Tattoo togeather


New member
My name it Thomas Miller i'm 20 And have CF. I Recently read and replyed to the tattoo too topic. I don't know what king of responce i will get to this but why dont thoes of up who have/want tats get a simple design togeather and all have it inked. I think from knowing my own artist he might do it for free. I really like the Breathe some one else spoke of haveing but something original would be really cool. I've always personaly promised myself if i ever get a transplant if i know the doners name it will be inked on me symply out of respect. But having decided not to be a part of the trans. program this i truly belive would be better. Personaly i've wanted something on my neck .if thoes like me could raise awareness with a highly visable tat who knows where it could go!! Well hope to here from anyone with a comment feel free to e-mail me.


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here in Germany we have pins with a pair of angel wings as a sign for cf.The money is going to the cf-organizations. You can have a look on the following webside:
Maybe you could use that.



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I am not completely opposed.. As I am sort of a professional the neck idea is out of the question for me.

Luke 29/CF and counting down until 30


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Hi. My name is Jessica and my little nephew has cystic fibrosis and I would love to get a tattoo that symbols the disease. Maybe a rose? I don't know, what do you think?


New member
aww come on man. Guns and roses found it manly enough. hell id do it. but i dont have cf and in not old enough for one


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good point... GunNRoses Rocked. How many people out there have tried to change their guns-n-roses tats into velet revolver tats?


New member
What about having "65Roses" put on? I'm getting a tattoo for my birthday this year, but I actually never thought about that idea. I'm 8 years post tx, but I don't know my donor's name, and I'm not sure if I'd want a name on me... Not all recepients know their donors after all it is all kept confidential unless "BOTH" parties want it known.


New member
I've been contemplating my next tattoo for maybe 6 months now. And as soon as someone makes a design that I like and I have the $, I'm getting "65" and a rose tattooed somewhere on me. But the same as the other people said, I can't have it be a noticeable place like my neck because of my hopeful profession.


New member
I would advise against such, Emily. Remember that tatoos are (fairly) permanent, though this disease may not be. I despise my illness (however comparatively minor it may be to yours) and would never think of branding myself in such a way. Better to place it in the back of your mind and try to live as normal a life as you are able, than to give it dominion over your body, even in the form of a tattoo. Unless you really, truly love roses.

-Zachary D.

"Nobilitas sola est atque unica virtus" -Juvenal


New member
I've always liked the idea of a tiny "BREATHE" on my chest somewhere, heh. I don't know if I'll ever go through with it, though <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Zachary: I hate what cystic fibrosis does to people but I also acknowledge it as a part of me. It's helped to shape who I am, no matter how much I like it.. not just physically, but mentally. It's given me different views of the world and unique experiences. I don't think getting a CF-related tattoo says "this disease controls me", I think it says "I'm proud and aware of who I am". Just another way to view it, I guess <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Uli, the angel wing pins are really cool! I noticed they are in the shape of a heart.

Thomas, I'm not really the type of person to get a tattoo, but I think this would be a great idea. Well, the highly visible part might be a problem for some people who mentioned problems with work. Someplace unoticeable, though, like the upper arm or on the back. I don't know what the tattoo would be, though; Roses aren't that feminine, especially if there is a 65 next to them. I was thinking maybe even a rose with falling petals. That would be even more symbolic. I remember someone talking about a tattoo they got that was the official CF symbol, it looked sort of like a celtic design if I remember right. Also, like I said before, the angel pins from Germany are very cool, though a little feminine. Maybe if they were spread out more to llook like lungs... well, I guess that would be a little too much. =-) Or maybe tattoos of little angel wings on our backs... Or maybe big tattoos ofwings on our backs! Okay, I'll shut up now before mymind goes totally out of control, but I think it is a really good idea.

22 w/cf


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For one, I already have a tattoo. I like them, I want another. For two, I don't see my CF ever really going away. Even if they come up with some kickass treatments or "cures," there's already damage done. And for three, I agree with Emma. I'm not getting this as 'IT CONTROLS ME AHHHHH," I'm getting it more as "woohoo, I'm awesome." CF has done a lot of good for who I am, and I'm proud of it. I'm doing it (whenever I find the $) in a positive light.


New member
I couldn't do upper arm tattooes with my job either.. It'd have to be, say, an ankle or something. I've always figured that tattoo would go on one of my ankles. But it doesn't have the be the same place for everyone anyway.


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr>It's given me different views of the world and unique experiences.<hr></blockquote>

You mean like breathing into a compressed nubulizer unit? Wow, what a unique experience.

<blockquote>Quote<br><hr>I don't think getting a CF-related tattoo says "this disease controls me", I think it says "I'm proud and aware of who I am". Just another way to view it, I guess<hr></blockquote>

I guess.

-Zachary D.

"Nobilitas sola est atque unica virtus" -Juvenal


New member
More like... Having something like CF really makes you appreciate what you've got where others are just rushing through life, not being happy with anything they've got. It makes us enjoy the little things. I laugh in the rain. I take walks in over a foot of snow and smile in the silence. If you don't look at CF as ONLY giving you meds and treatments, it doesn't. It's given me a lot more than that. Try looking at it that way.