Suitable work


New member
Currently looking for a new job, preferably a permanent long term position, just wondering what position anyone works in, not sure weather to go for a more sit down job because it can make me feel congested if I'm
Not moving around for most of the day, anyone else been in this position?


Super Moderator
I do phone based customer service for a medium/large company. primarily involves sitting at my desk all day answering the phone. 6 months ago i went out on short term disability and went down to part time because the hours (8-5) were just too much and i was in a cycle of hospital, well for a few months, hospital, well for a few months, etc. cutting back has helped me significantly!
prior to this job i worked full time as a bank teller for 3 years. much more face to face contact with people so i was more susceptible to catching things. I've also been a live in nanny for a family.

if you search work, careers, etc. you should find lots of previous threads as this has been discussed many times before on these boards.


New member
i found working at a more physical job to be more satisfying. warehouse, type work, loading, unloading, sorting, and minimal groups of people so the coughing isnt a bit deal. it's hard to find long term stuff, especially if you miss a lot for hospitalization. you might try going through a temp service so you can try a lot of different things.