Talking to the doctor about a transplant


New member
So i went to have cf day today, and he didn't have time to answer all my questions. So instead he is going to call me on Tuesday, but I'm kinda nervous about a few things that are kinda pointless. How do I make it not awkward asking him stuff over the phone? Can you give me an example of how I should start the phone call and how I should end it and when I should ask all my questions? I have all my questions written down to remember but imcworried about the conversation itself. Help?


Super Moderator
I'd just start very frankly, with "thank you doctor so much for taking the time to talk to me. Now that I'm getting older and preparing to take charge of my CF and care, I have lots of questions running through my head, and I'm hoping you can help with them. I made a list. Would it be okay if I just go through the list and ask so I don't forget anything?" And then just walk through the list, question by question. If he says "no need to worry or discuss now," and it is something on your mind, you could easily say "I understand this isn't something near-term, but it is something I'm worried about, so is there a quick answer that would help me calm my nerves." And then at the end just let him know how much you appreciate his time. If you wanted too, then you could send a donation (even a small one) to the CFF after with in it "honor of" the doctor for his/her compassion. and they'll send a notice that you sent it (without the amount). Our son's CF doctor did that for me when we were new to the diagnosis and my head was spinning. And now that you are getting ready to take over your medical regime you are basically in the same boat. Maybe post some of your questions and get some general responses here first so that you have a more educated question to ask, too. Good luck.