swelling ankles - new med


New member
Okay, I caught another cold and it is eating my lungs up again. Doctor put me on a new med called Avelox. It is in the same family at Cipro. Anyway, my ankles are beginning to swell which they sometimes did when I took Cipro and when I mention it to the doctors they tell me to just drink more water. Anyone have a better suggestion? I am drinking lots more water and the med is clearing me up and I've only taking it for two days.



New member
Uhmm I dont know if there's really anything to it but when I have the medicine induced swelling happening I try to keep my feet up and drink cranberry juice or water. Mostly though they just end up swollen <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> nice huh. I know I'm a lot of help. Sorry.


New member
I took Avelox for my sinuses. I never had any problems with my ankles. I did get terrible headaches tho. Dont know if the swelling ia a side affect. Honeselty I dont usually read the paperwork that comes with the meds. They all have side affects so until its bad enough I just chalk it up as another weird thing. Swollen ankles is a common thing in CF (apparently) since that is one of the questions I am always asked & they always check my ankles. I have never had that problem. Not even while pregnant!