Sweat Test done.. Now im confused? :/



Hello Everyone, Without going into too much and wrighting something long, My 6 year old son had his sweat tests, Someone rang me and said they was completley normal. a secratary.. Anyway, I seen the lady that done my sons sweat test today, and She said shes having to give the test results to her collegue, Who will discuss what to do, Im a little confused, I thought there was only one result, But i got a value of 22, which was great, she said that was the most important bit, But then he got an abnormal bit.. number was 61, (this is the same sweat test) She did tell me but i completley forgot what it is! Obviously collects the sweat, and it prints out numbers, he got 22 and 61, Now im really confused? she doesnt seem too worried and she was very happy about salt of 22, but of course has to discuss the 61 number of something.. can any1 shead any light on what all this means? :) thank you.


Active member
The sweat test that is performed at local hospitals is not the same test that is performed at the Approved CF Centers and the people wo perform that test are not fully qualified. Have the test redone at an Approved CF Center by a member of the CF Team.



New member
Hi mumof3xxx,

I am first going to say that I am not a doctor. This explanation comes from what I have found through my own testing of what is considered normal for a sweat test value and knowledge I have gained through an almost completed 4 year degree in Cell and Molecular Biology.

The purpose of the test is to measure the amount of chloride that the patient's cells pass in and out of the cell. In a normal cell, the channels that control this function allow for chloride to pass in and out at an even rate. However, in CF patients this is not the case. Depending on the CF mutations your son has, the channels may be narrowed, which doesn't allow chloride to pass as easily, or he may just not have enough channels. I found an amazing app that is compatible with both Apple and Android devices. It is called CF GeneE and can be found here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vrtx.cfgene.android#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDIxMiwiY29tLnZydHguY2ZnZW5lLmFuZHJvaWQiXQ You can find your son's mutations and it will show you what they do to the channels. The test is designed to take two samples, one on each arm. The two numbers your doctor was talking about are the amounts of chloride found on your son's skin, a different number for each arm.

A normal value for a sweat test is in the range of 0-60 mmol/L. I myself had values of 30 mmol/L on the left arm and 32 mmol/L on the right arm, so to some degree it makes sense that your son has two different values. However, I am unsure of why the values from your son's test are so varied. My guess is that the test may not have been performed correctly. The technician may have made a mistake when preparing your son's arm for the test.

My advice would be to call your provider and have them explain it to you again. Most doctors will take the time to ensure that their patients understand the test results and what those results mean for the patient. Ask them why the results are varied drastically for each arm and if it would be prudent to repeat the test.

If they do not take the time or cannot explain it to you, it may be time to look into getting a second opinion, whether that is from a CF center or not.


Hello AmalynRose, I would just like to say, It was a CF nurse, Also it wasnt on two seperate arms, he only had the one sweat test done on his right arm. It was given straight to the lab, and there the numbers it came back with 22, and 61. I remember her saying the 61 was conductivity, something about electricals? Im not actually sure. I was kind of hoping someone would be able to shed light on the 2 lab numbers. I always thought u got 1 number, But as i said i got 22, and 61. I guess i should just wait until they call to let me know what happens next. :) Thank you all x


New member
I recall a break down of two numbers as well when I got my sweat test done (at an accredited CF center)....it measured both sodium and chloride...I know they focus more on the chloride value from what I understand, but if there is a huge difference between sodium levels and chloride levels, then the test may be a bit skewed. The sodium levels should be similar to chloride levels. Don't quote me though, this is just what I remember for years ago when I had my sweat tests done. Good luck~

Jenn 40 wCF


New member
I've had 3 sweat tests and I've copied them here:

Age 3: 110 (Weight 80mg, Na 93, Cl 110)
10/9/12: 102 (Weight 357mg, Na 110, Cl 102)
24/10/12: 54 (Weight 345mg, Na 60, Cl 54) on Kalydeco

There are three numbers that could be mentioned, the weight (how much you sweat), the Sodium (Na) and Chloride (Cl). The Cl is normally the lowest (I dont think my test back in 89 was that accurate due to the low weight, studies have suggested that 80 is the minimum weight needed). With people with CF the sodium and chloride are closer together than non CFs, they can be much further apart in non CFs. Its likely the 22 is the Cl, and the 61 is either the Na or the weight. The chloride is the focus of the test, that is the number they use to diagnose CF not the sodium.


New member
Recent negative sweat tests

Interesting topic!
I am 46 years old and recently had two sweat tests with results in the 20s (negative for CF).
Prior to this. I have about a dozen sweat tests done when I was a child. My results were never negative (only positive and what they called "borderline").

As far as genetic testing, I have one DF508 and one "unknown CFTR mutation.

So...according to my recent labs, I can not be properly diagnosed with CF. My labs think I am a carrier. My body says I'm sick!

I wish there were more answers for all of us.