It's been a while since I've posted, I've been trying to stay off the computer for my own mental health's sake. My now 3 year old was very sick over the winter and the doctors thought it could possibly be CF. Well, 2 sweat tests later, only 1 being successful, they collected 86 grams of sweat on the 2nd her number came back 32 on sodium and chloride 20( I think that was the order). Anyway, it was "normal". However, she still continues to have no weight gain after a 7 lb weight loss in the winter. She is maintaining but not gaining. Not only that, now they want to test her for pancreatic insufficiency because of other problems she is having. The doctor did say at one of our many appointments that he wanted to do the blood work up either way and now he is saying "no" because theywant to test for other possibilities. I am glad they are being so cautious, however, if there was ever a possibility they thought CF, I kind of want to know, from what I understand not all sweat tests are 100% accurate. I almost feel like we've hit a brick wall and now they are just grasping at straws looking for a diagnosis. It's very frustrating...any suggestions on what I should do??