I have worried about the same things. My hands are so dry and cracked (actually bleeding) from so much washing. From what I have gathered from others on this site, you can't let it overwhelm you. I finally decided the best protection is to try to keep Sam's lungs as healthy as possible to keep the bacteria from getting trapped in their in the first place - because inevitably he is going to encounter some bacteria, I just have hopes that maybe he can clear it on his own. For veteran moms, does this sound like a good philosophy? Other things I have tried:
* Dusting twice a week.
* Cleaning the bathroom while my four year old is taking a bath. She is able to play while I scrub.
* Running the tap water for a few minutes before using the faucet, and installing a $35 water purifier from Walgreen's.
* Keeping Sam away from fragrances, asking relatives not to wear perfume.
Things I plan to do once Sam starts walking:
* Making everyone take their shoes off at the door.
My husband and I are actually having an argument over a house plant right now. We have one house plant, and he says that I am going too far by trying to get rid of it. Anyone else have house plants? Also, Sam just got bathtub toys for Christmas. I don' know if that's a good idea. Does the idea of bathtub toys freak anyone else out?
I'm glad you posted this topic, and I can't wait to read what others say. There should be better guidelines. The only thing we were told Samuel should not do is get into hot tubs or go scuba diving, but I would like to be a little more proactive than that even if it doesn't make a major difference.
I have one more question - if you don't use dish rags, what do you use? I keep using paper towels to clean his spoons, bottles, etc., but it's getting to be a pretty wasteful habit.