Taking a survey


New member
I was wondering how many sweat tests people have had. If the first one was positive did the drs leave it at that or did they do another one? Or if it was negative how long did it take for them to do another test?? I have talked to so many people who have negative sweat tests and then turned out to be positive.


New member
False negatives are common. Especially if the test isn't done at a CF center. I had a sweat test when I was 6 months old (this was back in 1984, and my mother tells me back then they couldn't do a sweat test on babies any younger than that), but they were already pretty sure I had it. I had meconium ileus when I was born, and had other symptoms. They did the sweat test kind of as a formality, and I was way over the borderline. So in my case, I only had one sweat test done. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I ended up having 2 sweat tests. The 1st one was close to the borderline, (it was still over, just close). Then we repeated it and it was above. I was 10 when I was diagnosed.
My niece had only one I believe, she was diagnosed at 2 wks.
27 y.o. with CF


New member
I only had one. I was diagnosed at 6 weeks old because my older brother had it so they tested me and sure enough it was positive .

Nicole 22 CF


New member
I too only only had one sweat test...I was about 6 months old as well. They told the same thing to my parents...about being able to get enough sweat when an infant is about 6 months old. I was tested in 1973...things have changed alot since then. My brother was tested at birth in 1980 for a positive test as well.
31 w/CF


New member
I had 2 or 3 when I was 13 and they were negative. Then I had 2 when I turned 30 and they we're both positive. Eva


New member
I was 7 months old. They already suspected CF and my WAY over the high end (60 is definitely pos., I was 120-something) confirmed it definitively. No others were needed. Mine was performed at a major CF center - Children's in Dallas, TX


New member
I had two. The first was negative then I had a rectal prolapse, they tested me again when I was 18months and it was positive...the 2nd one was at my CF Care center.
Emily 22 pwcf


New member
Well since I had meconium ileus, they sort of had a hunch that I may have CF. I did have one sweat test though, when I was an infant that confirmed CF.


New member
I was diagnosed right away. My older sister had CF and her CF doc diagnosed it. Apparently the first thing he did was lick my face!! It was salty so he said yes i probably have CF but I also had a formal test done. That doc was really over the top and I never went back to him becasue of his strange ways but he was right. I am pretty sure that wouldnt fly now days. That was in '82.


New member
I had one. I was diagnosed at birth due to meconium ileus and a little later had a sweat test to confirm.


New member
I was the third child born out of three. At age 7 we went north to visit family, and when we returned home I started coughing... My mom took me to all the pediatricians in San Diego. No one could think of why I was coughing, but one doctor decided to do a sweat test, and low-and-behold it was discovered that I had CF. My sisters were put through the grooling test, and they were free from it.

7 Year post-tx


New member
I had five sweat tests done, I was 15 months and by the time they were done with all my diets and stuff I weighed 12lbs, then they decided that I "might" have a "hint" of CF and my parents should take me to Toronto (4 hrs. away). It depends really on where you get it done, and plus now-a-days they're a lot better at it.

Ashley 20 w/cf


New member
I only had one sweat test done ( I was 2 at the time, and had never been sick or underweight) then my brother was born, and my parents doctor sent them to Cleveland to get a test done because he was so sick...he only had one as well. They tested me just because of the genetics stuff.