Sweat Test Question


New member
Thanks so everyone. She had a normal sweat at month, and now we have to have another at six months. She doesn't show any symptoms at all of CF, so our insurance will not after many appeals conver the genetic testing. We are only going for this sweat b/c our ped said we should, however; a CF specialist we met with said there was no reason to do this sweat test. So we will see what happens.

thanks for your input.


New member
Thanks so everyone. She had a normal sweat at month, and now we have to have another at six months. She doesn't show any symptoms at all of CF, so our insurance will not after many appeals conver the genetic testing. We are only going for this sweat b/c our ped said we should, however; a CF specialist we met with said there was no reason to do this sweat test. So we will see what happens.

thanks for your input.


New member
Thanks so everyone. She had a normal sweat at month, and now we have to have another at six months. She doesn't show any symptoms at all of CF, so our insurance will not after many appeals conver the genetic testing. We are only going for this sweat b/c our ped said we should, however; a CF specialist we met with said there was no reason to do this sweat test. So we will see what happens.

thanks for your input.


New member
Thanks so everyone. She had a normal sweat at month, and now we have to have another at six months. She doesn't show any symptoms at all of CF, so our insurance will not after many appeals conver the genetic testing. We are only going for this sweat b/c our ped said we should, however; a CF specialist we met with said there was no reason to do this sweat test. So we will see what happens.

thanks for your input.


New member
Thanks so everyone. She had a normal sweat at month, and now we have to have another at six months. She doesn't show any symptoms at all of CF, so our insurance will not after many appeals conver the genetic testing. We are only going for this sweat b/c our ped said we should, however; a CF specialist we met with said there was no reason to do this sweat test. So we will see what happens.
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<br />thanks for your input.


New member
Hi everyone, I just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your input and advice. Pyper had another sweat test at 6mon last week, she scored a 12!!! Great news, and there were no gene mutations found either. Just as we suspected. I will say that this however will not be a dead subject in our house, we will continue to support the CF communinty through events and praying for everyone here. After being through this journey, our hearts will forever be with you. We truely believe that God touched our baby and for that we are very greateful.

Thanks so much to everyone, you are some of the strongest people and I don't even know you, but know that you are.


New member
Hi everyone, I just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your input and advice. Pyper had another sweat test at 6mon last week, she scored a 12!!! Great news, and there were no gene mutations found either. Just as we suspected. I will say that this however will not be a dead subject in our house, we will continue to support the CF communinty through events and praying for everyone here. After being through this journey, our hearts will forever be with you. We truely believe that God touched our baby and for that we are very greateful.

Thanks so much to everyone, you are some of the strongest people and I don't even know you, but know that you are.


New member
Hi everyone, I just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your input and advice. Pyper had another sweat test at 6mon last week, she scored a 12!!! Great news, and there were no gene mutations found either. Just as we suspected. I will say that this however will not be a dead subject in our house, we will continue to support the CF communinty through events and praying for everyone here. After being through this journey, our hearts will forever be with you. We truely believe that God touched our baby and for that we are very greateful.

Thanks so much to everyone, you are some of the strongest people and I don't even know you, but know that you are.


New member
Hi everyone, I just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your input and advice. Pyper had another sweat test at 6mon last week, she scored a 12!!! Great news, and there were no gene mutations found either. Just as we suspected. I will say that this however will not be a dead subject in our house, we will continue to support the CF communinty through events and praying for everyone here. After being through this journey, our hearts will forever be with you. We truely believe that God touched our baby and for that we are very greateful.

Thanks so much to everyone, you are some of the strongest people and I don't even know you, but know that you are.


New member
Hi everyone, I just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your input and advice. Pyper had another sweat test at 6mon last week, she scored a 12!!! Great news, and there were no gene mutations found either. Just as we suspected. I will say that this however will not be a dead subject in our house, we will continue to support the CF communinty through events and praying for everyone here. After being through this journey, our hearts will forever be with you. We truely believe that God touched our baby and for that we are very greateful.
<br />
<br />Thanks so much to everyone, you are some of the strongest people and I don't even know you, but know that you are.