

New member
<P>wondering if anyone has done surrogacy? i know its not covered by insurance so its something you'd have to pay for on your own. </P>
<P> </P>
<P>I have a friend that offered to carry our baby. I don't even know where to begin in doing this and if its possible because she lives about 7 hours away. </P>
<P> </P>
<P>anyone have any info on this?</P>


New member
<P>wondering if anyone has done surrogacy? i know its not covered by insurance so its something you'd have to pay for on your own. </P>
<P>I havea friend that offered to carry our baby. I don't even know where to begin in doing this and if its possible because she lives about 7 hours away. </P>
<P>anyone have any info on this?</P>


New member
<P><BR>wondering if anyone has done surrogacy? i know its not covered by insurance so its something you'd have to pay for on your own. </P>
<P>I havea friend that offered to carry our baby. I don't even know where to begin in doing this and if its possible because she lives about 7 hours away. </P>
<P>anyone have any info on this?</P>


New member
I am interested if anyone has done it because we are also looking into it. I have had friends offer to carry our baby but I do not think it is a good idea. I know that if something were to happen to her I could never forgive myself. We have looked into companies that specialize in surrogacy and think that is the way we are going to go. Yes, it is very expensive but if you go through a company they handle all the legal aspects of the birth and offer much support during the process.

I would think of all the things that could go wrong with having your friend do this enormous favor for you and then think about if you are willing to risk it.Good luck!


New member
I am interested if anyone has done it because we are also looking into it. I have had friends offer to carry our baby but I do not think it is a good idea. I know that if something were to happen to her I could never forgive myself. We have looked into companies that specialize in surrogacy and think that is the way we are going to go. Yes, it is very expensive but if you go through a company they handle all the legal aspects of the birth and offer much support during the process.

I would think of all the things that could go wrong with having your friend do this enormous favor for you and then think about if you are willing to risk it.Good luck!


New member
I am interested if anyone has done it because we are also looking into it. I have had friends offer to carry our baby but I do not think it is a good idea. I know that if something were to happen to her I could never forgive myself. We have looked into companies that specialize in surrogacy and think that is the way we are going to go. Yes, it is very expensive but if you go through a company they handle all the legal aspects of the birth and offer much support during the process.
<br />
<br />I would think of all the things that could go wrong with having your friend do this enormous favor for you and then think about if you are willing to risk it.Good luck!


New member
I don't then if someone you don't know has complications with the birth then you'll feel better than if it was your friend?? I would feel worse because its someone you don't know. They are risking their life for someone they DON'T EVEN KNOW! Pretty callous don't you think?


New member
I don't then if someone you don't know has complications with the birth then you'll feel better than if it was your friend?? I would feel worse because its someone you don't know. They are risking their life for someone they DON'T EVEN KNOW! Pretty callous don't you think?


New member
I don't then if someone you don't know has complications with the birth then you'll feel better than if it was your friend?? I would feel worse because its someone you don't know. They are risking their life for someone they DON'T EVEN KNOW! Pretty callous don't you think?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>musclemania70</b></i>

I don't then if someone you don't know has complications with the birth then you'll feel better than if it was your friend?? I would feel worse because its someone you don't know. They are risking their life for someone they DON'T EVEN KNOW! Pretty callous don't you think?</end quote></div><br>I think it is natural for us to have more concern with people we know vs. people we don't know. My family had a book when I was growing up called the Book of Questions. In there was a situation: "if you had the power to prevent one of the following, which would you choose? An earthquake in Peru that kills 30,000, an airplane crash of a flight from your hometown that kills 250, or a car accident the kills 5 of your closest friends/family." It was a very hard question.<br><br>Plus, there's the fact that someone who is carrying a baby for one of those companies is getting fairly well compensated. A friend who offers is probably not expecting compensation (aside from the requisite medical costs). <br><br>But I also agree with you, in that I'd probably not look on the negative side of it. In this day and age (in our privileged countries), pregnancies do not pose a very significant risk for a healthy woman. <br>


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>musclemania70</b></i>

I don't then if someone you don't know has complications with the birth then you'll feel better than if it was your friend?? I would feel worse because its someone you don't know. They are risking their life for someone they DON'T EVEN KNOW! Pretty callous don't you think?</end quote><br>I think it is natural for us to have more concern with people we know vs. people we don't know. My family had a book when I was growing up called the Book of Questions. In there was a situation: "if you had the power to prevent one of the following, which would you choose? An earthquake in Peru that kills 30,000, an airplane crash of a flight from your hometown that kills 250, or a car accident the kills 5 of your closest friends/family." It was a very hard question.<br><br>Plus, there's the fact that someone who is carrying a baby for one of those companies is getting fairly well compensated. A friend who offers is probably not expecting compensation (aside from the requisite medical costs). <br><br>But I also agree with you, in that I'd probably not look on the negative side of it. In this day and age (in our privileged countries), pregnancies do not pose a very significant risk for a healthy woman. <br>


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>musclemania70</b></i>

I don't then if someone you don't know has complications with the birth then you'll feel better than if it was your friend?? I would feel worse because its someone you don't know. They are risking their life for someone they DON'T EVEN KNOW! Pretty callous don't you think?</end quote><br>I think it is natural for us to have more concern with people we know vs. people we don't know. My family had a book when I was growing up called the Book of Questions. In there was a situation: "if you had the power to prevent one of the following, which would you choose? An earthquake in Peru that kills 30,000, an airplane crash of a flight from your hometown that kills 250, or a car accident the kills 5 of your closest friends/family." It was a very hard question.<br><br>Plus, there's the fact that someone who is carrying a baby for one of those companies is getting fairly well compensated. A friend who offers is probably not expecting compensation (aside from the requisite medical costs). <br><br>But I also agree with you, in that I'd probably not look on the negative side of it. In this day and age (in our privileged countries), pregnancies do not pose a very significant risk for a healthy woman. <br>


New member
Yes, I would feel much worse if something were to happen to someone I know and care deeply about, than to someone I do not know. Would I still feel horrible in either circumstance? Yes, of course. But if it were my friend I would be constantly reminded that I helped cause something to go wrong. Also, the women who are carrying for a company would most likely get paid much more than you would pay your friend.

Personally, I don't feel I am looking on the negative side, as just being prepared for anything to happen. Most likely everything will be fine but for me, I just don't want to risk it with a friend. I was just offering advice from my view but if you feel it is callous then by all means, don't take it.

If you go the friend route I would get a lawyer because there are a lot of legal aspects to surrogacy that most people (myself included) wouldn't think about.


New member
Yes, I would feel much worse if something were to happen to someone I know and care deeply about, than to someone I do not know. Would I still feel horrible in either circumstance? Yes, of course. But if it were my friend I would be constantly reminded that I helped cause something to go wrong. Also, the women who are carrying for a company would most likely get paid much more than you would pay your friend.

Personally, I don't feel I am looking on the negative side, as just being prepared for anything to happen. Most likely everything will be fine but for me, I just don't want to risk it with a friend. I was just offering advice from my view but if you feel it is callous then by all means, don't take it.

If you go the friend route I would get a lawyer because there are a lot of legal aspects to surrogacy that most people (myself included) wouldn't think about.


New member
Yes, I would feel much worse if something were to happen to someone I know and care deeply about, than to someone I do not know. Would I still feel horrible in either circumstance? Yes, of course. But if it were my friend I would be constantly reminded that I helped cause something to go wrong. Also, the women who are carrying for a company would most likely get paid much more than you would pay your friend.
<br />
<br />Personally, I don't feel I am looking on the negative side, as just being prepared for anything to happen. Most likely everything will be fine but for me, I just don't want to risk it with a friend. I was just offering advice from my view but if you feel it is callous then by all means, don't take it.
<br />
<br />If you go the friend route I would get a lawyer because there are a lot of legal aspects to surrogacy that most people (myself included) wouldn't think about.


I was able to have my own kids but if I wasn't and a friend of mine offered I would feel so blessed.  I would honestly probably take her up on her offer after lots of conversations and meeting with a lawyer.  Talk about an offer made out of love!  Like was mentioned above, the risks to a healthy woman having a baby in this day and age are so small.  Would you feel worried about your friend if she was pregnant with her own child?  Probably not I would guess.  You would be happy and excited with her.  <br><br>What do you think could go wrong Sue?  It isn't like you are asking her to do something inherently dangerous.  It is a normal and natural process the body knows how to go through.  And she offered - nobody asked her.<br><br>My only health stipulation would be that my friend had already given birth to at least 1 child and had a normal healthy pregnancy and an uneventful birth.<br><br>I have an acquaintance who was a surrogate to a gay couple.  She went through an agency and it all worked out for her.  Though she said she probably would not do it again it was a nice experience.  She did not mind being pregnant and wanted to make some extra money since she was a single mom at the time.   <br>


I was able to have my own kids but if I wasn't and a friend of mine offered I would feel so blessed. I would honestly probably take her up on her offer after lots of conversations and meeting with a lawyer. Talk about an offer made out of love! Like was mentioned above, the risks to a healthy woman having a baby in this day and age are so small. Would you feel worried about your friend if she was pregnant with her own child? Probably not I would guess. You would be happy and excited with her. <br><br>What do you think could go wrong Sue? It isn't like you are asking her to do something inherently dangerous. It is a normal and natural process the body knows how to go through. And she offered - nobody asked her.<br><br>My only health stipulation would be that my friend had already given birth to at least 1 child and had a normal healthy pregnancy and an uneventful birth.<br><br>I have an acquaintance who was a surrogate to a gay couple. She went through an agency and it all worked out for her. Though she said she probably would not do it again it was a nice experience. She did not mind being pregnant and wanted to make some extra money since she was a single mom at the time. <br>