stuffy nose


New member
For the past 3 mornings my daughter has woken up with a really bad stopped up nose. She gets upset b/c she can't breathe at all through her nose. My question is.....could this be CF related???

She had a cold last week but it has been gone now for 5 days..........would thise stuffy nose be leftover from a cold? After she gets over it in the morning, there are no more symptoms so that's why I'm thinking it's not a cold. We are still fairly new to her CF diagnosis so I'm not sure what symptoms are CF related.

Thanks, Amy


New member
Sinsitis is a cf-realated thing, it might be that. I almost always have a stuffy nose when i wake up in the morning. After I take a shower, though, the steam tends to clear it out and I'm usually fine for the rest of the day. Well, I get sinus headaches a lot, but I can breathe through my nose, anyway.

Jarod 22 w/cf


New member

Jarrod is correct, sinus difficulties is just part of the deal. I would encourage you to find a good pediatric ENT if things don't get better. Some people have worse problems than others mine were fairly bad, I am better now though, thank god. I had over 20 sinus procedures done to clear out severe infections. I am not suggesting that will be your daughters case just giving a little insight into possibilites.

luke 29/cf


New member
When I was younger I used to have loads of stuffy noses. I remember blowing my nose before i went to sleep to try and help it. I've never been told I had sinus problems-that I can remember. I gradually grew out of it, but now when I get blocked up (which is rare) I take a nasal spray called 'nasonex' and it works wonders! I think theres a tracce of steroid in it but its amazing. Maybe you should talk to your doctor about a nasal spray.


New member
Thanks everybody. What are other symptoms of sinusitis? Luckily, her clinic visit is this Tuesday so I will talk to her doctor about it. I'm so sad thinking this may become part of her mornings all the time. I know it could be worse but we've been lucky so far and I hate to see what is coming. Oh well...I guess it's just part of the deal. I really admire you all for all that you go through.



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thiis is Shamrock.
I talked to my mom and she said it was sinus problems. I had 2 atrom washouts which were ineffective. Like I said I grew out of it. And I never have stuffy noses now. Another symptom is a headach when you put your head down or a pain between the eyes. I hope everything goes well on Tuesday.<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey guys, my daughter just had surgery in her nose. "polyps" it is part of the CF, sinus problems if you wish. They're nose gets so plug that eventually they can't breath through it properly. My daughter just turned five years old. The ENT said she has the tiniest nose he has ever seen, he started surgery, she had 2mm of space. Once he cleared and cut out the polyps, she now has 7mm to breath with. Not every one requires surgery, however I opped to do it to her cause she was really plugged. She has always taken rhinocort spray in her nose, now since the surgery three times a day I wash her nose with a sinus rinse and it has the rhinocort already in the solution. good luck and take care


New member
I use nasonex spray and take an allegra tablet. I have always had sinus issues. Some other symptoms is drainage, where it drains in back of throat. This causes coughing. Sometime causes an infection. Headache occasionally. Where it feels as like "an ice cream headache." Those are the only symptoms I've had. Hope she feels better.


New member
My son with CF has the same problem and we talked to the CF doctor about it. There seems to be 2 culprits in most cases. 1 is allergies in the home. I have allergies and mine are always worse in the morning. The other is the heat. If you have very dry heat in the house and you don't scale it back at night it can cause a very stuffed up nose, especially for someone with allergies. Yes, the problem can be CF related but more likely something else. Definitely ask your pediatrician or your CF doctor.


New member
my sons main CF problem is nasal related. He gets bloody noses quite often in the middle of the night. He had nasal polyps real bad. when he was three he had his tonsils, adenoids, and nasal polyps removed and it made a world of difference!!!!! He only stayed one night in the hospital, usually it's considered a day surgery but I made them keep him an overnight because of the CF. He was in pain for several days, but he was given pretty good pain meds. He had this stuffing in his nose that was supposed to removed by the doctor @ his follow-up visit. He woke up one morning and the stuffing was no longer visible in his nose so I assumed it had fallen out while he was sleeping. When he went to his follow-up two weeks later, the Dr. found the stuffing shoved so far back in his sinuses that they had to use a scope to take it out. It was so nasty!!!!!!! He was fine and is still doing great.


New member
I never had this problem, but my sister who also has CF always had nose problems. She had surgery on it when she was only about 5 or 6, (shes now 23) and she was constantly having the polyp problem. Right now she is on Flonase, which she said works great. She only uses it when her nose is stuffed up. So like someone else said, definitely look into getting a nasal spray.

I on the other hand have the sinus problems. My sister never gets headaches, but I do every time it rains/snows or is damp out. I never had the polyps though. I've been meaning to get tested to see if I actually have sinusitis..but everytime I go for a dr. visit, I forget.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>CgNBgEqualsCgNLg</b></i><br>i used ot get bloody noses..ALOT and they wouldnt stop..i forget what the cause or main reason was..hasnt happened in a while though<hr></blockquote>

I get bloody noses all the time. Part of it is 'cause my nose is all scarred up from surgery, or something, and part of it is the dry air. It can be soo annoying sometimes, like when i'm talking to someone and all of a sudden I can feel my nose start to drip. =-) I always cover my nose and run to the bathroom, so probably looks like the other person farted really bad! =-) ha, ha!

22 w/cf


New member
i have a 6 year old,
stuffy nose and breathing thru his nose at night instead of his mouth and frequent was nasal polyps.
he had a watery but tinged with blood discharge coming from his nose, last january (2004)
went to cf clinic, they saw nasal polyps, that they hadnt seen just two months prior.
went to pediatric ent.
sas large polyps in one side, less in the other...put on one month steady steroids and antbiotics, abated significantly.
also do nasal wash two times a day, can order from califrnia, the nasal washes and rhinocort have really helped and so far (knock on wood) avoided surgery.
anyway, polyps almost always eventually come back and require surgery, but for now the meds and routine sinal washes have helped.
i also have tow older sons, 12 and 8 supposedly cf free but suffer from symptoms none the less.
juliet and the three muskateers