Enzo, we've already been down the road of the whole "cure for CF" thing, so I won't recapitulate here. I will say that you're too young AND too healthy, right now, to be freaking out about transplant.
Survival rates vary by center. Some people have the good fortune to be able to choose from several nearby (as in within 100 miles) centers. Others have to be listed where ever they can get accepted. Generally, survival rates for ALL lung transplants at a center are easily found, but those numbers are NOT a match to the survival rates for cystic fibrosis transplants. Our survival rates are generally higher! One-year survival rates at my center, where I am under their care but not yet listed, are better than 90% for all patients and 95% or better for CF patients. Five year survival is well above 50% for CF patients.
And yeah, I think if you are estimating your transplant needs at being 20 years out, you can expect a massive leap forward in both cystic fibrosis treatments as well as transplant survival rates. The doctors learn more and more with every single patient they transplant. Hell, it was within my own lifetime that the very first transplant was done! To someone who lived 100 years ago, the fact it can even be done is sheer magic. And the fact that I know more than one transplant recipients who are not 15 or more years post-transplant is a miracle.