I can understand an adult taking a break from enzymes. I'm DDf508, completely PI since birth, major failure to thrive, severe stomach aches every day, constapation, the works. In my early 20's, my weight went up a bit. Out of curiosity, I stopped taking enzymes completely. I had an ocassional stomach ache after eating certain foods (fats, some dairy, too much wheat) and so I tweaked my diet around Much to my surprise not only did I maintain my weight but actually had to start DIETING to keep from getting too chubby! Now I am in my early 40's and have never looked back. My GI health has been great for over 20 years, no greasy CF poos. My weight is good, a little too high if I dont watch what I eat, and my digestion is awesome, no more constipation or stomach pain. Even better, my vitamin and mineral levels are all in the normal range, with no supplements. The docs retested me, and I'm not putting out any enzymes, my pancreas is pretty kaput. They think I have carefully colonized specific bacterial strains in my gut to digest for me. Its pretty cool.