ARe indoor heated pools (or for that matter, even outdoor heated pools) worse for growing pseudomonas and other bacteria than say an outdoor unheated pool? What about if you own your own pool? Any extra precautions?? If you keep it very clean and well chlorinated does that help inhibit the growth of bacteria?? We have a hot tub and our ds does get in it occasionally. However, we cleaned it really well with lysol when we first bought it (the type that says it works agains pseudo, cepacia, etc.) and keep the chemical levels adjusted just right plus use an ozonator in addition to the bromine. And, we don't allow anyone in it when they're sick and for that matter, allow VERY few people in it other than our immediate family. Is it still dangerous for ds to be in?? If so, is there anything we can do to make it safer or do we just need to stop allowing him in it? He loves it. By the way, he's 6 and relatively healthy lung-wise. His main problem is the sinuses. Thanks.A concerned Mom