Sweat Test Results


New member
We did nicolas' sweat test on friday and his number came back at 12 <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I was so excited but that seems really low too but low is good. I wanted to see what other people had results of being if they were positive or negitive for Cf. I have been told that a sweat test is 98% accurate.


New member
We did nicolas' sweat test on friday and his number came back at 12 <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I was so excited but that seems really low too but low is good. I wanted to see what other people had results of being if they were positive or negitive for Cf. I have been told that a sweat test is 98% accurate.


New member
We did nicolas' sweat test on friday and his number came back at 12 <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I was so excited but that seems really low too but low is good. I wanted to see what other people had results of being if they were positive or negitive for Cf. I have been told that a sweat test is 98% accurate.


I would have a hard time believing that sweat tests are 98% correct. I know too many with false negatives for that statistic to make sense. My mother always tested negative, but always responded favorably to CF treatments. (her doctor basically treated her as a cf patient.) It wasn't until Andrew was diagnosed that all the pieces fell into place and we had her official diagnosis. By then it was too late. She died two days before he was born.

Oh, and I believe Andrew's score was something like 120....


I would have a hard time believing that sweat tests are 98% correct. I know too many with false negatives for that statistic to make sense. My mother always tested negative, but always responded favorably to CF treatments. (her doctor basically treated her as a cf patient.) It wasn't until Andrew was diagnosed that all the pieces fell into place and we had her official diagnosis. By then it was too late. She died two days before he was born.

Oh, and I believe Andrew's score was something like 120....


I would have a hard time believing that sweat tests are 98% correct. I know too many with false negatives for that statistic to make sense. My mother always tested negative, but always responded favorably to CF treatments. (her doctor basically treated her as a cf patient.) It wasn't until Andrew was diagnosed that all the pieces fell into place and we had her official diagnosis. By then it was too late. She died two days before he was born.
<br />
<br />Oh, and I believe Andrew's score was something like 120....


New member
I have a tough time believing that sweat tests are 98% accurate. We have way too many people on this site who have negative/borderline sweat test results, but found 2 mutations on the genetic panel, for that to be true.

My son's ST results were clearly positive at 98 & 105.



New member
I have a tough time believing that sweat tests are 98% accurate. We have way too many people on this site who have negative/borderline sweat test results, but found 2 mutations on the genetic panel, for that to be true.

My son's ST results were clearly positive at 98 & 105.



New member
I have a tough time believing that sweat tests are 98% accurate. We have way too many people on this site who have negative/borderline sweat test results, but found 2 mutations on the genetic panel, for that to be true.
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<br />My son's ST results were clearly positive at 98 & 105.
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<br />Stacey
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New member
My daughter didnt get a sweat test right away... we started enzymes and she responded well and started growing. They finally did the sweat test and the numbers were 13. They retested her stool and her pancreas is now working. Even though the sweat test was really low the genetics have proved that she does have cystic fibrosis. I have heard and read alot about my daughter genetic mutations. Some people have a lot of symptoms, and some only have mild symptoms. But the doctor has made it very clear that we still need to keep an eye on her and follow through with cf treatments. My daughter has the mutations Df508 and f508. What are the mutations Nicholas has?


New member
My daughter didnt get a sweat test right away... we started enzymes and she responded well and started growing. They finally did the sweat test and the numbers were 13. They retested her stool and her pancreas is now working. Even though the sweat test was really low the genetics have proved that she does have cystic fibrosis. I have heard and read alot about my daughter genetic mutations. Some people have a lot of symptoms, and some only have mild symptoms. But the doctor has made it very clear that we still need to keep an eye on her and follow through with cf treatments. My daughter has the mutations Df508 and f508. What are the mutations Nicholas has?


New member
My daughter didnt get a sweat test right away... we started enzymes and she responded well and started growing. They finally did the sweat test and the numbers were 13. They retested her stool and her pancreas is now working. Even though the sweat test was really low the genetics have proved that she does have cystic fibrosis. I have heard and read alot about my daughter genetic mutations. Some people have a lot of symptoms, and some only have mild symptoms. But the doctor has made it very clear that we still need to keep an eye on her and follow through with cf treatments. My daughter has the mutations Df508 and f508. What are the mutations Nicholas has?


New member
I am Double D508 so we know that he is a carrier for D508. My husband had a basic genetic test done and it was negetive. So we did the sweat test because our insurance wont pay for gentic testing for nicolas and it is $1700.


New member
I am Double D508 so we know that he is a carrier for D508. My husband had a basic genetic test done and it was negetive. So we did the sweat test because our insurance wont pay for gentic testing for nicolas and it is $1700.


New member
I am Double D508 so we know that he is a carrier for D508. My husband had a basic genetic test done and it was negetive. So we did the sweat test because our insurance wont pay for gentic testing for nicolas and it is $1700.


From everything I have heard from others 12 is very low to later come back as Cf. Is he having symptoms that you are concerned about? Has he had ambry testing? When my son's came back a 13, I didn't question it-just thrilled it meant he didn't have Cf. He did come back as a carrier. Both of my
kid's with Cf were sweat tested as newborns and were close to 100.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 8 and Jack, 6 both with Cf, Grant, 16 months no Cf


From everything I have heard from others 12 is very low to later come back as Cf. Is he having symptoms that you are concerned about? Has he had ambry testing? When my son's came back a 13, I didn't question it-just thrilled it meant he didn't have Cf. He did come back as a carrier. Both of my
kid's with Cf were sweat tested as newborns and were close to 100.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 8 and Jack, 6 both with Cf, Grant, 16 months no Cf


From everything I have heard from others 12 is very low to later come back as Cf. Is he having symptoms that you are concerned about? Has he had ambry testing? When my son's came back a 13, I didn't question it-just thrilled it meant he didn't have Cf. He did come back as a carrier. Both of my
<br />kid's with Cf were sweat tested as newborns and were close to 100.
<br />Sharon, mom of Sophia, 8 and Jack, 6 both with Cf, Grant, 16 months no Cf


New member
No he isnt having any sympotoms. He did have to go on soy because the other formulas made him very gassy and constipated. Every now and then he has been a little constipated since I started him on rice cereal this past week. No he has not had the ambry or any genetic testing done. Just the IRT done as the newborn screening showing negetive and then the sweat test. They did do a sample from the left and right arm so they had two. I know he is a carrier from me I just wanted to make sure if he did or did not have it. I notice that sometimes when he cries and it dries it will have salt crystals, which worried me but with a sweat test so low there must not be too much chloride in his system. Im not sure but I thought 12 was really low. He turned 4 months on the 28th and weighs 15 lbs so the doctors are happy because he is gaining good they say.


New member
No he isnt having any sympotoms. He did have to go on soy because the other formulas made him very gassy and constipated. Every now and then he has been a little constipated since I started him on rice cereal this past week. No he has not had the ambry or any genetic testing done. Just the IRT done as the newborn screening showing negetive and then the sweat test. They did do a sample from the left and right arm so they had two. I know he is a carrier from me I just wanted to make sure if he did or did not have it. I notice that sometimes when he cries and it dries it will have salt crystals, which worried me but with a sweat test so low there must not be too much chloride in his system. Im not sure but I thought 12 was really low. He turned 4 months on the 28th and weighs 15 lbs so the doctors are happy because he is gaining good they say.