Symptoms - self diagnosis.


New member
So since being out of the hospital I've been feeling great. Energy great, cough great, just feeling great. This morning I was also feeling fine too. That being said, this afternoon and evening has been hell for me. It starting out this just suddenly feeling really tired. My sugars were kind of low as well for a bit, so I took something to take care of my sugars, and they stabilized. The tiredness didn't go away, and then suddenly I starting to feel really dizzy to the point where when I got up form the couch to walk to my bedroom, everything began to swim in front of me and I blacked out for a second. I layed down for a while, and the dizzyness started to subside, and I succumbed to sleep for the past two hours. I just woke up with a monster headache, dizzy again, and felt like I had to throw up. Well I did. I brough up my whole lunch. Now I have a fever of 101.2 and I've got the chills and my body aches. What's going on with me? COuld I have caught something in the hospital that suddenly overtoke me? My chest is even feeling a bit tight right now too. I'm a little freaked out. Any thoughts?

The only thing I did out of the norm was take an allergy pill this morning - reactine. And the woman who I was sharing a room with the past few days had bronchitis. I don't think its bronchitis, but I'm worried.


New member
1st of all, I'm appauled that they had you share a hospital room with someone with bronchitis. That's horrifying.

2nd of all, if you're having a fever, that means you're fighting something. Either a bacterial infection or viral infection.

Some bacteria subside while on antibiotics - then once antibiotics are gone, the bacteria come back with a vengence. I'm not saying that's your case - but it's something to think about.

Other than that, I'm quite puzzled. Your CF is mild and you haven't had much trouble with bacteria. I'd call your doc 1st thing in the morning. And drink a ton of water...

Keep us posted on what the doc says.


New member
I was appalled as well. She came in, and my nurses told me she had COPD, and then I overheard her telling her friend who was visitng that she had bronchitis. I was then told by my nurse that it wasn't contagious. Stupid I know. I still have the fever, it hasn't changed at all, and now I'm feeling miserable. I called the health links number and the nurse told me to call 911 and to loosen my clothing and chew up some aspirin with water. Its like because of my chest pain she thinks I'm having heat problems or something. I can't get ahold of my doc till tuesday, being a long weekend and all, but the more I think about it, the more I think I should go to emerg when Cory gets home. I'm starting to freak myself out by thinking worse cases now lol. I'm lilke, what if its Cepacia, oh no. I'm sure it isn't, but I tend to do this when I'm sick.


New member
i feel ya. I get panic-y myself.

just trust yourself. if you feel that you need to go to the ER - go. you will never feel stupid for going to the ER to find out that you're a-OK. and you'll sleep better. you'll definitely feel stupid if something is going on and you don't go to the ER.

i have to tell you i've had random fevers myself. my head feels a bit hot, then i sleep a ton, and i wake up feeling just fine. no fever and lungs feel better.

i don't know much about diabetes - i wish i did. perhaps it has something to do with your sugars? i could be way off.

keep us posted girl. we'll be thinking about you <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I hope you dont have bronchitis. Why would they put you in a room with someone with it? I dont know if bronchitis is contagious or not, but I stay away from people that have bronchitis, pneumonia, flu...anything to that nature, specially since my immune system is compromised anyway. I rather be safe than sorry. I would have raised quite a fuss if they had me in a room with someone who was sick with any respitory infection, contagious or not. My mother-in-law was put in the hospital w/ bronchitis, she was fine Thursday morning, coughing thursday night, in the ER friday morning....still in the hospital as of Sunday night. So, it could happen that fast. I hope you dont have that, maybe its something that can be fix with some oral antibiotics. Keep us updated.


New member
I had a similiar thing happen once when I had been doing iv's and was feeling good and fine but then towards the end I spiked a fever, got dizzy, vomiting, they couldn't figure it out then called it "drug posioning" where basically my body just had a general reaction to the meds in general, so my body screamed "enough is enough, I'm not used to this and I can't take it anymore". Just another experinece to throw into the mix. I hope they can find some answers for you! I'll be keeping fingers crossed for you it's easily fixable. *hug* Scary stuff.

Littledebbie not logged in


Staff member
Liz, I hope you're doing okay! How horrible that they put you in a room with someone with COPD. I get a little edgy when I'm at the clinic, church, etc. and there's an older person nearby (usually on oxygen) with a productive cough. I can't help but think they may have something growing similar to what cfers.

Hopefully you're just having a reaction to the ivs or you picked up a stomach bug while shopping at walmart. L


New member
Whats up Liz? It could be viral, it could be bacterial. It could be drug withdrawal (LOL). Let us know whats up, Hon!


New member
Sorry to hear about this Liz! Update us when you can!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Digital opinion leader
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

I had a similiar thing happen once when I had been doing iv's and was feeling good and fine but then towards the end I spiked a fever, got dizzy, vomiting, they couldn't figure it out then called it "drug posioning" where basically my body just had a general reaction to the meds in general, so my body screamed "enough is enough, I'm not used to this and I can't take it anymore". Just another experinece to throw into the mix. I hope they can find some answers for you! I'll be keeping fingers crossed for you it's easily fixable. *hug* Scary stuff.

Littledebbie not logged in</end quote></div>

Josh had a similar thing happen with his medicine Debbie. Fever, vomiting etc. It stopped as soon as he stopped the medicine. Is Liz done with hers?


New member
I had this happen before while getting close to the end of my IV's. It turned out the bacteria had developed resistence to my current drugs. It previously was not resistent. It was kind of the bacteria giving me an f-u and coming on stronger. Needless the say I ended up back in the hospital to start a different set of antibiotics. I hope this is not the case here, but that was my experience.


New member
Hey guys. I'm back. I got back from emerg at 8am this morning, and have been sleeping since. They wanted to keep me over night for observations. They did a bunch of blood work, and found that my white blood cell count was double of what it should be, and wasn't entirely too sure why - maybe something viral, or to do with the IVs I had had. I was also dehydrated so I ended up sucking back 3 giant sized bags of sodium chloride through IVs, and they also put me on insulin, because my sugar spiked, and I had a mild case of Ketoacidosis. I'm doing fine this morning. My sugar finally went down around 4am this morning, and the emerg doc just wants me to carefully montior my sugars to make sure nothing goes out of control again, and to follow up with my CF and diabetic doc. My O2 also went down to 92% during the night, and they said this was most likely due to the ketones because it can cuase shortness of breath and rapid breathing which I did have. I tell you, that was a scary episode last night, but I'm feeling a-ok today!


New member
Glad to hear that your feeling better AGAIN!!!!! Take care and take it easy.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Glad you're feeling better Liz. Bronchitus is definitely contagious - can't believe you were in the same room as some1 with it. Bloody nightmare! Never mind, least you're on the mend.

Take care.

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


New member
I don't think bronchitis is always contagious. Bronchitis is an infection deep in your lungs that you get due to a flu or cold. Its viral. People with suppressed immune systems should just stay away from it just in case.