Strange but important question


New member
Since this is such a diverse board, I was hoping to get my question answered here... hopefully somebody can just offer a quick answer.

I know there are bona fide religions that have historically held conscientious objections to joining or financially supporting public employee organizations (such as a union). I was wondering if there was anybody who is 1. a member of such a religion and what religion it is, or 2. has heard of a particular religion that has held this standard throught history. I am doing some research so if anybody has anything to offer regarding this, please do..

Thank you


Julie, I believe that Quakers fall into that category. Kathy


New member
Seventh Day Adventists
Jehovah's Witnesses
The Protestant Reformed Church

All of those oppose joining labor unions. I am a former member of one of the above. I'm sure there are more but those are the ones I know about.


<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>SeasonsOfLove</b></i><br>Julie, I believe that Quakers fall into that category. Kathy<hr></blockquote>

I just reread your initial question Julie - initially I misread it - I thought you were asking about conscientious objectors to WAR, not unions ! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> I have no idea how the Quakers feel about joining a union!


My mistake made me laugh too!

Out of curiousity, why do these religions oppose one joining a labor union?


New member
If you have a religion that opposes a labor union, you can donate your dues to a non-profit, non-labor organization (i.e. CFF) in lieu of paying the dues to the union.


New member

Just to give you a quick, abbreviated version of why some religions oppose labor unions, they feel that to pledge loyalty to anyone or anything other than God is wrong. They feel that loyalty should only be given to God. Some religions will not allow members to say the Pledge of Allegience either, basically anything that says they are loyal to anything other than God is wrong. Another reason is because Unions historically have resorted to violence to get the results they wanted (not that I'm saying that's true, just that is what they believe). Thirdly, some unions support things like abortion, homosexuality, etc., things that some religious groups want no part of so to give money to the union would be to support things you don't believe in. Therefore they refuse to do so.

Again, I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with any of these beliefs. I am no longer a part of the religious group that held these beliefs (though not for this particular reason). I have, however, learned to respect people's beliefs and basically live by the "to each his own" theory. I'm only responsible for myself, so I have no authority (or desire) to tell someone else what to believe.

I'm sure that there are other reasons for the views people have toward labor unions, this is just what I know from my own experience.