Styrofoam Rx boxes


Super Moderator
So I searched the old threads, but was wondering if anyone has found a place to "donate" or recycle the styrofoam boxes that pulmozyme is shipped in. I have given away to friends and family, but we get 3 of these suckers a month and my garage in being over run by them! I hate to just throw them in the trash. Any suggestions besides building an igloo with them?


Super Moderator
I'm in the same boat with ice packs as well! You could try posting them free on craigslist or if there is a local "shop and swap" or freebies Facebook page for your area you could post them there.


New member
My roommate's used one or two for camping coolers, but honestly I've gotten to the point of just tossing them. I agree and hate doing it, though. I'm usually the guy washing jars and bottles out to recycle them, but there's not much you can do with those coolers.

The Dot

So I searched the old threads, but was wondering if anyone has found a place to "donate" or recycle the styrofoam boxes that pulmozyme is shipped in. I have given away to friends and family, but we get 3 of these suckers a month and my garage in being over run by them! I hate to just throw them in the trash. Any suggestions besides building an igloo with them?

I like the igoo idea - lol! I am an RT, not CFer, but have RA and Lupus so get shipments of Humira in these boxes. After I have enough to fill my closets, I set them out by the trash bins at my condominium complex with the ice packs in them and allow my neighbors to "come and get it" as they see fit.


New member
I have taken them to our local pack and post after calling them asking them if they could use them. Maybe, just maybe they'll remember that come Christmas shipping time and give me a little discount, haha! My daughter just moved to California and they have a horrible time getting rid of stuff. They don't recycle the Styrofoam even though they have a recycling emblem. She's just breaking down the box and putting that in the recycle bin leaving the six pieces of foam. She'll now have to find a pack and post and see if they will take them. Mail order, supposed to make things easier but it doesn't always....


Super Moderator
Yep, I'm in California so it is either find a way to repurpose or they go to the landfill. I will definitely check out some of the local pack and post places. That is a great idea!


New member
Hello. Great subject. I wanted to share a suggestion. This site is great, Freecycle , Https:// It is a site that is almost everywhere. It keeps stuff out of landfills ⚠️ ?. I use it all the time here in Kentucky. Also they have a cheapcycle, similar to Craig's list if you happen to sell stuff. Oh, Craig's list has a "FREE" section also. A lot of people meet at a public place or others just sit the items out on a porch for "porch pickup only " or anywhere you choose. Good luck.
PS: I am new and been reading for a while but I have been too sick to introduce myself or comment. Introduction will come ?.
Peace ,
Sheila E
