swallowing enzymes


New member
Reece will be starting kindergarten next week. I would LOVE for hime to learn how to swallow his pills. He takes 3 creon 10 w/ meals & 2 w/ snacks. It would be much easier on all of us ( the nurse & me) Instead of sending applesauce all the time etc.

His clinic nutritionist gave him a cup & at the top is a place to put a pill(s) & as you tip the cup to drink the pill goes down too. Reece refuses to try this. So does this mean hes not ready? Are there any other tricks I can try? He loves M&M's & I have heard to try swallowing them whole but hes not gonna do that. Help!


New member
Reece will be starting kindergarten next week. I would LOVE for hime to learn how to swallow his pills. He takes 3 creon 10 w/ meals & 2 w/ snacks. It would be much easier on all of us ( the nurse & me) Instead of sending applesauce all the time etc.

His clinic nutritionist gave him a cup & at the top is a place to put a pill(s) & as you tip the cup to drink the pill goes down too. Reece refuses to try this. So does this mean hes not ready? Are there any other tricks I can try? He loves M&M's & I have heard to try swallowing them whole but hes not gonna do that. Help!


New member
Reece will be starting kindergarten next week. I would LOVE for hime to learn how to swallow his pills. He takes 3 creon 10 w/ meals & 2 w/ snacks. It would be much easier on all of us ( the nurse & me) Instead of sending applesauce all the time etc.

His clinic nutritionist gave him a cup & at the top is a place to put a pill(s) & as you tip the cup to drink the pill goes down too. Reece refuses to try this. So does this mean hes not ready? Are there any other tricks I can try? He loves M&M's & I have heard to try swallowing them whole but hes not gonna do that. Help!


New member
Reece will be starting kindergarten next week. I would LOVE for hime to learn how to swallow his pills. He takes 3 creon 10 w/ meals & 2 w/ snacks. It would be much easier on all of us ( the nurse & me) Instead of sending applesauce all the time etc.

His clinic nutritionist gave him a cup & at the top is a place to put a pill(s) & as you tip the cup to drink the pill goes down too. Reece refuses to try this. So does this mean hes not ready? Are there any other tricks I can try? He loves M&M's & I have heard to try swallowing them whole but hes not gonna do that. Help!


New member
Reece will be starting kindergarten next week. I would LOVE for hime to learn how to swallow his pills. He takes 3 creon 10 w/ meals & 2 w/ snacks. It would be much easier on all of us ( the nurse & me) Instead of sending applesauce all the time etc.

His clinic nutritionist gave him a cup & at the top is a place to put a pill(s) & as you tip the cup to drink the pill goes down too. Reece refuses to try this. So does this mean hes not ready? Are there any other tricks I can try? He loves M&M's & I have heard to try swallowing them whole but hes not gonna do that. Help!


We have tried it all. Nothing seems to help. Kayla had practiced using the empty enzymes capsules, and had been swallowing her pills whole from the time she was about 5 until last year when she was 8. Then all of the sudden she couldn't swallow them anymore, and still cannot! It was frustrating because nothing worked and she just stopped taking them. Not a good thing.

Then we went back to applesauce. And now she has ditched the applesauce, and just opens the capsules and pours them in her mouth and washes them down.

Hannah has never been able to swallow them. She, too, just opens the capsules and washes them down.

They are content doing it this way, and they do not need applesauce in order to do it. So...until they are ready to swallow pills, this is the way we do it.

There is a cup that you can purchase at a pharmacy that teaches them how to swallow pills, and I did purchase one. But neither one of the girls are interested in trying it out, so we continue opening the pills. Maybe one day<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


We have tried it all. Nothing seems to help. Kayla had practiced using the empty enzymes capsules, and had been swallowing her pills whole from the time she was about 5 until last year when she was 8. Then all of the sudden she couldn't swallow them anymore, and still cannot! It was frustrating because nothing worked and she just stopped taking them. Not a good thing.

Then we went back to applesauce. And now she has ditched the applesauce, and just opens the capsules and pours them in her mouth and washes them down.

Hannah has never been able to swallow them. She, too, just opens the capsules and washes them down.

They are content doing it this way, and they do not need applesauce in order to do it. So...until they are ready to swallow pills, this is the way we do it.

There is a cup that you can purchase at a pharmacy that teaches them how to swallow pills, and I did purchase one. But neither one of the girls are interested in trying it out, so we continue opening the pills. Maybe one day<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


We have tried it all. Nothing seems to help. Kayla had practiced using the empty enzymes capsules, and had been swallowing her pills whole from the time she was about 5 until last year when she was 8. Then all of the sudden she couldn't swallow them anymore, and still cannot! It was frustrating because nothing worked and she just stopped taking them. Not a good thing.

Then we went back to applesauce. And now she has ditched the applesauce, and just opens the capsules and pours them in her mouth and washes them down.

Hannah has never been able to swallow them. She, too, just opens the capsules and washes them down.

They are content doing it this way, and they do not need applesauce in order to do it. So...until they are ready to swallow pills, this is the way we do it.

There is a cup that you can purchase at a pharmacy that teaches them how to swallow pills, and I did purchase one. But neither one of the girls are interested in trying it out, so we continue opening the pills. Maybe one day<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


We have tried it all. Nothing seems to help. Kayla had practiced using the empty enzymes capsules, and had been swallowing her pills whole from the time she was about 5 until last year when she was 8. Then all of the sudden she couldn't swallow them anymore, and still cannot! It was frustrating because nothing worked and she just stopped taking them. Not a good thing.

Then we went back to applesauce. And now she has ditched the applesauce, and just opens the capsules and pours them in her mouth and washes them down.

Hannah has never been able to swallow them. She, too, just opens the capsules and washes them down.

They are content doing it this way, and they do not need applesauce in order to do it. So...until they are ready to swallow pills, this is the way we do it.

There is a cup that you can purchase at a pharmacy that teaches them how to swallow pills, and I did purchase one. But neither one of the girls are interested in trying it out, so we continue opening the pills. Maybe one day<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


We have tried it all. Nothing seems to help. Kayla had practiced using the empty enzymes capsules, and had been swallowing her pills whole from the time she was about 5 until last year when she was 8. Then all of the sudden she couldn't swallow them anymore, and still cannot! It was frustrating because nothing worked and she just stopped taking them. Not a good thing.

Then we went back to applesauce. And now she has ditched the applesauce, and just opens the capsules and pours them in her mouth and washes them down.

Hannah has never been able to swallow them. She, too, just opens the capsules and washes them down.

They are content doing it this way, and they do not need applesauce in order to do it. So...until they are ready to swallow pills, this is the way we do it.

There is a cup that you can purchase at a pharmacy that teaches them how to swallow pills, and I did purchase one. But neither one of the girls are interested in trying it out, so we continue opening the pills. Maybe one day<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Staff member
DS has been swallowing his whole for at least the two years and his cousin commented on it because her teenage daughter still isn't able to swallow pills. I do know with capsules, it's easier to put the pills in your mouth and lean your head forward -- the capsules float, so they'll float to the back of your throat and then you can swallow. Don't know what to suggest for regular tablets. I'm still crushing vitamin K and hiding it in applesauce.


Staff member
DS has been swallowing his whole for at least the two years and his cousin commented on it because her teenage daughter still isn't able to swallow pills. I do know with capsules, it's easier to put the pills in your mouth and lean your head forward -- the capsules float, so they'll float to the back of your throat and then you can swallow. Don't know what to suggest for regular tablets. I'm still crushing vitamin K and hiding it in applesauce.


Staff member
DS has been swallowing his whole for at least the two years and his cousin commented on it because her teenage daughter still isn't able to swallow pills. I do know with capsules, it's easier to put the pills in your mouth and lean your head forward -- the capsules float, so they'll float to the back of your throat and then you can swallow. Don't know what to suggest for regular tablets. I'm still crushing vitamin K and hiding it in applesauce.


Staff member
DS has been swallowing his whole for at least the two years and his cousin commented on it because her teenage daughter still isn't able to swallow pills. I do know with capsules, it's easier to put the pills in your mouth and lean your head forward -- the capsules float, so they'll float to the back of your throat and then you can swallow. Don't know what to suggest for regular tablets. I'm still crushing vitamin K and hiding it in applesauce.


Staff member
DS has been swallowing his whole for at least the two years and his cousin commented on it because her teenage daughter still isn't able to swallow pills. I do know with capsules, it's easier to put the pills in your mouth and lean your head forward -- the capsules float, so they'll float to the back of your throat and then you can swallow. Don't know what to suggest for regular tablets. I'm still crushing vitamin K and hiding it in applesauce.


New member
Katy ditched the applesauce anchor all by herself on Friday. Then she had a "relapse" on Sunday. I'm trying SO HARD to not show my disappointment. We were so excited at the prospect of her swallowing!

My advice is - it will come when it comes. When Katy did try the swallowing method, she did it at school and all on her own, without any prompting from us. So, I figure we'll keep offering her the choice of how she wants to take them. I am going to get the cup you describe as a way to help her, since she does seem to want to take this step.

Good luck!


New member
Katy ditched the applesauce anchor all by herself on Friday. Then she had a "relapse" on Sunday. I'm trying SO HARD to not show my disappointment. We were so excited at the prospect of her swallowing!

My advice is - it will come when it comes. When Katy did try the swallowing method, she did it at school and all on her own, without any prompting from us. So, I figure we'll keep offering her the choice of how she wants to take them. I am going to get the cup you describe as a way to help her, since she does seem to want to take this step.

Good luck!


New member
Katy ditched the applesauce anchor all by herself on Friday. Then she had a "relapse" on Sunday. I'm trying SO HARD to not show my disappointment. We were so excited at the prospect of her swallowing!

My advice is - it will come when it comes. When Katy did try the swallowing method, she did it at school and all on her own, without any prompting from us. So, I figure we'll keep offering her the choice of how she wants to take them. I am going to get the cup you describe as a way to help her, since she does seem to want to take this step.

Good luck!


New member
Katy ditched the applesauce anchor all by herself on Friday. Then she had a "relapse" on Sunday. I'm trying SO HARD to not show my disappointment. We were so excited at the prospect of her swallowing!

My advice is - it will come when it comes. When Katy did try the swallowing method, she did it at school and all on her own, without any prompting from us. So, I figure we'll keep offering her the choice of how she wants to take them. I am going to get the cup you describe as a way to help her, since she does seem to want to take this step.

Good luck!


New member
Katy ditched the applesauce anchor all by herself on Friday. Then she had a "relapse" on Sunday. I'm trying SO HARD to not show my disappointment. We were so excited at the prospect of her swallowing!

My advice is - it will come when it comes. When Katy did try the swallowing method, she did it at school and all on her own, without any prompting from us. So, I figure we'll keep offering her the choice of how she wants to take them. I am going to get the cup you describe as a way to help her, since she does seem to want to take this step.

Good luck!