Stomach pains


New member
My son has had moderate to severe stomach pains for the last 6 days. I am new to all of this since they were diagnosed less than 2 months ago. He has never had this problem before. He started Creon enzymes about a month ago. I thought maybe they were making him constipated but that is not the problem. Took him to the ER and they couldn't find anything. No fever, no vomiting, different times of day, doesn't happen after he eats. The only thing different about him is he gets rosy cheeks when he is having pains. I am at my wits end. Tums, pain reliever, gas drops don"t seem to help. The only things that help is warm baths and rubbing lower back. Doctor's appt is on Friday. Just wondering if anybody has had this problem.


New member
My son has had moderate to severe stomach pains for the last 6 days. I am new to all of this since they were diagnosed less than 2 months ago. He has never had this problem before. He started Creon enzymes about a month ago. I thought maybe they were making him constipated but that is not the problem. Took him to the ER and they couldn't find anything. No fever, no vomiting, different times of day, doesn't happen after he eats. The only thing different about him is he gets rosy cheeks when he is having pains. I am at my wits end. Tums, pain reliever, gas drops don"t seem to help. The only things that help is warm baths and rubbing lower back. Doctor's appt is on Friday. Just wondering if anybody has had this problem.


New member
My son has had moderate to severe stomach pains for the last 6 days. I am new to all of this since they were diagnosed less than 2 months ago. He has never had this problem before. He started Creon enzymes about a month ago. I thought maybe they were making him constipated but that is not the problem. Took him to the ER and they couldn't find anything. No fever, no vomiting, different times of day, doesn't happen after he eats. The only thing different about him is he gets rosy cheeks when he is having pains. I am at my wits end. Tums, pain reliever, gas drops don"t seem to help. The only things that help is warm baths and rubbing lower back. Doctor's appt is on Friday. Just wondering if anybody has had this problem.


New member
hi gabster,
i don't know if this might help, but just before christmas on the 22nd, my son also had really bad stomach pains. he did not sleep all night and he was screaming in pain. no fever, tried to go to the bathroom, so i gave him a suppository, nothing worked. waited all night to see, there was projectile vomiting also. the next morning, still pain, and i thought it might be a bug, but the doc at the walk-in clinic didn't think so. he sent us to the e.r. and they did an ultrasound and xray. they did see alot of "poo" in his intestines, the docs were concerned about a possible obstruction between the small and large intestine. i was told that this can happen to cf kids, they are more susceptible to this. anyways, they kept my son overnight for observation and gave him an enema and it really helped him. he was great the next day and we had a good christmas....
i don't know if you had any tests done, but they also di bloodwork for appendicitis.
maybe this has helped??


New member
hi gabster,
i don't know if this might help, but just before christmas on the 22nd, my son also had really bad stomach pains. he did not sleep all night and he was screaming in pain. no fever, tried to go to the bathroom, so i gave him a suppository, nothing worked. waited all night to see, there was projectile vomiting also. the next morning, still pain, and i thought it might be a bug, but the doc at the walk-in clinic didn't think so. he sent us to the e.r. and they did an ultrasound and xray. they did see alot of "poo" in his intestines, the docs were concerned about a possible obstruction between the small and large intestine. i was told that this can happen to cf kids, they are more susceptible to this. anyways, they kept my son overnight for observation and gave him an enema and it really helped him. he was great the next day and we had a good christmas....
i don't know if you had any tests done, but they also di bloodwork for appendicitis.
maybe this has helped??


New member
hi gabster,
<br />i don't know if this might help, but just before christmas on the 22nd, my son also had really bad stomach pains. he did not sleep all night and he was screaming in pain. no fever, tried to go to the bathroom, so i gave him a suppository, nothing worked. waited all night to see, there was projectile vomiting also. the next morning, still pain, and i thought it might be a bug, but the doc at the walk-in clinic didn't think so. he sent us to the e.r. and they did an ultrasound and xray. they did see alot of "poo" in his intestines, the docs were concerned about a possible obstruction between the small and large intestine. i was told that this can happen to cf kids, they are more susceptible to this. anyways, they kept my son overnight for observation and gave him an enema and it really helped him. he was great the next day and we had a good christmas....
<br />i don't know if you had any tests done, but they also di bloodwork for appendicitis.
<br />maybe this has helped??
<br />
<br />


New member
They did do an xray but it didn't show any blockages. But good news, he hasn't had an episode since last night. So I am praying that it is over.


New member
They did do an xray but it didn't show any blockages. But good news, he hasn't had an episode since last night. So I am praying that it is over.


New member
They did do an xray but it didn't show any blockages. But good news, he hasn't had an episode since last night. So I am praying that it is over.


Hey Gabs..
Is your son on an acid blocker like pravacid? You may need to add that to the mix. Andrew has to have the right combination of prevacid and enzymes or he's pretty miserable. But the good news is that as long as we have his doses where they need to be he feels great!

Good luck!


Hey Gabs..
Is your son on an acid blocker like pravacid? You may need to add that to the mix. Andrew has to have the right combination of prevacid and enzymes or he's pretty miserable. But the good news is that as long as we have his doses where they need to be he feels great!

Good luck!


Hey Gabs..
<br />Is your son on an acid blocker like pravacid? You may need to add that to the mix. Andrew has to have the right combination of prevacid and enzymes or he's pretty miserable. But the good news is that as long as we have his doses where they need to be he feels great!
<br />
<br />Good luck!


New member
Well today we seen his cf doctor and he did another xray. He has distended bowel syndrome. It did show some blockage and now he is supposed to drink this stuff called nulitely. I can't get him to drink it at all. The doctor said if he won't drink it, he will have to put him in the hospital and put a tube in his nose and put it in his stomach that way. Praying that he drinks it soon!


New member
Well today we seen his cf doctor and he did another xray. He has distended bowel syndrome. It did show some blockage and now he is supposed to drink this stuff called nulitely. I can't get him to drink it at all. The doctor said if he won't drink it, he will have to put him in the hospital and put a tube in his nose and put it in his stomach that way. Praying that he drinks it soon!


New member
Well today we seen his cf doctor and he did another xray. He has distended bowel syndrome. It did show some blockage and now he is supposed to drink this stuff called nulitely. I can't get him to drink it at all. The doctor said if he won't drink it, he will have to put him in the hospital and put a tube in his nose and put it in his stomach that way. Praying that he drinks it soon!


New member
you finally got the answer to the problem, that's too bad, hopefully your little one will get better soon. it's never fun to see your child in any distress.


New member
you finally got the answer to the problem, that's too bad, hopefully your little one will get better soon. it's never fun to see your child in any distress.


New member
you finally got the answer to the problem, that's too bad, hopefully your little one will get better soon. it's never fun to see your child in any distress.