stockpiling for civil unrest?


Staff member
And all the computers will stop working and missile systems will activate causing world wide global shut down .... wait that was January 1st, 2000 sorry wrong thread.

A friend of our neighbor stockpiled a ton of stuff, including a hundred pound bag of pinto beans. Imagine it was two-fold -- food and methane gas :)


I live in a part of the US that gets massive snowfall every so often. We have been stuck in our home for a week at a time unable to get to the store or pharmacy. Especially in the winter when this can happen we try to keep a few extra meds on hand and basic foods just in case. I used to live in tornado alley and we always had tornado related stuff on hand. It came in handy one night when winds knocked down trees blocking our road. We were prepared and we were able to wait until the road was cleared.

Know some basic first aid, have basic tool and lots of common sense. Yes, it is good have a weather radio, generator (if the power goes out) a few extra candles and some extra canned foods. We lost electricity a few weeks ago (random power outage) and our generator powered my oxygen until the power came back on.

I like to have extra enzymes just in case the pharmacy's supply gets delayed. It has happened where I had to wait and week for a shipment. Crazy but true! Luckily I had a couple extra bottles.