Swallowing Enzymes


New member
I was wondering at what age you taught your child to swallow their enzymes. I have talked to people who started at age two as soon as their child was really good with a straw. I love the thought of not pulling applesauce out my purse every time I'm looking for my cell phone but I don't want to rush anything either. Just curious to hear how and when you did it. Thanks!


New member
I was wondering at what age you taught your child to swallow their enzymes. I have talked to people who started at age two as soon as their child was really good with a straw. I love the thought of not pulling applesauce out my purse every time I'm looking for my cell phone but I don't want to rush anything either. Just curious to hear how and when you did it. Thanks!


New member
I was wondering at what age you taught your child to swallow their enzymes. I have talked to people who started at age two as soon as their child was really good with a straw. I love the thought of not pulling applesauce out my purse every time I'm looking for my cell phone but I don't want to rush anything either. Just curious to hear how and when you did it. Thanks!


New member
I was wondering at what age you taught your child to swallow their enzymes. I have talked to people who started at age two as soon as their child was really good with a straw. I love the thought of not pulling applesauce out my purse every time I'm looking for my cell phone but I don't want to rush anything either. Just curious to hear how and when you did it. Thanks!


New member
I was wondering at what age you taught your child to swallow their enzymes. I have talked to people who started at age two as soon as their child was really good with a straw. I love the thought of not pulling applesauce out my purse every time I'm looking for my cell phone but I don't want to rush anything either. Just curious to hear how and when you did it. Thanks!


Staff member
Probably around two. Started off doing one at a time, but he's been taking 4-6 at once since at least 3 years old. On a side note -- being that I live with ketchup boy -- a lot of times, if we were out at McDonalds, I'd just use a some ketchup from a packet to give him his enzymes. I imagine if you could get ahold of individual jelly packets, too it might be easier than carrying around applesauce...


Staff member
Probably around two. Started off doing one at a time, but he's been taking 4-6 at once since at least 3 years old. On a side note -- being that I live with ketchup boy -- a lot of times, if we were out at McDonalds, I'd just use a some ketchup from a packet to give him his enzymes. I imagine if you could get ahold of individual jelly packets, too it might be easier than carrying around applesauce...


Staff member
Probably around two. Started off doing one at a time, but he's been taking 4-6 at once since at least 3 years old. On a side note -- being that I live with ketchup boy -- a lot of times, if we were out at McDonalds, I'd just use a some ketchup from a packet to give him his enzymes. I imagine if you could get ahold of individual jelly packets, too it might be easier than carrying around applesauce...


Staff member
Probably around two. Started off doing one at a time, but he's been taking 4-6 at once since at least 3 years old. On a side note -- being that I live with ketchup boy -- a lot of times, if we were out at McDonalds, I'd just use a some ketchup from a packet to give him his enzymes. I imagine if you could get ahold of individual jelly packets, too it might be easier than carrying around applesauce...


Staff member
Probably around two. Started off doing one at a time, but he's been taking 4-6 at once since at least 3 years old. On a side note -- being that I live with ketchup boy -- a lot of times, if we were out at McDonalds, I'd just use a some ketchup from a packet to give him his enzymes. I imagine if you could get ahold of individual jelly packets, too it might be easier than carrying around applesauce...


New member
M is 6 and never attempted to swallow any pill before he came home last week. Fostermom put all his meds in his gj-tube except for his enzymes, which she put in applesauce. We put him on probiotics, which are enteric coated and must be swallowed. So, we started working with him to learn to swallow the pill.

That was early last week. By end of the week, Dh had the ingeniou idea of telling him to swallow his pills just like he swallows bubble gum. Ever since then, he's refused to take enzymes in applesauce. I give him a pill cup with his pills in it and he swallows them one by one. Okay, right now he's shoving his fist down his throat. But, I give him the choice and he tells me he HATES applesauce and never wants to eat it again.

We were already substituting likes like jelly, ketchup for the applesauce because it was easier. I gave them to him in a spoonful of mayo one night and Dh thought I'd lost my mind but he liked it.


New member
M is 6 and never attempted to swallow any pill before he came home last week. Fostermom put all his meds in his gj-tube except for his enzymes, which she put in applesauce. We put him on probiotics, which are enteric coated and must be swallowed. So, we started working with him to learn to swallow the pill.

That was early last week. By end of the week, Dh had the ingeniou idea of telling him to swallow his pills just like he swallows bubble gum. Ever since then, he's refused to take enzymes in applesauce. I give him a pill cup with his pills in it and he swallows them one by one. Okay, right now he's shoving his fist down his throat. But, I give him the choice and he tells me he HATES applesauce and never wants to eat it again.

We were already substituting likes like jelly, ketchup for the applesauce because it was easier. I gave them to him in a spoonful of mayo one night and Dh thought I'd lost my mind but he liked it.


New member
M is 6 and never attempted to swallow any pill before he came home last week. Fostermom put all his meds in his gj-tube except for his enzymes, which she put in applesauce. We put him on probiotics, which are enteric coated and must be swallowed. So, we started working with him to learn to swallow the pill.

That was early last week. By end of the week, Dh had the ingeniou idea of telling him to swallow his pills just like he swallows bubble gum. Ever since then, he's refused to take enzymes in applesauce. I give him a pill cup with his pills in it and he swallows them one by one. Okay, right now he's shoving his fist down his throat. But, I give him the choice and he tells me he HATES applesauce and never wants to eat it again.

We were already substituting likes like jelly, ketchup for the applesauce because it was easier. I gave them to him in a spoonful of mayo one night and Dh thought I'd lost my mind but he liked it.


New member
M is 6 and never attempted to swallow any pill before he came home last week. Fostermom put all his meds in his gj-tube except for his enzymes, which she put in applesauce. We put him on probiotics, which are enteric coated and must be swallowed. So, we started working with him to learn to swallow the pill.

That was early last week. By end of the week, Dh had the ingeniou idea of telling him to swallow his pills just like he swallows bubble gum. Ever since then, he's refused to take enzymes in applesauce. I give him a pill cup with his pills in it and he swallows them one by one. Okay, right now he's shoving his fist down his throat. But, I give him the choice and he tells me he HATES applesauce and never wants to eat it again.

We were already substituting likes like jelly, ketchup for the applesauce because it was easier. I gave them to him in a spoonful of mayo one night and Dh thought I'd lost my mind but he liked it.


New member
M is 6 and never attempted to swallow any pill before he came home last week. Fostermom put all his meds in his gj-tube except for his enzymes, which she put in applesauce. We put him on probiotics, which are enteric coated and must be swallowed. So, we started working with him to learn to swallow the pill.
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<br />That was early last week. By end of the week, Dh had the ingeniou idea of telling him to swallow his pills just like he swallows bubble gum. Ever since then, he's refused to take enzymes in applesauce. I give him a pill cup with his pills in it and he swallows them one by one. Okay, right now he's shoving his fist down his throat. But, I give him the choice and he tells me he HATES applesauce and never wants to eat it again.
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<br />We were already substituting likes like jelly, ketchup for the applesauce because it was easier. I gave them to him in a spoonful of mayo one night and Dh thought I'd lost my mind but he liked it.


Aidan started swallowing Creon pills before the age of two- probably 20 months or so. He now swallows up to 9 or so at once. We place them in a wide straw and he swallows them all down with his first sip.We get his antibiotics in pill form to and put them right in the straw as well. It's been a lifesaver for us!



Aidan started swallowing Creon pills before the age of two- probably 20 months or so. He now swallows up to 9 or so at once. We place them in a wide straw and he swallows them all down with his first sip.We get his antibiotics in pill form to and put them right in the straw as well. It's been a lifesaver for us!



Aidan started swallowing Creon pills before the age of two- probably 20 months or so. He now swallows up to 9 or so at once. We place them in a wide straw and he swallows them all down with his first sip.We get his antibiotics in pill form to and put them right in the straw as well. It's been a lifesaver for us!



Aidan started swallowing Creon pills before the age of two- probably 20 months or so. He now swallows up to 9 or so at once. We place them in a wide straw and he swallows them all down with his first sip.We get his antibiotics in pill form to and put them right in the straw as well. It's been a lifesaver for us!



Aidan started swallowing Creon pills before the age of two- probably 20 months or so. He now swallows up to 9 or so at once. We place them in a wide straw and he swallows them all down with his first sip.We get his antibiotics in pill form to and put them right in the straw as well. It's been a lifesaver for us!
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<br />Megan