Sterilizing nebulizer parts


New member
I am new to here. I have a 4 year old daughter with CF and just got our results back from her culture and she has tested positive for pseudomonas for the first time. She is starting the TOBI today. I have been really good I thought as keeping things clean for her. What is the best way to clean your nebulizers? I have tried boiling them, but they melted. I have been using really hot water and a antibacterial soap along. Thanks everyone, Crystal.


Super Moderator
What type of nebulizers are you using? The reusable ones like Pari LC plus are made to withstand boiling. I have been boiling my daughters nebs for years. The ones that melt are the disposable cheapo nebs that most hospitals use.


New member
I guess I am using the disposable ones then. I got them from the pharmacy at Walmart. Where do you get the reusable ones at? Thanks!


Super Moderator
You need a prescription from them from your child's doctor. You can order them online, get them from a Medical store, CF Services Pharmacy will add them to your order(free) just ask with orders like TOBI and Pulmozyme. It is important to use the right nebulizer with TOBI to get the most benefit from it. Your child's CF doc or nurse could call in a prescription for you. They should know which nebulizer to call in(I hope). We use Pari LC Plus and also use Pari Baby masks, all of which withstand boiling. A website I have used for online ordering is They have pictures of the items on the website so you can figure out if it is the right type of neb. HTH!


New member
I use electric steam sterilizer made for baby bottles. It is much more convenient than boiling but you do need new neb cups since the ones you are using will not withstand steamer either.

My baby first encountered pseudo when she was 3 months. I was obsessed with avoiding ANY wet areas and keeping ANYTHING she touches not just clean but sterile (and when they are that little you can easily control their whereabouts<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">). I washed her clothes and bed sheets in oxygen bleach on high temp and ironed them before each use. Wiped every toy with antibacterial wipe every time and used a uv lamp on anything that couldn't be wiped or ironed.

It didn't help. After a month off tobi she would get pa positive again. In a way I'm glad It didn't work. Now I'm much more aid back and except for obvious hazards such as hot tubs, we go and do pretty much everything.

Btw, she did manage to eradicate pa for some time now. It just comes and goes nothing you can do about it. At least that's my experience.


Staff member
I used to get the pari and sidestream reusable from the RT department at our clinic. They'd give us bagfuls of them; however, the healthcare facility has changed their policy on receiving samples and products from companies, so we no longer get them from there. I usually pay out of pocket and order a bunch online. Primarily use the paris and boil them for 10 minutes.


You can buy sterilizing bags like they use to sterilize nursing supplies. You just add a little water and pop them in the microwave. These are quick and easy and work well on vacations (as long as you have access to a microwave)
I find them at a local baby store but have also seen them in hospital gifts shops and some Target stores.
Like others said, the cheap disposable kind of cup won't hold up.


New member
we boil using distilled water every night for 5 minutes. When we are on vacation, we use the steam bags with distilled water. The distilled water has helped us avoid the mineral deposits we were getting before that can harbor bacteria.


New member
Boil x 10 mins prior to each use. If using the mask, I spray it with PureGreen24 and let it sit while boiling the nebs. I rinse it with the boiled water...


I use the Medela Baby Bottle steam bags that you use in the microwave. Add about 1 cup of water and nuke them for 2.5 minutes. you can get 5 bags for a little over 5 bucks at Target (baby area). They Manufacture says they are good for 10 uses. I can get about 20 out of them. Also great for the Altera minus the metal head of course <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">
Great for Home or while at work.


Oops I meant to write you can get 20 uses and I have gotten 30 or so be fore the bag falls apart<img title="Surprised" src="include/wysiwyg/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-surprised.gif" alt="Surprised" border="0" />


New member
We recently had a lecture about hygiene practices in our local CF association. The number one recommended system was a baby bottle steam sterilizer.


New member
I use a bottle sterilizer (microwave version) and I love it. My sterilizer has everything sterile in 8 minutes.

I almost melted all the nebulizers when I forgot them boiling on the gas. That pushed me to invest in this system. I got a "Tommie Tippee" version. It was cheaper than "Avent". I saw a double layer version recently by "Mother Nature(?)" that holds twice as much. Too bad I hadn't seen it sooner...

Bonus: The stuff stays sterile inside the unit for 24 hours so I leave the equipment pieces there until they are needed.


New member
We also use the Pari neb cups which we get from our CF pharmacy. Our insurance will pay for 1 every 6 months. I use an Avent bottle sterilizer because I burnt up a pot one day boiling the nebs! (Yes I know how to burn water lol) So after that scare I chose to spend the $20 and buy the bottle sterilizer and in 7 minutes its sanatized <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Oh first I soak in hot soapy water for about 5-10 minutes in a bowl.


I use the pari cups provided with my hypersal. I also get the sidestream cups from my CF center. They knew I was using the disposable ones from the hospital since I don't have health insurance and wanted to help <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Baby bottle sterilizer is what my daughter uses... 17yrs old diagnosed with CF at birth.. Plays Varsity Basketball for her school, is a Senior.. Has been playing basketball for 12 years and is on the Track and Field team... Thank you all for sharing. : )