Still Coughing Thick Mucus


New member
Graycie is now 31 days old and 2 weeks after her bowel surgery she got mrsa. And for the last 2 weeks the poor baby is coughing up at of mucus. They did a chest xray and said it showed pnuemonia and were treating her for that however, the cough and thick mucus just was getting worse. And she started wheezing two days ago. Another xray showed clear lungs and all cultures are coming back with nothing. They now have started her on steriods. And 3 different Aerosols. How can she not be growing something??


New member
Graycie is now 31 days old and 2 weeks after her bowel surgery she got mrsa. And for the last 2 weeks the poor baby is coughing up at of mucus. They did a chest xray and said it showed pnuemonia and were treating her for that however, the cough and thick mucus just was getting worse. And she started wheezing two days ago. Another xray showed clear lungs and all cultures are coming back with nothing. They now have started her on steriods. And 3 different Aerosols. How can she not be growing something??


New member
Graycie is now 31 days old and 2 weeks after her bowel surgery she got mrsa. And for the last 2 weeks the poor baby is coughing up at of mucus. They did a chest xray and said it showed pnuemonia and were treating her for that however, the cough and thick mucus just was getting worse. And she started wheezing two days ago. Another xray showed clear lungs and all cultures are coming back with nothing. They now have started her on steriods. And 3 different Aerosols. How can she not be growing something??


New member
Graycie is now 31 days old and 2 weeks after her bowel surgery she got mrsa. And for the last 2 weeks the poor baby is coughing up at of mucus. They did a chest xray and said it showed pnuemonia and were treating her for that however, the cough and thick mucus just was getting worse. And she started wheezing two days ago. Another xray showed clear lungs and all cultures are coming back with nothing. They now have started her on steriods. And 3 different Aerosols. How can she not be growing something??


New member
Graycie is now 31 days old and 2 weeks after her bowel surgery she got mrsa. And for the last 2 weeks the poor baby is coughing up at of mucus. They did a chest xray and said it showed pnuemonia and were treating her for that however, the cough and thick mucus just was getting worse. And she started wheezing two days ago. Another xray showed clear lungs and all cultures are coming back with nothing. They now have started her on steriods. And 3 different Aerosols. How can she not be growing something??
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New member
Sorry to hear you tiny one is having such troubles. Mucus can come just from inflammation and also tends to increase when the treatments are working on whatever is there - so it is not necessarily a bad thing - it means it is moving out.

As for not finding anything in the cultures, it happens all the time: the culture will only grow out what happened to be in the sample and whatever will grow in the test being used - they only test for the bugs that tend to be found. My boy of 5 is currently full of junk that we're trying to get out and has not cultured anything in over a year despite being a good cougher for the throat swabs. It is frustrating, of course, because it means the treatments are kindof a guess at what might work instead of a drug known to be effective for a known bug.

The steroids and aerosols are probably aimed at reducing inflammation and opening the tiny airways so the baby can cough that junk out better.


New member
Sorry to hear you tiny one is having such troubles. Mucus can come just from inflammation and also tends to increase when the treatments are working on whatever is there - so it is not necessarily a bad thing - it means it is moving out.

As for not finding anything in the cultures, it happens all the time: the culture will only grow out what happened to be in the sample and whatever will grow in the test being used - they only test for the bugs that tend to be found. My boy of 5 is currently full of junk that we're trying to get out and has not cultured anything in over a year despite being a good cougher for the throat swabs. It is frustrating, of course, because it means the treatments are kindof a guess at what might work instead of a drug known to be effective for a known bug.

The steroids and aerosols are probably aimed at reducing inflammation and opening the tiny airways so the baby can cough that junk out better.


New member
Sorry to hear you tiny one is having such troubles. Mucus can come just from inflammation and also tends to increase when the treatments are working on whatever is there - so it is not necessarily a bad thing - it means it is moving out.

As for not finding anything in the cultures, it happens all the time: the culture will only grow out what happened to be in the sample and whatever will grow in the test being used - they only test for the bugs that tend to be found. My boy of 5 is currently full of junk that we're trying to get out and has not cultured anything in over a year despite being a good cougher for the throat swabs. It is frustrating, of course, because it means the treatments are kindof a guess at what might work instead of a drug known to be effective for a known bug.

The steroids and aerosols are probably aimed at reducing inflammation and opening the tiny airways so the baby can cough that junk out better.


New member
Sorry to hear you tiny one is having such troubles. Mucus can come just from inflammation and also tends to increase when the treatments are working on whatever is there - so it is not necessarily a bad thing - it means it is moving out.

As for not finding anything in the cultures, it happens all the time: the culture will only grow out what happened to be in the sample and whatever will grow in the test being used - they only test for the bugs that tend to be found. My boy of 5 is currently full of junk that we're trying to get out and has not cultured anything in over a year despite being a good cougher for the throat swabs. It is frustrating, of course, because it means the treatments are kindof a guess at what might work instead of a drug known to be effective for a known bug.

The steroids and aerosols are probably aimed at reducing inflammation and opening the tiny airways so the baby can cough that junk out better.


New member
Sorry to hear you tiny one is having such troubles. Mucus can come just from inflammation and also tends to increase when the treatments are working on whatever is there - so it is not necessarily a bad thing - it means it is moving out.
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<br />As for not finding anything in the cultures, it happens all the time: the culture will only grow out what happened to be in the sample and whatever will grow in the test being used - they only test for the bugs that tend to be found. My boy of 5 is currently full of junk that we're trying to get out and has not cultured anything in over a year despite being a good cougher for the throat swabs. It is frustrating, of course, because it means the treatments are kindof a guess at what might work instead of a drug known to be effective for a known bug.
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<br />The steroids and aerosols are probably aimed at reducing inflammation and opening the tiny airways so the baby can cough that junk out better.


New member
Have they thought about doing a bronch? I know it can be pretty invasive but you can get a deeper look as to what is going on in her lungs. Ellie had her first bronch when she was a month and a half old. She had a second one done at 3 months. The docs really just wanted to get a good picture as to what was going on with her lungs. She did have to go under anesthisia for it, but she was really only under for approximately to minutes. The whole procedure lasted about 30 minutes. When we found out Ellie had CF she was already being treated for pneumonia as well. What nebs is she doing? Ellie nebs Pulmozyne twice a day to thin the mucus we have been doing this since even before we got the official word it was cf. She does Xopenex 4 times a day and cpt 4 times a day. She also takes 2.5 ml of robitussin (guisufeisin) 3 times a day to help with thinning the mucus. She has been doing this since she was about three months old. You could maybe suggest these to the doc if you think it will help. Ellie also started with wheezing when she was 3 months old and was put on flovent inhaler 2 puffs 2 times a day. I hope this helps. I'll be praying for Graycie and ya'll as well. I know exactly how stressful this can be.


New member
Have they thought about doing a bronch? I know it can be pretty invasive but you can get a deeper look as to what is going on in her lungs. Ellie had her first bronch when she was a month and a half old. She had a second one done at 3 months. The docs really just wanted to get a good picture as to what was going on with her lungs. She did have to go under anesthisia for it, but she was really only under for approximately to minutes. The whole procedure lasted about 30 minutes. When we found out Ellie had CF she was already being treated for pneumonia as well. What nebs is she doing? Ellie nebs Pulmozyne twice a day to thin the mucus we have been doing this since even before we got the official word it was cf. She does Xopenex 4 times a day and cpt 4 times a day. She also takes 2.5 ml of robitussin (guisufeisin) 3 times a day to help with thinning the mucus. She has been doing this since she was about three months old. You could maybe suggest these to the doc if you think it will help. Ellie also started with wheezing when she was 3 months old and was put on flovent inhaler 2 puffs 2 times a day. I hope this helps. I'll be praying for Graycie and ya'll as well. I know exactly how stressful this can be.


New member
Have they thought about doing a bronch? I know it can be pretty invasive but you can get a deeper look as to what is going on in her lungs. Ellie had her first bronch when she was a month and a half old. She had a second one done at 3 months. The docs really just wanted to get a good picture as to what was going on with her lungs. She did have to go under anesthisia for it, but she was really only under for approximately to minutes. The whole procedure lasted about 30 minutes. When we found out Ellie had CF she was already being treated for pneumonia as well. What nebs is she doing? Ellie nebs Pulmozyne twice a day to thin the mucus we have been doing this since even before we got the official word it was cf. She does Xopenex 4 times a day and cpt 4 times a day. She also takes 2.5 ml of robitussin (guisufeisin) 3 times a day to help with thinning the mucus. She has been doing this since she was about three months old. You could maybe suggest these to the doc if you think it will help. Ellie also started with wheezing when she was 3 months old and was put on flovent inhaler 2 puffs 2 times a day. I hope this helps. I'll be praying for Graycie and ya'll as well. I know exactly how stressful this can be.


New member
Have they thought about doing a bronch? I know it can be pretty invasive but you can get a deeper look as to what is going on in her lungs. Ellie had her first bronch when she was a month and a half old. She had a second one done at 3 months. The docs really just wanted to get a good picture as to what was going on with her lungs. She did have to go under anesthisia for it, but she was really only under for approximately to minutes. The whole procedure lasted about 30 minutes. When we found out Ellie had CF she was already being treated for pneumonia as well. What nebs is she doing? Ellie nebs Pulmozyne twice a day to thin the mucus we have been doing this since even before we got the official word it was cf. She does Xopenex 4 times a day and cpt 4 times a day. She also takes 2.5 ml of robitussin (guisufeisin) 3 times a day to help with thinning the mucus. She has been doing this since she was about three months old. You could maybe suggest these to the doc if you think it will help. Ellie also started with wheezing when she was 3 months old and was put on flovent inhaler 2 puffs 2 times a day. I hope this helps. I'll be praying for Graycie and ya'll as well. I know exactly how stressful this can be.


New member
Have they thought about doing a bronch? I know it can be pretty invasive but you can get a deeper look as to what is going on in her lungs. Ellie had her first bronch when she was a month and a half old. She had a second one done at 3 months. The docs really just wanted to get a good picture as to what was going on with her lungs. She did have to go under anesthisia for it, but she was really only under for approximately to minutes. The whole procedure lasted about 30 minutes. When we found out Ellie had CF she was already being treated for pneumonia as well. What nebs is she doing? Ellie nebs Pulmozyne twice a day to thin the mucus we have been doing this since even before we got the official word it was cf. She does Xopenex 4 times a day and cpt 4 times a day. She also takes 2.5 ml of robitussin (guisufeisin) 3 times a day to help with thinning the mucus. She has been doing this since she was about three months old. You could maybe suggest these to the doc if you think it will help. Ellie also started with wheezing when she was 3 months old and was put on flovent inhaler 2 puffs 2 times a day. I hope this helps. I'll be praying for Graycie and ya'll as well. I know exactly how stressful this can be.


New member
you should have them see if she is asperating, i'm sure that really won't help anything coming out of the lungs, if she's bringing stuff in, good luck


New member
you should have them see if she is asperating, i'm sure that really won't help anything coming out of the lungs, if she's bringing stuff in, good luck


New member
you should have them see if she is asperating, i'm sure that really won't help anything coming out of the lungs, if she's bringing stuff in, good luck


New member
you should have them see if she is asperating, i'm sure that really won't help anything coming out of the lungs, if she's bringing stuff in, good luck


New member
you should have them see if she is asperating, i'm sure that really won't help anything coming out of the lungs, if she's bringing stuff in, good luck