Steriods and weight gain?


New member
I was wondering if any of you have been on steriods (I'm on prednisone) and have had trouble controlling the weight gain? Have you had any success in getting some of it off while still on the steriod? Is there anything you would suggest to help at least manage the weight? My diet is high in chicken, rice, very few bread items, water/coke/milk, granola bars, etc. I'm also on Creon 20... though I'm a little unfaithful to it. Haven't found time to get stead exercise in, though I do a lot of walking. Any help/suggestions in appreciated!


New member
i take prednisolne although my doctor is now going to take me off of it as us cfers have frail bones due to lack of vitamins and other inportant stuff and as steroids cause things like weak bones he has advised me to come off of them wot do you take steroids for ? if u do not mind me asking ? i found when i ws on them that i got a even bigger appetite and and could not fill myself up . best of luck from JO 20 w/cf


New member
I've taken steriods plenty of times in the hospital for various reasons, and I've always gained weight. Which was actually good in my case. I fluctuate anywhere from 134-140 so I've never had a problem with them, and I've never had them as a constant medicine I've had to take. But it's good for your weight, if you're on them and it's causing you to gain too much the only thing is to come off of them or lower the ammount. They've always helped me, but it was found to be better for me to stay off of them and just try to keep my weight up. (Which is ALWAYS hard) but I deal with it, like everyone else does.


To help GAIN weight well there's a bunch of stuff I have to deal with. I just constantly eat. Even if I don't want to sometimes. I snack inbetween big meals. I also never eat breakfast or I'll feel sick the rest of the day. But even though I know it's hard to remember or always take them the more you take your Enzymes the more you gain weight. It sucks that we gotta do this, but that's part of it. And it DOES help you gain weight you just have to remember to take them. I flucuate the way I take mine too. I don't take mine with snacks right now but if I started I'd sure gain alot more weight than what I have. I only take them for main courses or meals. It's possible to keep your weight up just by making yourself eat and taking your meds. And I know it's really hard, but it's healthier and safer to at least stay around your base weight.


New member
I am on prednisone as an anti-rejection drug. Though I am on a low dosage I feel exactly like you do. I can't seem to fill myself up, although I limit what I do eat. Usually I try to just eat main meals and maybe one snack i.e. granola bar. The weight just seems to sit im my thighs, butt, and cheeks (on the face). Although it's not as bad as I've seen on some patients I really feel uncomfortable with all the weight, and I'd like to loose a few pounds.


New member
you will NEVER be able to fill yourself up while on steroids. i wouldnt recommend trying to either lol. the only way to keep a steady weight on steroids, if youre affected by the weight gain side effect, is to have a low fat, low sugar and low salt diet and try and exercise. otherwise theres nothing you can do. if it makes you feel any better i have put on 10 kgs in 1 month on my recent course of steroids. its all on my stomach and it makes me waddle like a duck.

is there another anti rejection drug you can take?