Taking enzymes with meals and timing?


New member
I couldn't think of how else to word the topic, but how long would you all say you could take enzymes AFTER having eaten a full meal without having ill effects and having the pills still do their job? I've thought it was up to 30 min. Anyone have ideas? Thanks


New member
One time I took them an hour after eating and I still didn't have a problem. But normally I try to take my enzymes before meals because it's easier for me to remember. I usually carry a film container full of 'em in my purse. That way I don't have to worry about it if I go out to eat or something like that.

Not sure if that's quite the answer you were looking for, but I hope that helps you. ^_^


New member
Well....I too carry a pill holder key chain on my keys. Its just sometimes I forget to re-fill it after the previous time. But its great. It holds 5 ultrace enzymes, its about an inch tall, cyliner, with a sealed screw-on top and its water resistant. I got them at CVS and they are fairly enexpensive too.


New member
I usually am ok taking them immediately before eating. On occaision (like going out for dinner or at a party) when eating becomes lengthy I have divided up my dose. Half before & half during. As a rule I dont have a problem taking them immediately before. If I wait until after I would forget.


New member
My nutritionist reccomended breaking up enzymes like JazzysMom does. =-) Well, during a big or particularly long meal, anyway.


New member
just wondering what kind and how many pills you guys take each day? my bro takes 7 pills of pancrease mt16 or something like that each time he eats anything.....just curious.


New member
Hey, I know I am behind times but was just looking thru posts and found this one. This has been a ? at our house as well. Holly takes hers right after a meal. Her cousin takes his before the meal. We have always wondered about this. Her mom called CF clinic and they said either is fine as long as she takes them right after the last bite of her meal and not with milk. Not to wait more than 30 minutes after. Our question has always been if you take them before how do you know how many to take. We adjust how many according to how much she eats. 3 if a full meal but if she just eats a small amount then only 2.


New member
I usually eat about the same amount every day so I pretty much know my standard dose. However; if I am out or something is going to be different, I start with a lower dose (which I always take immediately before I eat) & add to it if I see I need to. This applies when the meal becomes lengthy like at party or something. If I am going to "graze" the whole time instead of actually sitting & eating a full meal then I cut the dose down even more & take it accordingly. Its hard when dealing with little ones because you dont always know how much or what they will eat. If in doubt start with the lower amount & add to it. If you start with the higher amount & its not needed it can cause a belly ache/constipation.


New member
Kait takes 5 creon 10 with each meal. if she waits to take them after then she forgets, the docs have told us that it is better for her to take them before the meal instead of after, i don't know if it is because she forgets or what!!! Also i have never heard of not taking enzymes with milk, all we were ever told was not to take them with bananas! Kait takes her enzymes with milk almost every morningA!!!! Guess i will have to ask the docs, she does sometimes complain of a belly ache though.

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
My daughter takes some before and some after for large meal like dinner and for a small snack it is generally at the beginning cos they seem to work better if mixed through the food rather than just landing on top of it in your stomach!! Also our CF dietician has calculated approx how much fat she was eating and the amount of creon she was taking and was able to give us an average of 1 creon for every 4-5g of fat consumed. It makes it much easier to work out how many creon to give her - just looking at the wrappers on food and dividing fat content by 4 approx. Everyones average would be different but it does make it very easy for her to work out her creon herself if she is away from home


1 daughter 8 w/cf, 1 son and 1 daughter w/o cf


New member
This is a question that is different for everyone. Really i believe taking the enzymes before, after or during is up to the individual and what works for them. Because each person takes a different enzyme and amount, eats differently. Whatever works you should stick to. I take mine after because I never know how much I'm going to eat. Depending on the brand of enzyme (you can find out by reading the leaflet that comes with the bottles) the enzymes work 30 min. So if you take them before you have 30 min to eat for the enzymes to work or you eat and take enzymes and they work for 30 min. the foods not going anywhere anyway. Again whatever you find works best for you or your child. I raed somewhere the other day that it takes over an hour for cows milk to digest in a normal stomach. That could be the reason why the doctors said not to take with milk. Porbably another reason why milk can give stomach aches. If she is having problems with milk try taking half the enzymes before and the rest after. So that it can start digesting the milk and then the rest later.