Strange Cravings?


New member
So do we crave salts more so than normal because we expend more salt in our bodies? It's our bodies way of compensating for the loss?


New member
So do we crave salts more so than normal because we expend more salt in our bodies? It's our bodies way of compensating for the loss?


New member
So do we crave salts more so than normal because we expend more salt in our bodies? It's our bodies way of compensating for the loss?


New member
So do we crave salts more so than normal because we expend more salt in our bodies? It's our bodies way of compensating for the loss?


New member
So do we crave salts more so than normal because we expend more salt in our bodies? It's our bodies way of compensating for the loss?


New member
I totally feel like its all body's way of saying, hey you need some more of this! With salty foods and such, I've never been much of a french fry person up until my last infection and now I eat fries at least once a day. Crazy for me.


New member
I totally feel like its all body's way of saying, hey you need some more of this! With salty foods and such, I've never been much of a french fry person up until my last infection and now I eat fries at least once a day. Crazy for me.


New member
I totally feel like its all body's way of saying, hey you need some more of this! With salty foods and such, I've never been much of a french fry person up until my last infection and now I eat fries at least once a day. Crazy for me.


New member
I totally feel like its all body's way of saying, hey you need some more of this! With salty foods and such, I've never been much of a french fry person up until my last infection and now I eat fries at least once a day. Crazy for me.


New member
I totally feel like its all body's way of saying, hey you need some more of this! With salty foods and such, I've never been much of a french fry person up until my last infection and now I eat fries at least once a day. Crazy for me.


New member
Ugh, I've gone through many of those times. A few years ago it was baked potatoes with lots of butter, one night I had like..three. Was great with the weight gain but boy, I just cant eat them now.
Last year, it was cheesecake. I'm talking Sara Lee whole cheesecakes, with the graham cracker crust...I would eat a WHOLE a day. Recently I bought one for myself and I could only eat two slices, LOL
Obviously telling me I need more fats.


New member
Ugh, I've gone through many of those times. A few years ago it was baked potatoes with lots of butter, one night I had like..three. Was great with the weight gain but boy, I just cant eat them now.
Last year, it was cheesecake. I'm talking Sara Lee whole cheesecakes, with the graham cracker crust...I would eat a WHOLE a day. Recently I bought one for myself and I could only eat two slices, LOL
Obviously telling me I need more fats.


New member
Ugh, I've gone through many of those times. A few years ago it was baked potatoes with lots of butter, one night I had like..three. Was great with the weight gain but boy, I just cant eat them now.
Last year, it was cheesecake. I'm talking Sara Lee whole cheesecakes, with the graham cracker crust...I would eat a WHOLE a day. Recently I bought one for myself and I could only eat two slices, LOL
Obviously telling me I need more fats.


New member
Ugh, I've gone through many of those times. A few years ago it was baked potatoes with lots of butter, one night I had like..three. Was great with the weight gain but boy, I just cant eat them now.
Last year, it was cheesecake. I'm talking Sara Lee whole cheesecakes, with the graham cracker crust...I would eat a WHOLE a day. Recently I bought one for myself and I could only eat two slices, LOL
Obviously telling me I need more fats.


New member
Ugh, I've gone through many of those times. A few years ago it was baked potatoes with lots of butter, one night I had like..three. Was great with the weight gain but boy, I just cant eat them now.
<br />Last year, it was cheesecake. I'm talking Sara Lee whole cheesecakes, with the graham cracker crust...I would eat a WHOLE a day. Recently I bought one for myself and I could only eat two slices, LOL
<br />Obviously telling me I need more fats.
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New member
my son who is 3 will eat a chicken nugget happy meal every day with out fail. i know he gets a prize and everything. but my goodness how can he not get sick of it? another "go to" snack is pudding snacks he'll eat all four cups for breakfast. i know that is always something i can give him that he will eat. also pancakes, he was on a pancake kick for a month straight wanted them everyday. which was great i lathered them in butter and let him dip them in his pudding he loved it. that i culd call a craving for him. but without fail and i know its because he sweats out his salt, but im certain he craves salt so bad. when we got out to eat. he grabs that shaker off the table licks his hand and shakes the salt on it to eat. when we have guest with us. they take it away from him as fast as they can and look at all of us like eeww!! how could you let that happen. and we just say oh no its ok and we give it right back to him.
mama to Aidan 3 w/CF


New member
my son who is 3 will eat a chicken nugget happy meal every day with out fail. i know he gets a prize and everything. but my goodness how can he not get sick of it? another "go to" snack is pudding snacks he'll eat all four cups for breakfast. i know that is always something i can give him that he will eat. also pancakes, he was on a pancake kick for a month straight wanted them everyday. which was great i lathered them in butter and let him dip them in his pudding he loved it. that i culd call a craving for him. but without fail and i know its because he sweats out his salt, but im certain he craves salt so bad. when we got out to eat. he grabs that shaker off the table licks his hand and shakes the salt on it to eat. when we have guest with us. they take it away from him as fast as they can and look at all of us like eeww!! how could you let that happen. and we just say oh no its ok and we give it right back to him.
mama to Aidan 3 w/CF


New member
my son who is 3 will eat a chicken nugget happy meal every day with out fail. i know he gets a prize and everything. but my goodness how can he not get sick of it? another "go to" snack is pudding snacks he'll eat all four cups for breakfast. i know that is always something i can give him that he will eat. also pancakes, he was on a pancake kick for a month straight wanted them everyday. which was great i lathered them in butter and let him dip them in his pudding he loved it. that i culd call a craving for him. but without fail and i know its because he sweats out his salt, but im certain he craves salt so bad. when we got out to eat. he grabs that shaker off the table licks his hand and shakes the salt on it to eat. when we have guest with us. they take it away from him as fast as they can and look at all of us like eeww!! how could you let that happen. and we just say oh no its ok and we give it right back to him.
mama to Aidan 3 w/CF


New member
my son who is 3 will eat a chicken nugget happy meal every day with out fail. i know he gets a prize and everything. but my goodness how can he not get sick of it? another "go to" snack is pudding snacks he'll eat all four cups for breakfast. i know that is always something i can give him that he will eat. also pancakes, he was on a pancake kick for a month straight wanted them everyday. which was great i lathered them in butter and let him dip them in his pudding he loved it. that i culd call a craving for him. but without fail and i know its because he sweats out his salt, but im certain he craves salt so bad. when we got out to eat. he grabs that shaker off the table licks his hand and shakes the salt on it to eat. when we have guest with us. they take it away from him as fast as they can and look at all of us like eeww!! how could you let that happen. and we just say oh no its ok and we give it right back to him.
mama to Aidan 3 w/CF


New member
my son who is 3 will eat a chicken nugget happy meal every day with out fail. i know he gets a prize and everything. but my goodness how can he not get sick of it? another "go to" snack is pudding snacks he'll eat all four cups for breakfast. i know that is always something i can give him that he will eat. also pancakes, he was on a pancake kick for a month straight wanted them everyday. which was great i lathered them in butter and let him dip them in his pudding he loved it. that i culd call a craving for him. but without fail and i know its because he sweats out his salt, but im certain he craves salt so bad. when we got out to eat. he grabs that shaker off the table licks his hand and shakes the salt on it to eat. when we have guest with us. they take it away from him as fast as they can and look at all of us like eeww!! how could you let that happen. and we just say oh no its ok and we give it right back to him.
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<br />Elizabeth
<br />mama to Aidan 3 w/CF