let them sit for about 30 mins. I rinse them with hot water but I have never used the vinegar or whatever you are supposed to use 1 time per week. I use Clorox wipes when I clean just because I know those are better then sponges. Neither one of my boys like Vest but they know that it has be done, no questions asked.

I have an 8 year old son and a 3 year old son. Neither of which has grown any bugs (knock on wood) and have very mild lung disease. I am not saying that they won't as they get older but I feel that you have to let your child live. I would be the same way if my child had any other disease, cancer, etc. I do protect my children but am not overprotective. The little one I talked about in the beginning has grown PA, staph, MRSA (MSRA). I let by boys fish in the lake, play sports, go outside when it is 40 degrees or 90 degrees to play. They drink a lot of water and bundle up, wear sunscreen, etc. I want to offend anyone but I just think if you don't allow them to live you are holding them back.


New member
No I don't feel that you should be. I know that there is a family who has a child with CF who they never let go outside when it is cold. They think that keeping him in the house will somewhat save him. I understand if he is sick but you do have to let them live there life.

I do not necessarily sterilize the neb. kits. I clean the sink good with dish soap and water. I then fill it up with soap and steaming hot water. I then put the neb. kits in and let them sit for about 30 mins. I rinse them with hot water but I have never used the vinegar or whatever you are supposed to use 1 time per week. I use Clorox wipes when I clean just because I know those are better then sponges. Neither one of my boys like Vest but they know that it has be done, no questions asked.

I have an 8 year old son and a 3 year old son. Neither of which has grown any bugs (knock on wood) and have very mild lung disease. I am not saying that they won't as they get older but I feel that you have to let your child live. I would be the same way if my child had any other disease, cancer, etc. I do protect my children but am not overprotective. The little one I talked about in the beginning has grown PA, staph, MRSA (MSRA). I let by boys fish in the lake, play sports, go outside when it is 40 degrees or 90 degrees to play. They drink a lot of water and bundle up, wear sunscreen, etc. I want to offend anyone but I just think if you don't allow them to live you are holding them back.


New member
No I don't feel that you should be. I know that there is a family who has a child with CF who they never let go outside when it is cold. They think that keeping him in the house will somewhat save him. I understand if he is sick but you do have to let them live there life.

I do not necessarily sterilize the neb. kits. I clean the sink good with dish soap and water. I then fill it up with soap and steaming hot water. I then put the neb. kits in and let them sit for about 30 mins. I rinse them with hot water but I have never used the vinegar or whatever you are supposed to use 1 time per week. I use Clorox wipes when I clean just because I know those are better then sponges. Neither one of my boys like Vest but they know that it has be done, no questions asked.

I have an 8 year old son and a 3 year old son. Neither of which has grown any bugs (knock on wood) and have very mild lung disease. I am not saying that they won't as they get older but I feel that you have to let your child live. I would be the same way if my child had any other disease, cancer, etc. I do protect my children but am not overprotective. The little one I talked about in the beginning has grown PA, staph, MRSA (MSRA). I let by boys fish in the lake, play sports, go outside when it is 40 degrees or 90 degrees to play. They drink a lot of water and bundle up, wear sunscreen, etc. I want to offend anyone but I just think if you don't allow them to live you are holding them back.


New member
No I don't feel that you should be. I know that there is a family who has a child with CF who they never let go outside when it is cold. They think that keeping him in the house will somewhat save him. I understand if he is sick but you do have to let them live there life.

I do not necessarily sterilize the neb. kits. I clean the sink good with dish soap and water. I then fill it up with soap and steaming hot water. I then put the neb. kits in and let them sit for about 30 mins. I rinse them with hot water but I have never used the vinegar or whatever you are supposed to use 1 time per week. I use Clorox wipes when I clean just because I know those are better then sponges. Neither one of my boys like Vest but they know that it has be done, no questions asked.

I have an 8 year old son and a 3 year old son. Neither of which has grown any bugs (knock on wood) and have very mild lung disease. I am not saying that they won't as they get older but I feel that you have to let your child live. I would be the same way if my child had any other disease, cancer, etc. I do protect my children but am not overprotective. The little one I talked about in the beginning has grown PA, staph, MRSA (MSRA). I let by boys fish in the lake, play sports, go outside when it is 40 degrees or 90 degrees to play. They drink a lot of water and bundle up, wear sunscreen, etc. I want to offend anyone but I just think if you don't allow them to live you are holding them back.


New member
No I don't feel that you should be. I know that there is a family who has a child with CF who they never let go outside when it is cold. They think that keeping him in the house will somewhat save him. I understand if he is sick but you do have to let them live there life.
<br />
<br />I do not necessarily sterilize the neb. kits. I clean the sink good with dish soap and water. I then fill it up with soap and steaming hot water. I then put the neb. kits in and let them sit for about 30 mins. I rinse them with hot water but I have never used the vinegar or whatever you are supposed to use 1 time per week. I use Clorox wipes when I clean just because I know those are better then sponges. Neither one of my boys like Vest but they know that it has be done, no questions asked.
<br />
<br />I have an 8 year old son and a 3 year old son. Neither of which has grown any bugs (knock on wood) and have very mild lung disease. I am not saying that they won't as they get older but I feel that you have to let your child live. I would be the same way if my child had any other disease, cancer, etc. I do protect my children but am not overprotective. The little one I talked about in the beginning has grown PA, staph, MRSA (MSRA). I let by boys fish in the lake, play sports, go outside when it is 40 degrees or 90 degrees to play. They drink a lot of water and bundle up, wear sunscreen, etc. I want to offend anyone but I just think if you don't allow them to live you are holding them back.


Digital opinion leader
Paula, no matter how clean you keep your home and no matter how well you stick to the med/pt routine, things happen. You can't keep the kids in a bubble. Emily (and many of the other older people with cf) used to say the same about her upbringing. You gotta let a kid be a kid.

Sometimes circumstances cause you to be more cautious, but every family has to do what is best for them. You are learning about cf from people in all situations here. It is a great resource. Listen to everything, then do what works for you.


Digital opinion leader
Paula, no matter how clean you keep your home and no matter how well you stick to the med/pt routine, things happen. You can't keep the kids in a bubble. Emily (and many of the other older people with cf) used to say the same about her upbringing. You gotta let a kid be a kid.

Sometimes circumstances cause you to be more cautious, but every family has to do what is best for them. You are learning about cf from people in all situations here. It is a great resource. Listen to everything, then do what works for you.


Digital opinion leader
Paula, no matter how clean you keep your home and no matter how well you stick to the med/pt routine, things happen. You can't keep the kids in a bubble. Emily (and many of the other older people with cf) used to say the same about her upbringing. You gotta let a kid be a kid.

Sometimes circumstances cause you to be more cautious, but every family has to do what is best for them. You are learning about cf from people in all situations here. It is a great resource. Listen to everything, then do what works for you.


Digital opinion leader
Paula, no matter how clean you keep your home and no matter how well you stick to the med/pt routine, things happen. You can't keep the kids in a bubble. Emily (and many of the other older people with cf) used to say the same about her upbringing. You gotta let a kid be a kid.

Sometimes circumstances cause you to be more cautious, but every family has to do what is best for them. You are learning about cf from people in all situations here. It is a great resource. Listen to everything, then do what works for you.


Digital opinion leader
Paula, no matter how clean you keep your home and no matter how well you stick to the med/pt routine, things happen. You can't keep the kids in a bubble. Emily (and many of the other older people with cf) used to say the same about her upbringing. You gotta let a kid be a kid.
<br />
<br />Sometimes circumstances cause you to be more cautious, but every family has to do what is best for them. You are learning about cf from people in all situations here. It is a great resource. Listen to everything, then do what works for you.


If you're interested in how your method might be better than keeping kids inside and overprotected, try looking up the hygiene hypothesis.


If you're interested in how your method might be better than keeping kids inside and overprotected, try looking up the hygiene hypothesis.


If you're interested in how your method might be better than keeping kids inside and overprotected, try looking up the hygiene hypothesis.


If you're interested in how your method might be better than keeping kids inside and overprotected, try looking up the hygiene hypothesis.


If you're interested in how your method might be better than keeping kids inside and overprotected, try looking up the hygiene hypothesis.