Thanks everyone. You are all right, I need to push the doctors more. At the last appt., which was last Thursday, his doctor said that as of now it seems like he has just a head cold or allergies. He's only coughing in the mornings, with the exception of waking up one night coughing. I'm scared it will turn into something more so I'm going to keep a careful eye on him. I didn't push for the sweat test Thursday, I know I should have, but I did bring up all of his symptoms I could think of at that moment (I had them written down but left the paper at home). I was surprised when she seemed concerned about the night sweats, I thought she would just imply that he was overheated. I kissed him goodbye on the forehead this morning (he was still asleep) before I left for work and he definitely tasted salty, actually kind of bitter, is that normal?
His doctor had her office call and set up an appt. with a pediatric GI specialist. They called yesterday and told me the earliest is July 27th! I told them I need something sooner and they are supposed to call me back today and let me know. I took him to see Karate Kid after lunch on Saturday and the poor baby looked at me part way through the movie and said I have to go potty now. I rushed him to the bathroom and he just made it in time. Lot's and lot's of loose floating stool and it smelled terrible, which is not unusual. Sometimes, although rarely, he has more regular looking stools, sometimes he has stools that are just broken up and floating and then other times he has these horrible loose floating stools in large quantities. I'm wondering if it could depend on what he's eating. I'm going to start writing down what he eats and track his stools every day to see if the loose floating stools are related to any specific type of food. He complains about his belly just about every day.
Ratatosk, thanks for the advice on the sputum culture, he's never had that done and I'm going to bring that up with the doctor and request a copy of all of his medical records. When requesting medical records, do I just call the doctor's office and ask them to send me all of his medical records?
sdelorenzo, he has never been sweat or genetic tested, but hopefully soon. Yes, his fingers wrinkle up quickly when swimming or in the bath, but I'm not sure how fast is considered fast. I'm going to time it.
LisaGreene, "So, that's why I'd like to get a sweat test just to be on the safe side. When can we schedule it?",
that is so perfect I'm going to work on being more assertive.
petnurse, thanks, I am in VA and the University of Virginia Hospital has a CF accredited center. I'm going to contact them or ask my doctor for the referral, I think I need the referral for my insurance.
martysmom, I'm so sorry you have been struggling to get a diagnosis for so long. I've been dealing with the symptoms all his life, but never thought of CF until only a month or so ago. I can't imagine going on without a diagnosis for years. It's great that he's being treated for CF even without the official diagnosis. My boy sweats quickly too, he's always the one that has wet hair from sweating and all the other kids are running around perfectly dry.
Camsmom2009, you're right, getting treatment started and therefore improving his quality of life is most important. I am of course scared to actually receive the diagnosis, but I have to push past that fear and take care of my little boy the best I can.
I'll keep everyone posted. Anyone who wants to PM me or discuss anything else let me know. I think talking (or typing) with other people in similar situations is great therapy.