stomache problems..

Hello everyone!

I just wondering how long time should i wait to i contact my cf / transpl doc?

For the last few days i have had problems with my stomache to keep the food i eat. But no idea if it is due because of creon enzyms or because tx doc change my antirejection meds and my stomache need to get use to it. Not really want to contact my doc atm bwcause i travle to spain sunday. What would you do?

Thx hug/ Marie


New member
Hi Marie, I hope you're well.
I had my trans on 16 June '05. Since then, I've experienced nausea & vomiting on too many occasions.
Sometimes it's been due to an intestinal blockage, others it was a reaction to a med. In other words, it could me any number of things that could be causing your vomiting.
You really should contact your CF specialist or your trans coordinator. Let them know what's going on, you'll feel much better, much faster.
Hope this helps you.
May God bless & be with you,