Sweating out salt



Hello all! I was hoping someone could give me some (or any) advice. I race motorcycles and consequently sweat out a lot of salt (dark blue jersey is more white than blue by the end of the day). <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> My races are usually around 5 hours long...and because I lose so much salt I usually spend about 3 of the hours with horrible cramps (sometimes it is nice to have control of a motorcycle). I have tried salt tablets...and accompanied with the excercise they make me nautious. Any runners or anyone else experience the same problem?


New member
Instead of the tablets, have you tried drinking a sports drink (Gatorade or Powerade) during your race (since you are probably dehydrated as well)?


Hey Ben!
I remember you mentioning about motorcycle racing from a previous topic.
I know what you mean about losing so much salt after a hard work-out.
I had always kept salt with me, anytime of the day. I found mixing salt with barley tea helped with the intake balance between the salt and liquids (gotta balance the liquids with it, or you'll end up thirsty!)
My sister (a physician assistant) recommended taking Quinine tablets for my cramps, maybe that would be worth trying out for you, too?
And, miesl's suggestion is good, too. Though salt is lost the most, other minerals, etc., are being depleted as well. In fact, probably eating banana's will help with the cramping, which is an indication that potasium chloride is insufficient. (though the quinine won't necessarily hurt)

Hope that helps.


Thanks! I do drink tons of Gatorade and Propel...I have tried some other brands too that they sell at REI for hikers and stuff. I usually start loading up on fluids a day or two before a race. I am so used to the cramps now that they are more like an incovience...it is when I get the heat strokes that I start feeling it. One thing I have found that works ok is Advil...from what I understand it thins your blood and hence reduces cramping..helps a little, but by no means elminates them. I get cramps on most days I race...cool or hot...but when it is super hot everyone else gets them too...so then I am playing on a level playing field! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">
Have a good day everyone! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I have always heard that water is better for u then sports drinks I think they have alot of sugar in them I have a buddy that races dirt track stock cars and he drinks water like crazy and he thinks that is better then sports drinks Dustin


New member
Hello everyone, I am new to this. Losing salt is all too a familiar topic for me. I had a hard time balancing my kidney function numbers and my salt level. I found out that drinking too much water will deplete your salt quicker than anything imaginable. Gatorade is very important on race day, drink a ton! However I found that the best way to keep my salt level up was by drinking soda!!! I couldn't believe it, but it worked for me. And one other thing I can suggest is a medicine called Florinef, which is a medication used for a number of things but for your situation, it would help keep your salt level at a consistent level. But be careful it can lower your potassium quickly. Good luck with all the races.


New member
Hello everyone, I am new to this. Losing salt is all too a familiar topic for me. I had a hard time balancing my kidney function numbers and my salt level. I found out that drinking too much water will deplete your salt quicker than anything imaginable. Gatorade is very important on race day, drink a ton! However I found that the best way to keep my salt level up was by drinking soda!!! I couldn't believe it, but it worked for me. And one other thing I can suggest is a medicine called Florinef, which is a medication used for a number of things but for your situation, it would help keep your salt level at a consistent level. But be careful it can lower your potassium quickly. Good luck with all the races.


New member
In a situation like this, water would definately benefit a non cfer who does not have a sodium chloride problem. If the problem is loosing salt and you are a CFer, you still want to drink water but you want to replenish the lost electrolytes which would be done with gatorade, powerade.... Sugar isn't an issue unless you are also a diabetic and then there are other alternatives.


New member
In a situation like this, water would definately benefit a non cfer who does not have a sodium chloride problem. If the problem is loosing salt and you are a CFer, you still want to drink water but you want to replenish the lost electrolytes which would be done with gatorade, powerade.... Sugar isn't an issue unless you are also a diabetic and then there are other alternatives.


New member
When my son races (especially in the summertime) we pump him up with gatorade days/weeks ahead of time - you can't just drink the gatorade on race day - juice up before hand. We also stock up on pedialyte popsicles. They don't taste very good, but it does help.


New member
When my son races (especially in the summertime) we pump him up with gatorade days/weeks ahead of time - you can't just drink the gatorade on race day - juice up before hand. We also stock up on pedialyte popsicles. They don't taste very good, but it does help.


New member
Hi Ben

I bet you are losing potassium magnesium and calcium when you are working out. Magnesium with calcium should take away or reduce your cramps. I would seriously look into taking them but of course ask your doctors.


New member
Hi Ben

I bet you are losing potassium magnesium and calcium when you are working out. Magnesium with calcium should take away or reduce your cramps. I would seriously look into taking them but of course ask your doctors.


New member
Hi What kind of motorcycle racing ? sounds like enduros or cross country??? we are here in district 17. I just bought my nephew cody a kx-65 !!! hes starting to rip.he has cf . Any way I have been hearing not so good things about the sport drinks , better off with good ol h2o and salt or quinine combo.


New member
Hi What kind of motorcycle racing ? sounds like enduros or cross country??? we are here in district 17. I just bought my nephew cody a kx-65 !!! hes starting to rip.he has cf . Any way I have been hearing not so good things about the sport drinks , better off with good ol h2o and salt or quinine combo.


Hi angel4us!
I race in a sport called Trials. We go through obstacle courses in the woods...pretty much going over large rocks, ledges, steeps hills, etc.
I have tried water..gatorade..propel..various other sports drinks. I usually start drinking a few days before events. For some reason I just can't stop my cramps from coming on. It certainly won't stop me from riding though! Oh and I ride in District 23...I am the Vice President of the MN Trials club here so I am "lucky" enough to go to all the D23 fights..I mean meetings! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Hi angel4us!
I race in a sport called Trials. We go through obstacle courses in the woods...pretty much going over large rocks, ledges, steeps hills, etc.
I have tried water..gatorade..propel..various other sports drinks. I usually start drinking a few days before events. For some reason I just can't stop my cramps from coming on. It certainly won't stop me from riding though! Oh and I ride in District 23...I am the Vice President of the MN Trials club here so I am "lucky" enough to go to all the D23 fights..I mean meetings! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Oh and thanks to everyone for the suggestions! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> I have noticed that since I have started taking Calcium supplements the cramps aren't quite as bad..maybe I should add potasium to the mix too!
Thanks again!


Oh and thanks to everyone for the suggestions! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> I have noticed that since I have started taking Calcium supplements the cramps aren't quite as bad..maybe I should add potasium to the mix too!
Thanks again!


New member
I drink two bottles of pedalyte (oral electrolyte solution) a day it works wonders, not just with loss of salt but with keeping sinuses clear and it helps you breath better.