Swallowing Enzymes


New member
Aaahhh, Milestones in the CF world! What a wonderful day it is when they start swallowing thier enzymes! Congratulations!

My youngest started when she was 18mo. She just had to copy her big sister who was 4yrs. At that time it was just two pills. She's graduated to 6 all at once. You'll find it amazing as the years pass by just how much she can swallow. My max is 2 tylenols at once, woohoo.

We were never told you couldn't use dairy products. Since my oldest wasn't diagnosed until age 3 we had to break them open and put her "special sprinkles" on ice cream. Desert before breakfast, lunch and supper for about a year. She had just started swallowing them a few months before our youngest. Oh, and swallowing them dry. UGH, I hate it when they do that! As a mom I envision them getting stuck.

(mom of 2teen girls w/CF)
(ages 19 & 16)


New member

I have a dughter wc/f she turned 2 in june and in july we went to the beach and she did the same thing. It was so amazing, i just wanted to cry. She takes 4 enzymes and prevacid caps, so she is swallowing all 5!!!!!! Sometimes I have to bribe her but, I have never put it in applesauce since. She knows she can't eat until she takes them. That is great! I never thought I would see that day! No more applesauce!

Kyndall 2yrs wc/f
Tanner 5yrs no c/f


New member
It is great how quickly they pick things up, Avery started to do it a 2.5 years old as well. It was amazing. She wanted to do it her way and she did.

Father to Avery 3 (8-18-03) HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY I LOVE YOU! w/cf


We are looking forward to that day!!! We almost always give enzymes in yogurt. I believe in the "it's all mixing up in his stomach, who cares what's on the spoon" theory. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">