Stomach issues - Gastroparesis?


New member
I know lots of us struggle with stomach issues on here so maybe ya'll can give me some insight.

I've had a lot of nausea, heartburn, general pain, fatigue, and bloating lately. Went to the gastroentrenologist yesterday and he said it could be a number of things: general pancreatitis symptoms, IBS, the fact that I have a hiatal hernia, or gastroparesis (slow stomach emptying). He told me to eat smaller meals more frequently, add a probiotic, and add Metamucil once daily. I eat a very clean diet and have no issues with gaining weight. I have a gastric emptying study in two weeks but other than that, my doctor wants to go the "organic" route to avoid me being scoped again (I stopped breathing and it was traumatic to my body - lots of pain after and coughing tons of blood up).

Today, I have eaten several very small meals and I feel very weak and fatigued as if I'm not getting enough food. I just want to eat a huge plate of brownies or something tasty, but I feel super full after only eating a spinach salad with half a chicken breast. Does anyone have any experience similar to this? What did you do?

Everytime I eat I feel bloated, nauseous, and full super fast. I know my body needs more than its getting but if I eat more, I feel even worse.

Any insight, experience, help, would be greatly appreciated. I'm frustrated, weak, and tired.


New member
Look into an herbal product called Iberogast. It made a huge difference in my sons life...He went from puking at at least one meal a day and being on the verge of a feeding tube, to no puking and significant weight gain.
