Swallowing Enzymes


New member
Hi all,

My kiddo was around 20 months when he started to swallow pills and by 2 1/2 would only take pills and swallowed them all.
There is a "Pill-Takers" cup that you can get online that helps teach them to swallow pills. My friends daughter was 7 and would not swallow pills so I ordered her one of the cups. She now swallows all her pills. It has a place where you put the pill and then it gets swallowed while taking a drink and they usually do not even realize it until they see the pill is gone. Its a great tool!
We pushed for our son to swallow pills early on because his teeth were being damaged by the enzyme beads not all getting swallowed and sitting in his mouth eating at his teeth. Plus, they can also get a lot of teeth damage if they chew the beads, so we needed to get him swallowing the pills to save his teeth.
You can find a good picture of what the pill takers cup looks like at:
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cooking-gadgets.com/pill-takers-cup/
</a>Hope that helps!



New member
Hi all,

My kiddo was around 20 months when he started to swallow pills and by 2 1/2 would only take pills and swallowed them all.
There is a "Pill-Takers" cup that you can get online that helps teach them to swallow pills. My friends daughter was 7 and would not swallow pills so I ordered her one of the cups. She now swallows all her pills. It has a place where you put the pill and then it gets swallowed while taking a drink and they usually do not even realize it until they see the pill is gone. Its a great tool!
We pushed for our son to swallow pills early on because his teeth were being damaged by the enzyme beads not all getting swallowed and sitting in his mouth eating at his teeth. Plus, they can also get a lot of teeth damage if they chew the beads, so we needed to get him swallowing the pills to save his teeth.
You can find a good picture of what the pill takers cup looks like at:
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cooking-gadgets.com/pill-takers-cup/
</a>Hope that helps!



New member
Hi all,

My kiddo was around 20 months when he started to swallow pills and by 2 1/2 would only take pills and swallowed them all.
There is a "Pill-Takers" cup that you can get online that helps teach them to swallow pills. My friends daughter was 7 and would not swallow pills so I ordered her one of the cups. She now swallows all her pills. It has a place where you put the pill and then it gets swallowed while taking a drink and they usually do not even realize it until they see the pill is gone. Its a great tool!
We pushed for our son to swallow pills early on because his teeth were being damaged by the enzyme beads not all getting swallowed and sitting in his mouth eating at his teeth. Plus, they can also get a lot of teeth damage if they chew the beads, so we needed to get him swallowing the pills to save his teeth.
You can find a good picture of what the pill takers cup looks like at:
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cooking-gadgets.com/pill-takers-cup/
</a>Hope that helps!



New member
Hi all,

My kiddo was around 20 months when he started to swallow pills and by 2 1/2 would only take pills and swallowed them all.
There is a "Pill-Takers" cup that you can get online that helps teach them to swallow pills. My friends daughter was 7 and would not swallow pills so I ordered her one of the cups. She now swallows all her pills. It has a place where you put the pill and then it gets swallowed while taking a drink and they usually do not even realize it until they see the pill is gone. Its a great tool!
We pushed for our son to swallow pills early on because his teeth were being damaged by the enzyme beads not all getting swallowed and sitting in his mouth eating at his teeth. Plus, they can also get a lot of teeth damage if they chew the beads, so we needed to get him swallowing the pills to save his teeth.
You can find a good picture of what the pill takers cup looks like at:
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cooking-gadgets.com/pill-takers-cup/
</a>Hope that helps!



New member
Hi all,
<br />
<br />My kiddo was around 20 months when he started to swallow pills and by 2 1/2 would only take pills and swallowed them all.
<br />There is a "Pill-Takers" cup that you can get online that helps teach them to swallow pills. My friends daughter was 7 and would not swallow pills so I ordered her one of the cups. She now swallows all her pills. It has a place where you put the pill and then it gets swallowed while taking a drink and they usually do not even realize it until they see the pill is gone. Its a great tool!
<br />We pushed for our son to swallow pills early on because his teeth were being damaged by the enzyme beads not all getting swallowed and sitting in his mouth eating at his teeth. Plus, they can also get a lot of teeth damage if they chew the beads, so we needed to get him swallowing the pills to save his teeth.
<br />You can find a good picture of what the pill takers cup looks like at:
<br /><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cooking-gadgets.com/pill-takers-cup/
</a><br />Hope that helps!
<br />
<br />Patty
<br />


New member
My daughter was around 2 1/2-3. She wasn't diagnosed until she was 16months so we waited until the jelly/applesauce got old. It was soo much easier. Good luck!!


New member
My daughter was around 2 1/2-3. She wasn't diagnosed until she was 16months so we waited until the jelly/applesauce got old. It was soo much easier. Good luck!!


New member
My daughter was around 2 1/2-3. She wasn't diagnosed until she was 16months so we waited until the jelly/applesauce got old. It was soo much easier. Good luck!!


New member
My daughter was around 2 1/2-3. She wasn't diagnosed until she was 16months so we waited until the jelly/applesauce got old. It was soo much easier. Good luck!!


New member
My daughter was around 2 1/2-3. She wasn't diagnosed until she was 16months so we waited until the jelly/applesauce got old. It was soo much easier. Good luck!!


New member
Jaden is 3 and has no intrest in swallowing them. Clinic gave me a cup and we have been slowly working with it but no luck yet.


New member
Jaden is 3 and has no intrest in swallowing them. Clinic gave me a cup and we have been slowly working with it but no luck yet.


New member
Jaden is 3 and has no intrest in swallowing them. Clinic gave me a cup and we have been slowly working with it but no luck yet.


New member
Jaden is 3 and has no intrest in swallowing them. Clinic gave me a cup and we have been slowly working with it but no luck yet.


New member
Jaden is 3 and has no intrest in swallowing them. Clinic gave me a cup and we have been slowly working with it but no luck yet.