stories of children with pulmonary disease


New member
(A totally unrelated comment I had to share... My Mike wears my very old medic alert -- the necklace I used to wear in elementary school -- now. He has it on a silver chain, and it just has the medic alert sign on one side, and "Emily, cystic fibrosis" on the other. It's so cute. Hehe).


New member
Awww Emily lol. That's too cute. I actually never knew what a medic alert was until I read this thread. But anyways, I just thought I'd tell you how cute that is lol.


New member
lol. Thanks. He saw my 4th grade school picture once, and I commented "Hah I actually still have that medic alert" (because I wear a bracelet now), and he asked if he could wear it. I nearly died. Teehee. So we bought a bigger chain for it, and he hasn't taken it off since he started wearing it in November. <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
That is really sweet.... kinda weird, but sweet. =-)

Anyway, Spicy said, "Wear your medic alert? But don't you need it in case you get bashed in the head or something?"

"Without your eternal love, I would rather die," said Stinky.

"Wow, that would have been really romantic if you hadn't just farted."

"Wait," said Stinky. "Farting isn't romantic? Those squirells lied to me!"


New member
LOL! You guys are nuts, I love it! This thread might come to rival the "Things that Annoy You about Non-CFers" thread for laughs! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
HAHAHAHHAHA this is a crackup! please keep it going.

And btw- Emily does that mean that if he gets taken to hospital unconsious (spelling?) they'll read he medic alert tag they will think he has CF? LOl..... no to mention his having a girls name!

Thanks for the laugh,



New member
That's one thing I worried about. When I dug up the old alert, it actually only had the words "cystic fibrosis" on it. We took it to our jeweler and asked if he could fit "Emily" on it as well. It's a possibility, but we're hoping the Emily will throw them off.


New member
Emily is Mike your boyfriend? How old are you guys? I have a boyfriend (Steve, we've been going out 3 years), and he doesn't wear my medic alert but he does wear a purple "Cure Cystic Fibrosis" is like the LiveStrong, but for CF!! Has anyone else seen those? I didn't know they exist, but when I was in the hospital last week the physical therapists all had one, and they got me one, but it is way too huge, so steve is wearing it until I can get a "child's" that actually fits!


New member
Yeah he's my boyfriend. We've been together a year and a half. Mike actually wears both. He wears my old medic alert, and he also wears a purple CF awareness bracelet. In fact, so does his 16 year old brother, his mom, and his dad. They all wear the purple bracelets. It's very cute. Hehe. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member

That's great! How old are you two? I am 21 and Steve just turned 22. I don't have a medic alert bracelet (I just learned what one was on this site!!!). I am ordering the purple bracelets from the Milan Foundation now. Steve's twin brother is going to order a bunch and sell them at work, and donate the proceeds of what he sells to the CF foundation, so Milan and CFF will both be able to benefit. How long did your bracelets take to come in?


New member
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> I'm 21, and Mike is 18 (don't worry, he turns 19 in April!! lol). And the bracelets have been known to take a while to come in. I think the ones my mom ordered took about a month. My friend Mini ordered some too, and those took more like two months to come in. But they do show up. So just give it time once you order them. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Sugar that long??? I ordered mine last week I thought it would only take like 2-3weeks!!!<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
ok well i will keep you guys posted!! I ordered them today 2/8/05 and I will let you all know as soon as they come in!