Strep throat and CF?


New member
HMMM for the first time in a long time I ?? CF testing here. I will say that if in doubt keep pushing, BUT I also can say that my daughter (no CF) had 2 bouts of strep & 2 bouts of uncontrolled fevers within a 6 week span this year. In addition she has bad seasonal allergies that often lead to her getting sick. She hasnt been dx with asmtha since most of her problems are in the head (she is her mothers daugher LOL) and havent reached her chest chronically. My daughter has always been the one to get the viral things more then bacterial. Like I said if in doubt push for additional testing. I always find it difficult when there is no digestive issues since that is what my whole dx was based on. I have limited exposure/knowledge of sinus issues with CF. Good Luck & let us know.


New member
In terms of docs not ordering a full panel test. Ask the doctor what <b> he </b> has to lose by ordering it.

He has nothing to lose. He's not paying for it. So what does he care?

Don't give up! Be tenacious. If one doc won't give it to you, go to another doc and ask for it. There are many docs are there and one is bound to order it for you.


New member
In terms of docs not ordering a full panel test. Ask the doctor what <b> he </b> has to lose by ordering it.

He has nothing to lose. He's not paying for it. So what does he care?

Don't give up! Be tenacious. If one doc won't give it to you, go to another doc and ask for it. There are many docs are there and one is bound to order it for you.


New member
In terms of docs not ordering a full panel test. Ask the doctor what <b> he </b> has to lose by ordering it.

He has nothing to lose. He's not paying for it. So what does he care?

Don't give up! Be tenacious. If one doc won't give it to you, go to another doc and ask for it. There are many docs are there and one is bound to order it for you.


New member
I have never had step...and am 30 years old living with CF. I wrote an article about misdiagnoses in children. It basically echo's what my answer here would be:

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">misdiagnosis of illness in children</a>

<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I have never had step...and am 30 years old living with CF. I wrote an article about misdiagnoses in children. It basically echo's what my answer here would be:

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">misdiagnosis of illness in children</a>

<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I have never had step...and am 30 years old living with CF. I wrote an article about misdiagnoses in children. It basically echo's what my answer here would be:

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">misdiagnosis of illness in children</a>

<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Whether your kid sounds like they have CF or not the item in your post that resonates with me is that


You must as a mother go with your gut so I applaud you for sticking with it. I am an adult diagnosis who had a bunch of borderline tests. Please read my blog if you are interested. I hope your son does not have it but if he does dont let what happened to me happen to him.

PUSH for the test, get all the info from ambry genetics, you can contact a CF center, you can fill out the pre-authorization forms and speak with ambry genetics, do all the work then take it to your doctor. ALot of times they dont know how to do something so they say not necessary. I am getting my duaghter tested and the pediatrician ordered test then when insurance challenged they withdrew and I had to really fight and even sign agreeing to pay if they denied it. No I dont have that kind of money laying around but it doesnt matter one way or another I WILL get that test.


New member
Whether your kid sounds like they have CF or not the item in your post that resonates with me is that


You must as a mother go with your gut so I applaud you for sticking with it. I am an adult diagnosis who had a bunch of borderline tests. Please read my blog if you are interested. I hope your son does not have it but if he does dont let what happened to me happen to him.

PUSH for the test, get all the info from ambry genetics, you can contact a CF center, you can fill out the pre-authorization forms and speak with ambry genetics, do all the work then take it to your doctor. ALot of times they dont know how to do something so they say not necessary. I am getting my duaghter tested and the pediatrician ordered test then when insurance challenged they withdrew and I had to really fight and even sign agreeing to pay if they denied it. No I dont have that kind of money laying around but it doesnt matter one way or another I WILL get that test.


New member
Whether your kid sounds like they have CF or not the item in your post that resonates with me is that


You must as a mother go with your gut so I applaud you for sticking with it. I am an adult diagnosis who had a bunch of borderline tests. Please read my blog if you are interested. I hope your son does not have it but if he does dont let what happened to me happen to him.

PUSH for the test, get all the info from ambry genetics, you can contact a CF center, you can fill out the pre-authorization forms and speak with ambry genetics, do all the work then take it to your doctor. ALot of times they dont know how to do something so they say not necessary. I am getting my duaghter tested and the pediatrician ordered test then when insurance challenged they withdrew and I had to really fight and even sign agreeing to pay if they denied it. No I dont have that kind of money laying around but it doesnt matter one way or another I WILL get that test.


Staff member
Some families/kids seem to have more than there fair share of strep throat problems. DH's side of the family all the kids, grandkids, cousin's... had horribly ear infections and needed tubes and also had tons of strep --- once they had tonsilectomies, problems pretty much disappeared.

My siblings and I had our fair share, too, but it seem like once we reached junior high school, wasn't an issue. Unfortunately for me, they didn't remove my tonsils when I was younger and I developed cryptic/chronic tonsilitis and had mine removed at the age of 36. Apparently having ones tonsils out as an adult is a 1000 times worse than as a child -- was a dreadful experience, but something I wish I would've done a lot sooner.

One thing to consider with chronic strep throat -- maybe there's someone or something (family pet) whose a carrier. With my siblings and myself, it was the neighbor boy. He'd start to feel better and his mom wouldn't make him finish up his med (penicillin in those days), so he'd be sick constantly and he'd come visit, we'd get sick....


Staff member
Some families/kids seem to have more than there fair share of strep throat problems. DH's side of the family all the kids, grandkids, cousin's... had horribly ear infections and needed tubes and also had tons of strep --- once they had tonsilectomies, problems pretty much disappeared.

My siblings and I had our fair share, too, but it seem like once we reached junior high school, wasn't an issue. Unfortunately for me, they didn't remove my tonsils when I was younger and I developed cryptic/chronic tonsilitis and had mine removed at the age of 36. Apparently having ones tonsils out as an adult is a 1000 times worse than as a child -- was a dreadful experience, but something I wish I would've done a lot sooner.

One thing to consider with chronic strep throat -- maybe there's someone or something (family pet) whose a carrier. With my siblings and myself, it was the neighbor boy. He'd start to feel better and his mom wouldn't make him finish up his med (penicillin in those days), so he'd be sick constantly and he'd come visit, we'd get sick....


Staff member
Some families/kids seem to have more than there fair share of strep throat problems. DH's side of the family all the kids, grandkids, cousin's... had horribly ear infections and needed tubes and also had tons of strep --- once they had tonsilectomies, problems pretty much disappeared.

My siblings and I had our fair share, too, but it seem like once we reached junior high school, wasn't an issue. Unfortunately for me, they didn't remove my tonsils when I was younger and I developed cryptic/chronic tonsilitis and had mine removed at the age of 36. Apparently having ones tonsils out as an adult is a 1000 times worse than as a child -- was a dreadful experience, but something I wish I would've done a lot sooner.

One thing to consider with chronic strep throat -- maybe there's someone or something (family pet) whose a carrier. With my siblings and myself, it was the neighbor boy. He'd start to feel better and his mom wouldn't make him finish up his med (penicillin in those days), so he'd be sick constantly and he'd come visit, we'd get sick....


New member
Wow, what Liza said hits home! My CFer's best friend gives us whatever cold he has always... I'm going to ask his mom if he finishes his meds...

But what I wanted to say is that as a carrier, I always had strep and tonsillitis as a kid... Perhaps your daughter is a positive carrier who manifests aspects of particular illnesses associated with the Cf life?

Meanwhile, power up on the natural/homeopathic stuff and get lots of sunshine. All of you!


New member
Wow, what Liza said hits home! My CFer's best friend gives us whatever cold he has always... I'm going to ask his mom if he finishes his meds...

But what I wanted to say is that as a carrier, I always had strep and tonsillitis as a kid... Perhaps your daughter is a positive carrier who manifests aspects of particular illnesses associated with the Cf life?

Meanwhile, power up on the natural/homeopathic stuff and get lots of sunshine. All of you!


New member
Wow, what Liza said hits home! My CFer's best friend gives us whatever cold he has always... I'm going to ask his mom if he finishes his meds...

But what I wanted to say is that as a carrier, I always had strep and tonsillitis as a kid... Perhaps your daughter is a positive carrier who manifests aspects of particular illnesses associated with the Cf life?

Meanwhile, power up on the natural/homeopathic stuff and get lots of sunshine. All of you!


New member
Just because I found it odd that my older son got strept had pus pockets in his throat the doc said. And my little boy who has cf loves to sleep with brother, did not catch it. We both decieded he would go stay at dads while he was sick . He said mom I couldnt take it if I gave it to brother. How sweet he is. Anyway I kept thinking how has he not already caught it. But he didnt even after sleeping together. hmmm. Glad he didnt !


New member
Just because I found it odd that my older son got strept had pus pockets in his throat the doc said. And my little boy who has cf loves to sleep with brother, did not catch it. We both decieded he would go stay at dads while he was sick . He said mom I couldnt take it if I gave it to brother. How sweet he is. Anyway I kept thinking how has he not already caught it. But he didnt even after sleeping together. hmmm. Glad he didnt !


New member
Just because I found it odd that my older son got strept had pus pockets in his throat the doc said. And my little boy who has cf loves to sleep with brother, did not catch it. We both decieded he would go stay at dads while he was sick . He said mom I couldnt take it if I gave it to brother. How sweet he is. Anyway I kept thinking how has he not already caught it. But he didnt even after sleeping together. hmmm. Glad he didnt !