New member
Hi there. I have four children ages 8, 6, 3.5 and 21 months. My youngest is being tested for CF. My 6 year old was tested when he was 3, and his first test was inconclusive, his second was negative. My 21 month old was sent to a pediatrician (he normally sees a NP a family practice) because of his small stature. He is still in 6/9-9/12 month clothing , weighs 20 lbs on a good day, and is 30.5 inches. He has a wonderful appetite and eats a variety of foods. His stool has always been bulky. With whole food, stringy mucus at times, and very greasy/soft/SMELLY. Since my older son (the one who was previously tested) also had/has these issues, I honestly didn't think much of it. He was premature (35 weeks) so I always attributed his lung issues with that. He had numerous respiratory infections and we were in and out of the ER a lot in the last two years. Usually steriods helped. But after his failure to get out of the zero percentile for his entire existence, and his cough that comes back and forth, they are wanting to test him. I know a fair amount about CF because I grew up very close to someone who passed away fro it a few years ago. I guess my main questions are 1) if we don't know anyone in our families with it doesn't that lessen our chance of him having it? I know we both have to be carriers. I'm mixed with white (my dad is like 100% Scottish) and Puerto Rican + African American (my mom). That really lessens my chance of being a carrier doesn't it? What other conditions/diseases look like CF? Will my son only get tested once if it comes back negative the first time?
I have so many more questions, but I'll start here. Please help me out. I have no one to talk to
I have so many more questions, but I'll start here. Please help me out. I have no one to talk to