swallowing enzymes



Both of my kids started to swallow their enzymes when they were just about to turn 4. They both can now swallow them without any liquid or applesauce, but I don't encourage them to do that. I got some sample creon 5's from their dr. Then I would put a creon 5 in the middle of a bite of applesauce. Then after a few times of doing this, I made a big deal about how they just swallowed an enzyme. They were sooo proud of themselves. After a few days of creon 5, we switched to creon 10 then onto creon 20. But the first few times I put a pill in the middle of applesauce, Jack would just spit it back to me. I waited a few months and I tried it again and it worked. The cups that you mentioned did not work for my kids. They refused to use it.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf


Both of my kids started to swallow their enzymes when they were just about to turn 4. They both can now swallow them without any liquid or applesauce, but I don't encourage them to do that. I got some sample creon 5's from their dr. Then I would put a creon 5 in the middle of a bite of applesauce. Then after a few times of doing this, I made a big deal about how they just swallowed an enzyme. They were sooo proud of themselves. After a few days of creon 5, we switched to creon 10 then onto creon 20. But the first few times I put a pill in the middle of applesauce, Jack would just spit it back to me. I waited a few months and I tried it again and it worked. The cups that you mentioned did not work for my kids. They refused to use it.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf


Both of my kids started to swallow their enzymes when they were just about to turn 4. They both can now swallow them without any liquid or applesauce, but I don't encourage them to do that. I got some sample creon 5's from their dr. Then I would put a creon 5 in the middle of a bite of applesauce. Then after a few times of doing this, I made a big deal about how they just swallowed an enzyme. They were sooo proud of themselves. After a few days of creon 5, we switched to creon 10 then onto creon 20. But the first few times I put a pill in the middle of applesauce, Jack would just spit it back to me. I waited a few months and I tried it again and it worked. The cups that you mentioned did not work for my kids. They refused to use it.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf


Both of my kids started to swallow their enzymes when they were just about to turn 4. They both can now swallow them without any liquid or applesauce, but I don't encourage them to do that. I got some sample creon 5's from their dr. Then I would put a creon 5 in the middle of a bite of applesauce. Then after a few times of doing this, I made a big deal about how they just swallowed an enzyme. They were sooo proud of themselves. After a few days of creon 5, we switched to creon 10 then onto creon 20. But the first few times I put a pill in the middle of applesauce, Jack would just spit it back to me. I waited a few months and I tried it again and it worked. The cups that you mentioned did not work for my kids. They refused to use it.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf


Both of my kids started to swallow their enzymes when they were just about to turn 4. They both can now swallow them without any liquid or applesauce, but I don't encourage them to do that. I got some sample creon 5's from their dr. Then I would put a creon 5 in the middle of a bite of applesauce. Then after a few times of doing this, I made a big deal about how they just swallowed an enzyme. They were sooo proud of themselves. After a few days of creon 5, we switched to creon 10 then onto creon 20. But the first few times I put a pill in the middle of applesauce, Jack would just spit it back to me. I waited a few months and I tried it again and it worked. The cups that you mentioned did not work for my kids. They refused to use it.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf


Super Moderator
i did the same thing as Sharon. We put Maggie's Creon on the middle of a spoon with applesauce and she swallowed it whole that way. She was about 2 and a few months. She hated applesauce so eventually I would put the enzyme capsule on the spoon with no applesauce and again she swallowed it. Phase out the spoon next time and she was good to go. I made a huge deal out of it. Calling her a big girl, tons of praise, said how some adults couldn't do what she did, and she loved that. Positive reinforcement works; stickers every time they swallow it whole or something like that.


Super Moderator
i did the same thing as Sharon. We put Maggie's Creon on the middle of a spoon with applesauce and she swallowed it whole that way. She was about 2 and a few months. She hated applesauce so eventually I would put the enzyme capsule on the spoon with no applesauce and again she swallowed it. Phase out the spoon next time and she was good to go. I made a huge deal out of it. Calling her a big girl, tons of praise, said how some adults couldn't do what she did, and she loved that. Positive reinforcement works; stickers every time they swallow it whole or something like that.


Super Moderator
i did the same thing as Sharon. We put Maggie's Creon on the middle of a spoon with applesauce and she swallowed it whole that way. She was about 2 and a few months. She hated applesauce so eventually I would put the enzyme capsule on the spoon with no applesauce and again she swallowed it. Phase out the spoon next time and she was good to go. I made a huge deal out of it. Calling her a big girl, tons of praise, said how some adults couldn't do what she did, and she loved that. Positive reinforcement works; stickers every time they swallow it whole or something like that.


Super Moderator
i did the same thing as Sharon. We put Maggie's Creon on the middle of a spoon with applesauce and she swallowed it whole that way. She was about 2 and a few months. She hated applesauce so eventually I would put the enzyme capsule on the spoon with no applesauce and again she swallowed it. Phase out the spoon next time and she was good to go. I made a huge deal out of it. Calling her a big girl, tons of praise, said how some adults couldn't do what she did, and she loved that. Positive reinforcement works; stickers every time they swallow it whole or something like that.


Super Moderator
i did the same thing as Sharon. We put Maggie's Creon on the middle of a spoon with applesauce and she swallowed it whole that way. She was about 2 and a few months. She hated applesauce so eventually I would put the enzyme capsule on the spoon with no applesauce and again she swallowed it. Phase out the spoon next time and she was good to go. I made a huge deal out of it. Calling her a big girl, tons of praise, said how some adults couldn't do what she did, and she loved that. Positive reinforcement works; stickers every time they swallow it whole or something like that.


New member
When our dd was a little over 2 she stopped swallowing the applesauce with the enzymes. She would just hold it in her mouth until it eventually dribbled out. Even though it burned her mouth, she still would not swallow. We finally decided to use a pill popper we had gotten from our Vet for giving medication to our cats (we hadn't actually used it on the cats yet!) It worked. After that we gave her a choice. She chose the pill popper everytime. A month later she was taking the pills on her own without the popper.


New member
When our dd was a little over 2 she stopped swallowing the applesauce with the enzymes. She would just hold it in her mouth until it eventually dribbled out. Even though it burned her mouth, she still would not swallow. We finally decided to use a pill popper we had gotten from our Vet for giving medication to our cats (we hadn't actually used it on the cats yet!) It worked. After that we gave her a choice. She chose the pill popper everytime. A month later she was taking the pills on her own without the popper.


New member
When our dd was a little over 2 she stopped swallowing the applesauce with the enzymes. She would just hold it in her mouth until it eventually dribbled out. Even though it burned her mouth, she still would not swallow. We finally decided to use a pill popper we had gotten from our Vet for giving medication to our cats (we hadn't actually used it on the cats yet!) It worked. After that we gave her a choice. She chose the pill popper everytime. A month later she was taking the pills on her own without the popper.


New member
When our dd was a little over 2 she stopped swallowing the applesauce with the enzymes. She would just hold it in her mouth until it eventually dribbled out. Even though it burned her mouth, she still would not swallow. We finally decided to use a pill popper we had gotten from our Vet for giving medication to our cats (we hadn't actually used it on the cats yet!) It worked. After that we gave her a choice. She chose the pill popper everytime. A month later she was taking the pills on her own without the popper.


New member
When our dd was a little over 2 she stopped swallowing the applesauce with the enzymes. She would just hold it in her mouth until it eventually dribbled out. Even though it burned her mouth, she still would not swallow. We finally decided to use a pill popper we had gotten from our Vet for giving medication to our cats (we hadn't actually used it on the cats yet!) It worked. After that we gave her a choice. She chose the pill popper everytime. A month later she was taking the pills on her own without the popper.



Aidan was able to swallow Creon 5's and Creon 10's at one year of age. He now swallows up to 8-10 at a time. Here's how:

Get a drinking straw from Wendy's or McDonalds or Starbucks. We have found all three of those work because they are wide. You could also get Milkshake Straws.

Pinch the middle of the straw and simply put all the Creon capsules into the straw. (Right now we put in 4 Creon 10's and 1 Creon 5 for Aidan). While pinching the straw still, put it into a cup of liquid. (Aidan will drink his with pretty much anything) Have your child take a sip of the drink with the straw. All the Creons will come up with the first sip usually and down they go! 2 seconds and all pills are swallowed....

Today Aidan had his Pre K orientation and we showed the nurse how he does this. She said to patent it and make some money! Hope it works for you. It has saved us so much aggravation, we just grab a handful of straws everytime we go to the above places.

Megan, mom to Aidan 2 with CF and Gavin, carrier



Aidan was able to swallow Creon 5's and Creon 10's at one year of age. He now swallows up to 8-10 at a time. Here's how:

Get a drinking straw from Wendy's or McDonalds or Starbucks. We have found all three of those work because they are wide. You could also get Milkshake Straws.

Pinch the middle of the straw and simply put all the Creon capsules into the straw. (Right now we put in 4 Creon 10's and 1 Creon 5 for Aidan). While pinching the straw still, put it into a cup of liquid. (Aidan will drink his with pretty much anything) Have your child take a sip of the drink with the straw. All the Creons will come up with the first sip usually and down they go! 2 seconds and all pills are swallowed....

Today Aidan had his Pre K orientation and we showed the nurse how he does this. She said to patent it and make some money! Hope it works for you. It has saved us so much aggravation, we just grab a handful of straws everytime we go to the above places.

Megan, mom to Aidan 2 with CF and Gavin, carrier



Aidan was able to swallow Creon 5's and Creon 10's at one year of age. He now swallows up to 8-10 at a time. Here's how:

Get a drinking straw from Wendy's or McDonalds or Starbucks. We have found all three of those work because they are wide. You could also get Milkshake Straws.

Pinch the middle of the straw and simply put all the Creon capsules into the straw. (Right now we put in 4 Creon 10's and 1 Creon 5 for Aidan). While pinching the straw still, put it into a cup of liquid. (Aidan will drink his with pretty much anything) Have your child take a sip of the drink with the straw. All the Creons will come up with the first sip usually and down they go! 2 seconds and all pills are swallowed....

Today Aidan had his Pre K orientation and we showed the nurse how he does this. She said to patent it and make some money! Hope it works for you. It has saved us so much aggravation, we just grab a handful of straws everytime we go to the above places.

Megan, mom to Aidan 2 with CF and Gavin, carrier



Aidan was able to swallow Creon 5's and Creon 10's at one year of age. He now swallows up to 8-10 at a time. Here's how:

Get a drinking straw from Wendy's or McDonalds or Starbucks. We have found all three of those work because they are wide. You could also get Milkshake Straws.

Pinch the middle of the straw and simply put all the Creon capsules into the straw. (Right now we put in 4 Creon 10's and 1 Creon 5 for Aidan). While pinching the straw still, put it into a cup of liquid. (Aidan will drink his with pretty much anything) Have your child take a sip of the drink with the straw. All the Creons will come up with the first sip usually and down they go! 2 seconds and all pills are swallowed....

Today Aidan had his Pre K orientation and we showed the nurse how he does this. She said to patent it and make some money! Hope it works for you. It has saved us so much aggravation, we just grab a handful of straws everytime we go to the above places.

Megan, mom to Aidan 2 with CF and Gavin, carrier



Aidan was able to swallow Creon 5's and Creon 10's at one year of age. He now swallows up to 8-10 at a time. Here's how:

Get a drinking straw from Wendy's or McDonalds or Starbucks. We have found all three of those work because they are wide. You could also get Milkshake Straws.

Pinch the middle of the straw and simply put all the Creon capsules into the straw. (Right now we put in 4 Creon 10's and 1 Creon 5 for Aidan). While pinching the straw still, put it into a cup of liquid. (Aidan will drink his with pretty much anything) Have your child take a sip of the drink with the straw. All the Creons will come up with the first sip usually and down they go! 2 seconds and all pills are swallowed....

Today Aidan had his Pre K orientation and we showed the nurse how he does this. She said to patent it and make some money! Hope it works for you. It has saved us so much aggravation, we just grab a handful of straws everytime we go to the above places.

Megan, mom to Aidan 2 with CF and Gavin, carrier